Where are the gun enthusiasts? Part 2

Please be careful with statements like this ... Guns made the US free, a peoples rebellion made the U.S. ... The guns were just tools. Granted without them we'd be drinking Earl Grey instead of Folgers, but they were just tools. The freedom came from us being smart enough to not stand in a straight line like a shooting gallery for the brits to shoot us, we hid in the bushes and sniped with long range rifles.

The riflemen, General Washington, and other very smart militia leaders made our nation free, the guns were necessity in getting us free and I believe they are a necessity in keeping us free just as our founding fathers did.

Side note: While I agree that the last thing I would want to do high is do anything stupid with my guns, I'm still very cautious with my firearms when I get stoned. If I have people over they are locked in the safe, unloaded, and cable and/or trigger locked. If I'm alone they're just locked in the safe. Then again I don't drive stoned either because I simply can't stand feeling like 30 mph is akin to hyperspeed.


I hear you and that is a valid point. I just did not want to explain the details behind the statement. It was meant to have a generalized meaning. Without going into details of my history, i think its safe to say that the circumstances dictate the method of firearm possession. By growing my own greens, i am able to save money for new firearms or the ever rising cost of ammunition (even reloading takes brass, primers, powder, etc). I smoke the greens because it makes my history much easier to live with everyday. Its all a vicious cycle lol. I do have a safe that i keep my guns in at all times, with the exception of my carry piece. That stays near me at all times with a full mag. I do not and have not ever carried concealed with a round in the chamber unless im hunting, then i carry in the open. I practice shooting every week and while i do, i practice drawing from a concealed position, cocking the action back, aim and fire. This has all become a natural motion for me and allows me to feel comfortable while carrying concealed. Btw, i know what you mean sometimes about the driving 30mph lol. I dont like driving on the freeways when im stoned, i feel rushed all the time. haha...
GreatWhiteNorth - I gotta say man, that is one of the most impressive bull moose i have ever seen! That is DEFINATELY a trophy wall hanger! I would designated a whole cabin around that moose as the focal point!!! Bravo!
i keep a taurus judge in my bottom dresser, i once shot some birdshot at a guy trying to jack my father's tractor in the middle off the night.


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I hear you and that is a valid point. I just did not want to explain the details behind the statement. It was meant to have a generalized meaning. Without going into details of my history, i think its safe to say that the circumstances dictate the method of firearm possession. By growing my own greens, i am able to save money for new firearms or the ever rising cost of ammunition (even reloading takes brass, primers, powder, etc). I smoke the greens because it makes my history much easier to live with everyday. Its all a vicious cycle lol. I do have a safe that i keep my guns in at all times, with the exception of my carry piece. That stays near me at all times with a full mag. I do not and have not ever carried concealed with a round in the chamber unless im hunting, then i carry in the open. I practice shooting every week and while i do, i practice drawing from a concealed position, cocking the action back, aim and fire. This has all become a natural motion for me and allows me to feel comfortable while carrying concealed. Btw, i know what you mean sometimes about the driving 30mph lol. I dont like driving on the freeways when im stoned, i feel rushed all the time. haha...

No need to go into history man. I think it falls under personal preference. I 'feel' that the responsible thing to do as a gun owner is to have them 100% unshootable during times of intoxication with friends present, I keep the same policy for alcohol. When I carry I always carry in Condition 3 (locked and loaded) as I carry a mini 1911, so I always have a round in the chamber of my carry piece.

To quote a friend who came over and saw my gun on my comptuer desk.

"Is that thing loaded?"
"Yes, otherwise it's a $1200 paper weight."
"Oh, will it go off?"
"Not without help."

I don't believe in an unloaded weapon unless it's for a very specific reason. When I have kids (under 18) in my house, not only are they unloaded, locked in the safe, but their completely dissasembled as well. The AR's have the bolts removed, and the handguns have the slids and barrels removed.

I take safety above all else as I had two friends kill themselves with their parents guns when I was a teen. I don't blame the guns, I blame the parents and the kids themselves for their deaths the guns were just the chosen tool. I'm ultra anal about safety with my firearms. My worse fear as that durring a night of intoxication I'll be in a situation where I need my piece but have it inoperable because of the said intoxication. Thankfully the chances of that are slim, but none the less, it's still a fear.

Given that all my plants died and I'm giving up until we have legalization, I'm not worried about the 'grow and guns' aspect any more. Since my wife and I are thinking of having kids, I think it's better as a parent to not have a grow op going while children are around since I can stash up to an OZ with ease, but several 3' plants are rather obvious.

