Where are the gun enthusiasts? Part 2

i have owned guns in the past and may so in the future. i can easily say "GUNS KILL PEOPLE". it's like if you say it, then your whole theory is crushed. pretty lame.

man up and admit the truth. they don't call them "deadly weapons" for nothing.

same as pitbull owners, "oh, my dog isn't mean". yes it is, it was breed to be. that why you own it in the first place.

why not a BB gun? since you aren't killing anything? you can shoot a can with a bow and arrow.

keep up the lie. :clap:
if only gun nuts could at least admit the truth. a guns sole purpose is to KILL. it doesn't have a stun setting.

guns make things so much easier.


And that is where you are wrong. Most people who have a gun do not carry one with the intention to kill.

Guns are used for recreational shooting, which is a big past time favorite among many many people.

And they are also used for personal and home prtoection.

However, they are one of the least likely ways to die.

Cancer, heart disease, knife stabbing, accidents, those are the real culprits.

Instead of giving you guys more statistics on how people die, Ill just give you a link

Lets get real. Banning guns will not end gun crime. Just like prohibition did not end alcohol.

It just simply wont work. It will only disarm people who use them for recreational and self defense.

I dont think a gang member will be like "oh damn, the government put a ban on guns, I guess I should give mine up."

Nope that wont happen, because he is the one who doesnt have a CHL, or a registered weapon. He is already carrying illegaly.

You only punish those who legally carry a gun. Not the ones who illegaly carry them.

You also put innocent people at risk without a chance to defend their own life.
More than half of all gun deaths are suicide.
Not murder, or armed robbery, or accidental. Its fucking suicide man, do you think a gun ban will stop suicide?

Do not compare me to government. Ever.
The US government lies about the beneficial uses of mary jane and still classifies it as a controlled substance.
I state facts and statistics and I still believe in a thing called freedom. Much different than the government.

My point is that guns dont kill people, people kill people.
Yes you are right, if there were no guns we would see a drop in gun deaths. But then we will see a rise in knife deaths. And then brutal beating deaths. And then bomb deaths.
People will not stop killing people because they dont have a gun.

In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.
In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.
By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.
In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.
In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).
In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).
That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US
Don't get mad at me. I'm all for the 2nd amendment. I'm just anti-propaganda, which you were regurgitating.
i'm not talking about banning guns. i'm simply asking that you be honest. guns were made to KILL. why can't you admit that?
i have owned guns in the past and may so in the future. i can easily say "GUNS KILL PEOPLE". it's like if you say it, then your whole theory is crushed. pretty lame.

man up and admit the truth. they don't call them "deadly weapons" for nothing.

same as pitbull owners, "oh, my dog isn't mean". yes it is, it was breed to be. that why you own it in the first place.

why not a BB gun? since you aren't killing anything? you can shoot a can with a bow and arrow.

keep up the lie. :clap:


Why the need to have a deadly weapon around to shoot cans? Sounds like a compensation issue to me.
so you are suicidal and you have a gun and a phone. the gun is much easier to use. now take the gun away. are you going to beat yourself to death with the phone, or maybe just call for help?

if you take a handful of pills at least they can pump your stomach. not much you can do with a handful of brains.

if only gun nuts could at least admit the truth. a guns sole purpose is to KILL. it doesn't have a stun setting.

guns make things so much easier.


Guns, of course, were made to kill. That doesn't mean that their sole purpose is to kill.
Like I've stated so ...many ...times ...already - I own a gun that I use exclusively for target practice. It has never killed, nor will it, in my hands. :peace:

Why the need to have a deadly weapon around to shoot cans? Sounds like a compensation issue to me.

We drive around in deadly weapons all day. I'm much more dangerous with my car than I am with my gun.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I own a gun because I am compensating: compensating for the lack of bullet holes in inanimate objects. :twisted:
i'm not talking about banning guns. i'm simply asking that you be honest. guns were made to KILL. why can't you admit that?

Guns, of course, were made to kill. That doesn't mean that their sole purpose is to kill.
Like I've stated so ...many ...times ...already - I own a gun that I use exclusively for target practice. It has never killed, nor will it, in my hands. :peace:

told ya you couldn't admit it.


Admit what, now? :lol:
I have stayed quiet for a while on this subject to see how it pans out. I will admit without any problems that guns CAN kill. Technically its the projectile that kills, the firearm is just a means of deliverance. Sure i could kill things with my firearms, i have harvested wild game with my firearms, some are mounted on the wall, others are mounted in a picture frame and some are mounted in my memories, i have been on the receiving end of gun(s) and the delivery end of the gun, i have taken them apart and put them back together, i have sold them, traded them, bought them, collected them and grown up around them to know what they can do and appreciate all that they have done for us. I have seen first hand in almost every possible way what potential is held within a firearm both the good and the bad. This is a touchy subject for everybody and i really dont care about "sides" of the issue. It is an industry all to itself, just like pornography, pot, alcohol and so on. I believe we can all agree that guns will be around no matter what, just like pot is around no matter what. There is a never ending battle on issues like guns, drugs, sex, immigration and all that junk. WHO CARES!!!! its a mindless waste of time to get political about it in my opinion. We pour resources into a lost cause in order to "keep up appearances". I understand that most people will never use a gun to kill, maybe it was a single-action revolver that your grandfather gave you. But in the event of a life threatening situation, i bet you would be glad you have something more than a bat, broom or cell phone...
I have stayed quiet for a while on this subject to see how it pans out. I will admit without any problems that guns CAN kill. Technically its the projectile that kills, the firearm is just a means of deliverance. Sure i could kill things with my firearms, i have harvested wild game with my firearms, some are mounted on the wall, others are mounted in a picture frame and some are mounted in my memories, i have been on the receiving end of gun(s) and the delivery end of the gun, i have taken them apart and put them back together, i have sold them, traded them, bought them, collected them and grown up around them to know what they can do and appreciate all that they have done for us. I have seen first hand in almost every possible way what potential is held within a firearm both the good and the bad. This is a touchy subject for everybody and i really dont care about "sides" of the issue. It is an industry all to itself, just like pornography, pot, alcohol and so on. I believe we can all agree that guns will be around no matter what, just like pot is around no matter what. There is a never ending battle on issues like guns, drugs, sex, immigration and all that junk. WHO CARES!!!! its a mindless waste of time to get political about it in my opinion. We pour resources into a lost cause in order to "keep up appearances". I understand that most people will never use a gun to kill, maybe it was a single-action revolver that your grandfather gave you. But in the event of a life threatening situation, i bet you would be glad you have something more than a bat, broom or cell phone...

9 times outta 10 a "life threatening" situation won't require a gun. maybe just a sturdy chunk of rope. :bigjoint:

seriously though, do you have up to date fire extinguishers in your home?
9 times outta 10 a "life threatening" situation won't require a gun. maybe just a sturdy chunk of rope. :bigjoint:

seriously though, do you have up to date fire extinguishers in your home?

LOL. chunk of rope. But in all seriousness, I do have up to date fire extinguishers! thank god someone finally noticed! haha. I can handle gunfire, but i dont like to deal with real fire, strange i know.. Im not talking about bbqs or campfires either. I mean wildfires, housefires or anything larger than a garbage truck sized fire.
same here,much fun,I carry my glock 19 with me,but i have my ccdw license.I see nothing wrong with having guns.I think we will all be screwed if they were banned and it would be CHAOS EVERYWHERE!!!