Which growing skills and techniques do you find most important when it comes to bud q

When if ever I smoke some auto that is excellent I will alter my views. But by all means if you like them go for it. I do not know what you like. A lot of people do not like to be high but rather stoned. I like being high and no autos I have smoked did it for me. Plus in my arrangement I have no need for any of the supposed benefits they are said to offer.
Hey maaaaaaan, I'm on your wagon. :razz: I've had good x average and it was average, not auto, not stony just average. I liked it though, tasted good.
Filut I had the same prob my first couple of grows (V.Kush , Gdp , Big Bud , Trainwreck , H.Gold etc) a good yield and regular bud.. I thought it was everything from my nutes( brand , or too much/less) to my bulb being shit. So i went out & bought a 8ffy of some sour , and to my luck it had a seed in it.

Long story short i grew her out with little to no love( feed 2x , cfl lighting , etc) and she was the BEST BUD I EVER had , my freinds stiil talk bout her and hope shes coming back..

The moral of the story is I feel its all about GENETICS.. Good Luck!
Absolutely correct...the genetics are the most important factor as the environment can only bring out what is written in that code, not rewrite it
I think the most important growing skill there is is to learn to leave your plants alone and let them grow.
I do not know if viruses can but we can


Anne Trafton, MIT News Office

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MIT and Harvard researchers have developed technologies that could be used to rewrite the genetic code of a living cell, allowing them to make large-scale edits to the cell’s genome. Such technology could enable scientists to design cells that build proteins not found in nature, or engineer bacteria that are resistant to any type of viral infection.

The technology, described in the July 15 issue ofScience, can overwrite specific DNA sequences throughout the genome, similar to the find-and-replace function in word-processing programs. Using this approach, the researchers can make hundreds of targeted edits to the genome of E. coli, apparently without disrupting the cells’ function.

“We did get some skepticism from biologists early on,” says Peter Carr, senior research staff at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory (and formerly of the MIT Media Lab), who is one of the paper’s lead authors. “When you’re making so many intentional changes to the genome, you might think something’s got to go wrong with that.”

The new paper is the result of a seven-year collaboration between researchers in the lab of Joseph Jacobson, associate professor in the Media Lab, and George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to Carr, lead authors of the paper are Farren Isaacs, an assistant professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology at Yale University, and Harris Wang, a research fellow at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.

Editing DNA’s code

DNA consists of long strings of “letters” that code for specific amino acids. Every organism uses the same genetic code to translate those letters into amino acids, which are then strung together into proteins.

To make that translation, nearly all living cells use the same genetic code, which has 64 codons — three-letter DNA “words.” While most of them specify an amino acid, there are also a few codons that tell the cell when to stop adding amino acids to a protein chain. The MIT and Harvard researchers targeted one of these “stop” codons, which consists of the letters TAG. With just 314 occurrences, the TAG stop codon is the rarest in the E. coli genome, making it a prime target for replacement.

To make their edits, the researchers combined a technique they previously unveiled in 2009, called multiplex automated genome engineering (MAGE), with a new technology dubbed conjugative assembly genome engineering (CAGE).

MAGE, which has been called an “evolution machine” for its ability to accelerate targeted genetic change in living cells, locates specific DNA sequences and replaces them with a new sequence as the cell copies its DNA. This allows scientists to precisely control the types of genetic changes that occur in cells: The targets are replaced, while the rest of the genome is left untouched.

In this case, the researchers replaced the TAG codon with another stop codon, TAA, in living E. coli cells. To make the process more manageable, the researchers first used MAGE to engineer 32 strains of E. coli, each of which has 10 TAG codons replaced.

To combine those strains and eventually end up with one that has all 314 edits, the researchers then developed CAGE, which allows them to precisely control a naturally occurring process that bacteria use to exchange genetic material. One bacterium builds an extension to a neighboring cell, then passes a piece of genetic material — in this case, TAA codons — to its neighbor.

The researchers set up a playoff-like system in which each strain shares its DNA with one other strain. After the first round of CAGE, the researchers had 16 strains, each of which had double the number of TAG edits that it started with. Those 16 strains then went into a second round of CAGE, producing eight strains.

