Hey Guys, thanks for the responses.
ironheadxl-yes, the nodes are tight. I attribut this to the 400 watt MH that they are growing under. That and the fact that these are large high yeild plants. The Widow is actually a white widow skunk which is white widow crossed with northern lights and skunk. I think they just went all out. Very nice. The other widow cindy is white widow crossed with purple cindy. It is huge. Also I have LST'D these ladies to the max. A nice canopy, and on that I have fimmed several times all over. They are after all in their 7-8th week of veg! Also in seven gallon bags. And lastly I have been feeding some nice healthy teas.
Also ironheadxl I have grown poppies in fact. I bought it from Annies Annuals alive and they shipped it in the mail. Yeah, one day I got this funky catalogue from nowhere so I looked and saw a "Drama Queen" and it came in a box. I grew it and then when it started to look conspicous I brought it in the tent. That very day the cops came. I almost got it not for the pot but for the poppy! I tossed it, poste haste.
Bossman88188- I am shitting myself for that UFO to arrive. I cant wait. I am hoping it can veg those three for two months. If it is succesful I might buy more. The sky is the limit as I such a small grower with no kids albeit a crappy job I might one day be a led grower. I am a "green" hobbyist thanks to organic growing. Gives me a chuckle and something to do. lol.
Screw the pain, lol, but thanks for commenting. People think I am a drug addict. But, I am in good spirits nevertheless anyway.
Cloning is going ok. I will reveal my recent clone solution below.
For the grow. I have prepared some teas to be fed and not only that I have taken nine clones and prepared a special solution to help them I hope. I will not move on to flower unti I get some clones. I have decided not to keep a mother plant and just clone from the veg of each one. RR cloning is pretty easy. This will save me on space, money, nutes, soil, and energy. I am releived that this is possible as a solution.
A note. I also have a t5. The bulbs burned out prematurely. So I emailed HTG, next day they emailed me back they were sending replacements. They were apologetic. Very nice. The t5 is a good clone light. This was a while ago.
Also, Those damn Lowrider 2. I planned to have them done by the time I put the WWS and the WC into flower. Well, that is done as a future. Unless I veg the others for 4 months it looks like. So I may have to cut some of them down to stay legal!!! Time will tell. They are just starting still to show hairs. Long time. I want to let them die. ERRRRRR.
Clone solution.
1 gallon RO water
1 tbsp spt
2 tbsp liquid kelp
1 tsp indo bat guano
1 tsp flower power
1 tbsp hydroguard
1 drop superthrive
10 ml liquid Karma
all this in the clone tray and a spray bottle. First I cut the clones. Then I dip them in that solution. Then I recut them under water at a 45 degree angle. Then I dip them in Olivia's Cloning solution for a few minutes. Then I take a presoaked RR in the mix above turn it over and use an allen wrench to make another hole smaller than the factory made one. I then gently easily slide the clone inside. The RR with clone then goes into the tray with water holding insert 3/4 full of RO water and above solution. I give it six hours of darkness. Then lights on for 24 hours a day until I see roots and plant them in one gallon containers.

The veg tea.
3 gallons of RO water
3 tbsp of grow it green (BMO)
3 tbsp Super Plant Tonic (BMO)
2 tbsp Mex Bat Guano
6 tbsp fresh worm castings
3 cups of compost
3 tbsp of molasses
10 ml of cal mag
15 ml of hydroguard
I put this in a 5 gallon orange bucket. Then I add two airstones and bubble it for at least 24 hours. I should see lots of bubbles. If not I will add more molasses and organic material. I am going to try 2-3 quarts a gallon. I do not feed the whole max gallon any more as the runoff is insane.
Flower Tea
2.5 gallons of RO water
3 tbsp of bio bloom
1/2 tbsp of bio grow
5 tbsp fresh worm castings
2 cups of compost
10 ml of cal mag
10 ml of hydroguard
3 tbsp of molasses
2 tbsp of indo guano
I added this mix into a 5 gallon bucket. I added one large air bar to the tea. I will bubble for at least 24 hours. This will be added a few quarts to the LR2. I used the Bio Bizz on these this time as I want to save the BMO for the WWS and WC.
I will feed these to the girls either tomorw or the next day. It is funny the LR2 are prob going to be dead by then as they are drooping but I dont feel like watering them as they are angering me. Kinda with a sick sense of pride i will cut them all down one morphine loaded night. They are a let down.
The WC is amazing me. It has the best growth patterns I have ever seen. All the bottome branced are growing as high as the other upper branches. There is no wasted growth. It is nice. The other two are big and bushy but I dont think the care in the genetics went into them as they did this girl. They have smaller shoots that cant reach the canopy and I want to cut them sort of. I am training them all to get as much light. I have pushed the LR2 to the wall of the tent and have the three veggers int eh middle. I am hoping for trees and I may transition to a 1000 watter sometime in their flower. This is an obsession. I am a farmer now. My reg lettuce is good too. Rofl.
Here are the pics.