If we get legalization then all I have to tell my kid is "Daddy makes his own medicen" and leave it at that, with out legalization the converastions become much harder and I don't trust any small child to keep thier mouth shut, so I'm errring on the side of caution.

Well said! good post indeed. I can totally see your view on guns through your eyes now. I dont drink alcohol anymore and refuse to drink any for the rest of my life. I just dont like the stuff. As a future parent, your views on safety are everything that most people would expect if not a bit more. I dont disassemble any of my weapons except for cleaning and practice but that's definately a surefire way to keep them 100% unshootable. I know all too clearly the effects of accidental discharges. I feel you on that one my friend... But at least you still plan to keep smoking after you become a parent! Grats on not giving that up. Most of my friends stopped blazing after they became parents. Their loss means more pot for me!
o.k guys this will be my last post as i dont want to become a riu hate figure.lol i agree that shooting is fun as i am from a military background and theres not much better than having a good old go on a sa80 (u.k military standard weapon which i know is not as good as the us equivelant due to serious jamming issues in hot/cold/sand/mud). however i believe weapons of this nature should be what makes the difference between the military and the civilian. in the us in 2006 there were 30,000 gun fatalities. im not going to sit here and spout stats because i know you guys have heard all of this before so i'll tell you where my stance comes from. is your "right" to bear arms more important than the lives of innocent poeple effected by YOUR right to bear arms? i personally dont think so. i think life is more important than "fun". i also see the "i grew up around guns" point, however i know people who grew up around drunken fathers who beat their mothers, but surely progress is knowing whats good and whats bad? just because daddy was a red neck, wife beating, gun wielding drunk surely that is not what we should aspire to be? (i'm not in any way suggesting thatall you gun lovers are republican/drunks/rednecks.)
You don't understand, even if there is a gun ban that does not mean that guns will vanish. Here in the US there is a black market for everything including guns, that is why there is no purpose in a ban. Not only do I use my guns for fun but It's also my emergency reserve for anyone trying to rob or harm my family, there can also be natural disasters like Katrina where there will surely be looters and criminals trying to do harm to anyone and in a case like this families and neighbors need protection. Many people like yourself only look at the stats of how many people were killed by guns, do you know how many law abiding citizens saved lives by killing bank robbers, murderers, etc.. because they were carrying a gun?

o.k guys this will be my last post as i dont want to become a riu hate figure.lol i agree that shooting is fun as i am from a military background and theres not much better than having a good old go on a sa80 (u.k military standard weapon which i know is not as good as the us equivelant due to serious jamming issues in hot/cold/sand/mud). however i believe weapons of this nature should be what makes the difference between the military and the civilian. in the us in 2006 there were 30,000 gun fatalities. im not going to sit here and spout stats because i know you guys have heard all of this before so i'll tell you where my stance comes from. is your "right" to bear arms more important than the lives of innocent poeple effected by YOUR right to bear arms? i personally dont think so. i think life is more important than "fun". i also see the "i grew up around guns" point, however i know people who grew up around drunken fathers who beat their mothers, but surely progress is knowing whats good and whats bad? just because daddy was a red neck, wife beating, gun wielding drunk surely that is not what we should aspire to be? (i'm not in any way suggesting thatall you gun lovers are republican/drunks/rednecks.)
hmmmm. how many lives saved by vigilante justice compared to lives lost through gun crime etc. il check out the figures and get back to you. and the fact that they would still be available means they shouldn't be banned? heroins available, so is crack but i dont see a clamber to legalise those.
hmmmm. how many lives saved by vigilante justice compared to lives lost through gun crime etc. il check out the figures and get back to you. and the fact that they would still be available means they shouldn't be banned? heroins available, so is crack but i dont see a clamber to legalise those.

If they did I bet gun deaths, and gang violence would plummet.
Wise of you to get rid of it then, it sounds like. ;)

"He hates these cans!!!" Anyone guess the movie reference?

Isn't that The Jerk? that movie? haha that shit was funny.

But ya I think guns aren't good really. And I'm no longer violent unless I have to. But at the same time we are never - ever going to get to the point where we can get rid of every gun in the world. And maybe that's not even the best idea. So because of that, I will always have a gun for protection. I have a family.

I don't know when people got to the point to where they can trust politicians now... It doesn't seem like a good idea to me that's for sure. But how safe would it be for every american to be unarmed? Some may think that's safe cause the gang member's or whoever people are afraid of "won't have guns."