At this point, the researchers have four strains, each of which has about one-quarter of the possible TAG substitutions; they believe they are on track to produce the single combined strain with all 314 of the substitutions, Carr says.

The new paper represents a “giant step” toward the goal of replacing every instance of a specific codon, says Jef Boeke, professor of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University. “This paper outlines several important technical improvements that allow the authors to combine a number of smaller engineered segments into larger ones,” he says.

‘Plug and play’

Because the alterations were done in living cells, the researchers have been able to monitor any potential harmful effects as they appear. Preliminary characterization suggests that the altered bacteria still behave normally, and can survive and reproduce.

Once all the TAG stop codons are deleted, the researchers’ next step is to delete the cell machinery that reads the TAG codon — freeing it up for a completely new purpose, such as encoding a novel amino acid. That kind of “plug-and-play” slot would give scientists great flexibility in designing cells that produce new proteins, Carr says.

By altering the genetic code, scientists could also engineer bacteria that are resistant to multiple viruses. In industries that cultivate bacteria, including pharmaceuticals and energy, viruses affect up to 20 percent of cultures, with a huge impact on productivity. However, those viruses can only infect a cell if the bacterial and viral genetic codes are the same.

Altering the genetic code of industrial bacteria could also create a “genetic firewall” that would prevent engineered bacteria from spreading their genes to natural bacteria in the environment, or from allowing such bacteria to survive in the wild, Carr says.

Genetics is the cornerstone of any great cannabis. You must define your ideal. In your mind you visualize it in abundance crafted to perfection by you. Feel the feeling of mastery but in past tense. Marinate awhile................Lao Tzu said when the world knows ugly beauty can then, and only then, exist. The skills most important are patience, tenacity, balance and "essence" which you find in your garden. Cultivation is a process whereby most are goal oriented seeker junkies, the harvest makes it all good and the cycle abides. The quality you are concerned about is more than the techniques and DNA, it is about you, my friend, the master. Quality is the end result of healthy, happy plants, with good genes, and a growers inner certainty of this truth. Your perfect strain is lightly held in your consciousness, you smile, it make you feel good, you feel an ownership over this fiction. So, in this, we have a reality that a beginner has problems and is not aware of their value as motivators. Beyond is the reality that you are well on your way, the questions you ask are curious and the answers you get are suspect. There are blanket techniques people offer, casual truths, overloaded scientific data without any relative value to you. I am a teacher and a sculptor and I can tell you plainly you need a mentor to negotiate the chaos that is trial and error. If you need a hand mine is open, time is what I have.
I think your weed sucks because you have 4 UV/B bulbs in there! yes, uv/b helps.... in moderation. After a certain point you are just giving your plants sunburn. Cut those out IMO
when I first read about autos, I was hooked and had to grow some, so I got some free seeds along with my order and decided to try them. I have not harvested yet, so can't tell you about the potency, but 30 days into it, I really like the growth of normal photoperiods alot better. I am not hatin' on autos, just not really impressive like the normals, I have a somango that is just starting to get hairs, have an amnesia that is halfway through flowering, and all my normals are vegging and already 3-4ft tall, everything is the same age from seed in the same drip system, except for the amnesia auto(is in a 3gal soil setup). I don't know if that is helpful as far as habits/growth, but just wanted to add my two about autos. I will say they are easy as it gets, but for size and yeild(also sounds like potency), I will stick to my normals.
TO the original post,
Seeking better grow techniques, I look at growing as a Lab in Science Class.

Take notes of all growth, good or bad its still an observation.
Take pictures weekly as a visual observation.
Record everything you do to your grow room weekly if unable to daily;
things like humidity, soil, in relation to most recent watering and/or last fertilizer.

Also if you have grow experience then try new things like:
Different Genetics, say you have a small grow room use predominantly indica growing bushes over sativa tall trees.
If you have less potent smoke try finding middle ground with a hybrid that is 50% indica 50% sativa.

Combine Room Temperature(day&night), Air Flow, Ambient Humidity, Light in PAR + Light Spread and of course Nutrients.
To be a stress free environment.
