Where the heck do illegal growers get 5,000+ plants?

"5000 clones is ~100 trays of 50....those 10 people would only have to make 10 trays each. Not impossible to do."

In terms of time and labor, it seems manageable, but 10 trays take up a lot of space. I'm living in a fairly spacious residence now with a big back yard and even for me, 10 trays of cuttings would leave a big footprint. Before, I was living in one-bedroom apartments for about 8 years and 10 trays of cuttings would have been too much to handle with two cats and another person living with me.

So I guess if you have access to a farm or similar setting, with maybe a barn and a greenhouse or two, you could start a bunch of clones out of sight of your nosy neighbors... but if you've got 10 human beings working as a "team," that's a lot of loose lips, potentially, lots of potential for one "team member" to decide they're not getting enough paid enough or that they dislike someone they have to work with... Inevitably someone would blab to a "friend" who would pass the info on to either an undercover cop or just some criminal scumbag who would decide to rip you off. At least that's what I would worry about... But obviously the black market operators have been making their business models work for decades, so they must have safeguards and procedures they can rely on.
Loose lips only happen when you dont pay well man. Loyalty has a dollar value I am afraid.
10 clones grown for eight weeks will make 100 cuttings, grown for another 8 weeks is 1000 cuttings.

50 clones on a tray to start with... Sounds like a nice winter project...

I hate it when someone gets busted for something weed related and I get cowed into feeling they did something wrong by the way the article reinforces old stereotypes.
10 clones grown for eight weeks will make 100 cuttings, grown for another 8 weeks is 1000 cuttings.

50 clones on a tray to start with... Sounds like a nice winter project...

I hate it when someone gets busted for something weed related and I get cowed into feeling they did something wrong by the way the article reinforces old stereotypes.
We still have it limit free haha so i know what you mean. Every bust I hear about anywhere on the planet hits me in the feels knowing how unfair it actually is. So weird
to have legal AND illegal weed
They are obviously using seeds guys. No criminal grower is going to baby 5,000 clones up into a forest somewhere. Maybe from your room to the garage. Not hiking them in.
Loose lips only happen when you dont pay well man. Loyalty has a dollar value I am afraid.
This is one reason I don’t get caught up in the economic side of shit. Too many greedy people out there, aside from money being an illusory, mayic human concept that leads to suffering over man’s unreal ideas.
clones clones and more clones these people are in it for the money they aren't looking to grow the bomb if it gets ya high it works 5000 plants spit between 10 people is 500 plants each that's nothing if u own a house ,barn hell a 10x10 shed would do
They are obviously using seeds guys. No criminal grower is going to baby 5,000 clones up into a forest somewhere. Maybe from your room to the garage. Not hiking them in.
like hell they wont , I can plant 100s in a few weeks after work with a school back pack loaded with a folding shovel and solo cups and don't forget your metal detector incase someone asked wtf your doing...…….imagine the money these people are making u think hiking is gonna bother them ? hell no
This is one reason I don’t get caught up in the economic side of shit. Too many greedy people out there, aside from money being an illusory, mayic human concept that leads to suffering over man’s unreal ideas.
Means to an end. At least you will be taking care of some families in a good way by paying employees well. Its all about what you put into communities mate, a solid community that can rely on you to be a regular boost to local economy will protect you like a national treasure.