Where else to store money?

I can tell the difference with a loop and I am not a jeweler.
The prices of diamonds are artificially high. The Dutch have shit locked down.
I can tell you that my wife's ring is worth a lot more than it was 11 years ago.

Nice :)

And yes breaking bad taught me not to cook meth if i want a family :)
I can tell the difference with a loop and I am not a jeweler.
The prices of diamonds are artificially high. The Dutch have shit locked down.
I can tell you that my wife's ring is worth a lot more than it was 11 years ago.

Diamonds are worthless. After you buy one try selling it and tell me how much you get for it.

Gold and Silver are the only real investments.

When China announces a Gold backed currency the price of Gold will skyrocket and the price of Silver will follow suit.

Why else is the Chinese government buying 60 billion dollars worth of Gold every month.

They also hold the3 exclusive right to buy all Gold mined in the entire country.
IMO also that this will not happen until the next market crash. Confidence in the market is being lost daily. Bernake is diluting the Dollar to keep the market floating

The days of paper trading will come to an end. I give it a decade at the most left.
I currently fill sacks then bury, where else can i store cash of 1-40grand?

You can easily fit 10 grand in hundreds plus a little packet of desiccant in a small peanut butter jar. It will still mold a little though. I had money buried for years and when I went to spend it really smelled moldy. All the store clerks would check the bills a little more carefully, kinda funny.
It's not the highest its ever been you know nothing about Gold
Oh I'm sorry it was the highest in the end of 2010 but it is still at the top of the market if you think buying at the top of the market is wise you go ahead and throw your money away like the rest of the misinformed sheep you know nothing about my knowledge and to call me out in a meaningless troll thread proves you're a troll too
I currently fill sacks then bury, where else can i store cash of 1-40grand?
A fireplace. Stored long enough it won't buy shit compared to today's value. If you need it to be cash and short term, burying is understandable. If you're attempting to preserve wealth for the long haul research some options that fit you. Precious metal is portable, land is tangible, art work can hide in plain site. Burying cash for the long term is not a good idea imo.
Oh I'm sorry it was the highest in the end of 2010 but it is still at the top of the market if you think buying at the top of the market is wise you go ahead and throw your money away like the rest of the misinformed sheep you know nothing about my knowledge and to call me out in a meaningless troll thread proves you're a troll too
So you're here in a troll thread calling people a troll while throwing out incorrect info, what's the word I'm looking for again....?