Where else to store money?

I have 3 jobs i dont have time spend hours researching, only reply if you're going to put in a good answer. not because your father beat you and your having a bad day
Just make sure you bring a flashlight, and close the door before going in and out of the safe so no1 sees you
I was in Lowe's the other day. They had spray can safes. Can looked like a regular sized spray; the bottom could be removed to hide cash or whatever. Buy a case of these, I think about 24, fill them; all 24, with cash. Put it in your garage or closet....Chockfullonuts
money too much of a hassle for some? no but seriously build a pond out of waterproof containers and then weild the tops togother so you couldnt see the seperate containers through the water rough idea but it could work and fit a shit ton
Ecip6 said:
Why don't you clean it , open a small business ,get a loan , pay loan back with dirty cash , then sell the business !

Fuck it open a hydro shop. !! Lol

Ive always wondered if thats how the majority pop up.
You're putting money in sacks and burying it? You don't want it back? Why don't you just burn it? Ever see what happens to paper when it's in the dirt. Yes, lets keep paper in a dark damp place. Sounds perfect. You have it under control.
buy diamonds they will not break down when buried just put them in a threaded copper pipe fitting with a plug on each end
then when your ready to find it set your trusty handy dandy metal detector and go for a walk
Follow kramers lead and keep it in your refrigerator with your spare blood. Lol.

Sorry bro but no way would I post a thread like this. You should use your own brain for ideas you might surprise yourself.