Which do you find more offensive?

Which do you find more offensive?

  • Conservative talk radio

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • Rap music

    Votes: 14 40.0%

  • Total voters

is that like the 9th time you've used that exact same GIF?

too stupid to use words to express yourself?
Yes, formerly the user @fdd2blk

@UncleBuck you should post the PM's between you and sheskank begging you not to reveal his scheme. That alone proves everything else he's said is nothing but bullshit and his "but, but, I was just trolling" justification is nonsense and an afterthought in an attempt to save face. Don't buy that bullshit either

He's been using that handle to post the shit he's always wanted to without tarnishing his other persona he'd spent years building up. It's one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen a grown man do

I personally wouldn't even be involved in this if it weren't for the wretched shit he's said through his sheskank handle, or the fact that before the truth was revealed, he'd play nice to everybody that's against him right now, pretend, and be the complete opposite, offer advice, be a somewhat cordial guy.. In other words, he'd be nice to you to your face and talk shit about you behind your back

Decent guy, huh?
is that like the 9th time you've used that exact same GIF?

too stupid to use words to express yourself?

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!

Don't need Words to Laugh at a Racist, Bigoted, Foul Mouthed Trailer Trash.. Plus I happen to like that Gif a lot Bucktard..

You know what is offensive?

These new ads.

China made LED grow panels... at least be selective about your advertising.

Projection: is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

According to some research, the projection of one's negative qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.
What do i find offensive Christianity now how fucked up can that be seriously.. believing in a bunch of crap , myths and fairy tales
Projection: is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude.

According to some research, the projection of one's negative qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.

i agree, you are projecting your racism onto me, trailer trash.
i agree, you are projecting your racism onto me, trailer trash.

Really..? You are 100% Fruit Loop.. ...

are you this bitter all the time, vanilla face?

maybe on the inside, flour bag.

it takes an especially shameless hypocrite to try to accuse others of that which he is guilty of himself.

ummmm, didn't some lady die because your religious nutbag country refused her an abortion that they knew would save her life?
dumb dumb dumb.

you should pound me in the ass to really teach me a lesson while we're getting physical.


a homophobe like you is most certainly harboring some latent desires for a nice penis, no doubt.
yell any racial slurs at mexicans lately, bigot?

texans are really fucking dumb. really, really fucking dumb.
1 in 3 of the people in your state believe that humans and dinosaurs co-existed.
for fuck sake, how fucking stupid are you texans?

this is conservatives trying to revise history, not progressives you fetid accumulation of horse feces.

doer, you are off your fucking rocker. go start another muslim thread you dolt.

already established that he was making a joke you dumb racist POS.

don't have a heart attack, old man. unless, of course, it's the big one. one less racist loser would be doing the islands, and the world, a huge favor.

they're white, just like you. yet you're so fucking dumb.
thus, whiteness can't be the explanation.

i was on 16th street mall the other day and saw some dude peddling a bike and he looked so much like finshaggy that it took all my effort not to deck him in the back of the head.

it was quite literally instinctual. fists automatically tightened, body immediately oriented towards his direction, mind calculated punch trajectory to knock him off the bike in a direction to avoid personal injury, and all of this before i could even consciously realize what was happening.

i'm not a violent guy but it made me glad that i was so viscerally prepared to do my duty to God and country.

do you ever watch gladiator movies? ever heard of a prolapsed rectum? ever had one?

you seem upset. there is no need to be so upset. not about my trolling at least.
however, there is good reason to be upset about the AZ GOP & tea party trying to bully teachers who push back against their anti-education agenda. silencing those who wish to exercise their freedom of speech is never a good thing, unless we are talking about hate speech. but this is not hate speech they are trying to silence, so good reason to be upset remains.

[citation needed]

No one likes a single thing you have to say. Kill yourself skinhead.

i'm gonna blame the mexicans and fags for this.

when have i blamed muslim actions on america?
you don't even have to look to radical islam to see parallels to our treatment of the native americans. just look what is happening to peaceful muslims trying to set up a church in that shitty cesspool that you call home (the south).
you're an idiot who wants us to forget history so we can be doomed to repeat it, so that your bigotry and xenophobia is somehow seen as a good thing. it's not. you're a piece of shit, no better than the extremists you denounce.
choke on a sock, fucko.

well, at least you take ownership of the fact that you're a simple bigoted southerner.
that explains a lot.

anyhoo, you go on living in your bigoted southerner bubble of mental retardation, that same bubble where you work endless 112 hour weeks installing "greese" traps for your three tooth having, sister fucking daddy.

what a cunt.

the restaurant owners were warned about the violence that was bound to spring forth from the white culture it catered to, but they ignored the warnings.
five different rival gangs of white folks started shooting, stabbing, and beating each other to death at this restaurant.
these savage animals started shooting at the cops just for trying to ensure the safety of the innocent patrons who had to deal with this violent pack of whites. these poor innocent bystanders had to hide in freezers to stay safe from these white thug criminals.
why does violence seem to permeate white culture like this?
why are these savage thug animals so unable to contain themselves?
if whites don't want to be thought of as violent criminal beasts, they need to stop acting like it.
and i don't hear any condemnation from white leaders addressing the epidemic of violence that is breaking out all across white culture.
white people sicken me.

yeah, but this is a problem unique to white culture. these whites are savages, animals.
when was the last time 5 black biker gangs started to beat, stab, and shoot at each other before firing on the police officers who were simply trying to protect innocent patrons from the violence of white culture?
and why haven't leaders in the white community stepped up to address the epidemic of violence in the white community?
white on white murder is a huge problem, whites are killing each other at an 83% rate. that s sickening.
i think we need to figure out why whites are so violent and unable to follow the simple rules of civilized society.

these thug savage animals look pretty white to me.

you just need to make sure not to associate with the culture of white violence that leads to this and you'll be fine.
have you noticed anyone in positions of white leadership speaking out against the culture of violence these white savages have created?

kill yourself.

you really should kill yourself to better humanity.