But people who use guns for illegal reasons on the street usually don't buy them from a fucking store that has all there information behind it. It's either stolen or brought back over from someone in the military trying to make extra money or whatever.

I just think it's stupid to give ALL the power to the politicians and government that's run by globalist bankers.
Isn't that The Jerk? that movie? haha that shit was funny.

But ya I think guns aren't good really. And I'm no longer violent unless I have to. But at the same time we are never - ever going to get to the point where we can get rid of every gun in the world. And maybe that's not even the best idea. So because of that, I will always have a gun for protection. I have a family.

I don't know when people got to the point to where they can trust politicians now... It doesn't seem like a good idea to me that's for sure. But how safe would it be for every american to be unarmed? Some may think that's safe cause the gang member's or whoever people are afraid of "won't have guns."

But people who use guns for illegal reasons on the street usually don't buy them from a fucking store that has all there information behind it. It's either stolen or brought back over from someone in the military trying to make extra money or whatever.

I just think it's stupid to give ALL the power to the politicians and government that's run by globalist bankers.

Correct! Excellent, my friend. +Rep for guessing the correct movie.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA) reports that there are over 300,000 disabling injurries in the workplace every year.
I guess we should ban working, in order to prevent injurries.

We should also ban walking, my grandma fell last year and broke her leg while walking.

And while we are at it, lets ban Doctors too....
There a more % of a doctor killing than a gun

1. The number of doctors in Canada is 700,000
2. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year
are 120,000
3. Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%
(Statistics courtesy of the Canadian Dept of Health
& Human Services)

1. The number of guns owned in Canada is 80,000,000
(yes that's 80 million)
2. The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all
age groups, is 1,500
3. The number of accidental deaths per gun is
(Statistics courtesy of the RCMP)

So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000
times more dangerousthan

Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (USA) reports that there are over 300,000 disabling injurries in the workplace every year.
I guess we should ban working, in order to prevent injurries.

We should also ban walking, my grandma fell last year and broke her leg while walking.

And while we are at it, lets ban Doctors too....
There a more % of a doctor killing than a gun

1. The number of doctors in Canada is 700,000
2. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year
are 120,000
3. Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%
(Statistics courtesy of the Canadian Dept of Health
& Human Services)

1. The number of guns owned in Canada is 80,000,000
(yes that's 80 million)
2. The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all
age groups, is 1,500
3. The number of accidental deaths per gun is

(Statistics courtesy of the RCMP)

So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000
times more dangerousthan

Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.


No mention of murder rates, or armed robbery.
How you gonna get mad at the government for weed propaganda when you're doin the same thing?
This obviously is not a gun enthusiasts thread, all this anti crap is giving me a headache. All I know is that when the SHTF I can defend myself, can you? Cause I sure as hell won't help you, hahaha!
No mention of murder rates, or armed robbery.
How you gonna get mad at the government for weed propaganda when you're doin the same thing?

More than half of all gun deaths are suicide.
Not murder, or armed robbery, or accidental. Its fucking suicide man, do you think a gun ban will stop suicide?

Do not compare me to government. Ever.
The US government lies about the beneficial uses of mary jane and still classifies it as a controlled substance.
I state facts and statistics and I still believe in a thing called freedom. Much different than the government.

My point is that guns dont kill people, people kill people.
Yes you are right, if there were no guns we would see a drop in gun deaths. But then we will see a rise in knife deaths. And then brutal beating deaths. And then bomb deaths.
People will not stop killing people because they dont have a gun.

In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we'll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.
In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.
By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.
In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.
In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).
In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).
That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US
so you are suicidal and you have a gun and a phone. the gun is much easier to use. now take the gun away. are you going to beat yourself to death with the phone, or maybe just call for help?

if you take a handful of pills at least they can pump your stomach. not much you can do with a handful of brains.

if only gun nuts could at least admit the truth. a guns sole purpose is to KILL. it doesn't have a stun setting.

guns make things so much easier.

so you are suicidal and you have a gun and a phone. the gun is much easier to use. now take the gun away. are you going to beat yourself to death with the phone, or maybe just call for help?

if you take a handful of pills at least they can pump your stomach. not much you can do with a handful of brains.

if only gun nuts could at least admit the truth. a guns sole purpose is to KILL. it doesn't have a stun setting.

guns make things so much easier.


Damn I been missing the point with all this target shooting at tin cans! Thousands of rounds fired and i've hardly killed anything! I guess I got it wrong. Thanks fdd i'll make sure I kill lots of people/animals from now on when i go shooting!

Can you say SARCASM!