Where else to store money?

Alright, touche. At least you're taking precautions. Sorry for the harsh comments.

You must be selling a buncha blow jobs or girl scout cookies because we know you can't grow yet. Your posts in previous threads expose your lack of growing skills and knowledge.

yes a sell cookies to all the big people at the car park. lol and yes im just starting to grow because i have the money too :) and np alt
You must be selling a buncha blow jobs or girl scout cookies because we know you can't grow yet. Your posts in previous threads expose your lack of growing skills and knowledge.

Haha I'm with you. Does this look familiar.

  • [h=2]
    second pic is not under light, its around because it got too big lol, that one is taking its time going amber, and no i still dont fully understand where the trichs are​

Go find a book called "invisible money"
I just finished reading it, its pretty good.
Its all about using mostly cash, and where to hide it.

and then has a list of other books that you should read in the back, for more detailed ways to hide things.

also check this out.

i thought these were cool too, id probally get one some day.
^ Huge safe, that is hidden by you bed, so it dosnt take up space.
I wouldn't go with diamonds personally. There's too many synthetics that IMO at some point will cause Diamonds to plummet because even the best jewelers can't really tell the difference. Jewels in general aren't a bad idea, but I'd say gold and silver are the best. Personally I think Silver will be the next thing to really go threw the roof.
Gold is probably your best bet seems to be a good investment to me to, a year or 2 ago i was selling off some gold on ebay i sold a few grams of 14 K then some major shit happened in my life and i got busy and stopped selling it, at the time gold was selling for $700 an OZ, so anyways i recently was going threw some things and found that scrap gold again, so i just checked the price and its up to $1700 an oz, also you would be surprised at how little gold it takes to make an OZ, its some heavy shit.
He is a troll.. anyone one posting how to store money isn't smart enough to make it.. nor keep his mouth shut about it and is jacked or worse dead. I am sure he has a jar full of pennies he like to bury though.
this guy is talking straight out his ass. ask your mom to keep it in her panty drawer not many people would go there
Geez...buy a '57 Chevy or two and start trading up or find a place to park them on blocks, cover them, and just pay insurance. '57 Chevy's will just keep going up in value...of course when you liquidate you might have a problem explaing how they were purchased LOL.
Buy gold or silver like most everyone has suggested.
I wouldn't go with diamonds personally. There's too many synthetics that IMO at some point will cause Diamonds to plummet because even the best jewelers can't really tell the difference. Jewels in general aren't a bad idea, but I'd say gold and silver are the best. Personally I think Silver will be the next thing to really go threw the roof.

I can tell the difference with a loop and I am not a jeweler.
The prices of diamonds are artificially high. The Dutch have shit locked down.
I can tell you that my wife's ring is worth a lot more than it was 11 years ago.