which brand of soil from lowes or depot


Well-Known Member
question about ph and ph buffering amendments

im starting with fox farm soil.. assuming its ph from the bag is proper

my well water ph is about ph 7.3 so the watering ph is already on the high end

is it still needed, required or advantageous to use a lime or oyster shell type ingredient in your re-charge amendment ?

therefore crabshell meal might be a better replacement over oyster shell in this case?

whereas oyster shell a better option if making potting soil from scratch to offset the peat?


Well-Known Member
I cut back on dolomite and mineral or rock type amendments when I use more than 10% used mix which is often. I use soft rock phosphate and green sand in base mix and don't add in remixes. I also use very fine limestone in the remix. What gets used during Grow is what I try to replace when reusing. Compost and peat get added and I am always conservative in adding more nutes in my reused mix. I don't let my used mix, which might be lying "fallow" in 30 gallon containers for months until reuse.


Well-Known Member
There aren't many good premade potting soils in my area.
The best I've found at regular shops is Yates Premium Potting Mix.
But I usually prefer Canna Terra Professional from hydro shops.


Well-Known Member
so I got my worm bin sitting and waiting on the worms

I put cardboard and leaf trimming and made it damp a few days ago

all the leaf trim is covered in mold

will that be ok for the worms?



Well-Known Member
I use the cheap Promix from Wal-Mart that's marked on the outside for flowers. Been using it for two grows after using my own mix. 1tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon. Added another 4 cups of perlite per gallon. Watered the first time with simple compost tea. Worm crap/black strap. Bubbled for 24 hours. Watered till run off.

3rd week. Hit them with some fish liquid. By the time the switch to flower. They've eaten up that nitrogen. Then it's your nutrient of choice. I use lab made salt stuff. Used every 4 waters. Plain water on the 5th. 4-1-4 cycle.

I'm growing some bubblegum and a strong sativa, no name.

The cheaper promix works fine. Sam Walton knows what's up.

Edit: That's a tablespoon per gallon not teaspoon.
You damn right Sam Walton knew what was up...If he was still alive he would have more money than Bill Gates and Steve Jobs....