which hand gun should i buy?

so stoked I don't live in a country where firearms are needed to feel safe in your home!

We Americans do have a bit of a thing for home safety, I'll admit. But there is nowhere that is truly safe. A tightening of gun laws in your larger neighbor to the west resulted in a spike of home invasions.
That said, the chances that you'll actually need a firearm to defend your home or person are low, even here in the 'Stan. cn
We Americans do have a bit of a thing for home safety, I'll admit. But there is nowhere that is truly safe. A tightening of gun laws in your larger neighbor to the west resulted in a spike of home invasions.
That said, the chances that you'll actually need a firearm to defend your home or person are low, even here in the 'Stan. cn

Yeah but that's Aussies for ya lol
Our gun laws are pretty tight and if you have a license the police can enter your home to check your lockup at any time so not the best thing for growers.
I'm sure there are of home invasions with weapons here but it is rare and people aren't very interested in guns generally.
We use fists and beer bottles to resolve disputes
Yeah but that's Aussies for ya lol
Our gun laws are pretty tight and if you have a license the police can enter your home to check your lockup at any time so not the best thing for growers.
I'm sure there are of home invasions with weapons here but it is rare and people aren't very interested in guns generally.
We use fists and beer bottles to resolve disputes

I found some interesting statistics ...


[Text file]

From this I conclude that here in the States, things are three to four times as bad.
Mind you, I'm not disputing or arguing ... just sharing some info.

The good news is that violent crime in either of our countries is so low that, if you don't watch the news or live in an awful neighborhood, you can go decades without being touched by a violent act. Much of what we're discussing is based on fear, and much of that is handed to us (and we have the option of thinking about it!) by the way the news industry works. cn

<add> Source link.

In America its our right to have guns, whether you need it or not is a different story. I'm not embarrassed of oh crime rate, were better off than many other places in the world. Having protection in my home, not matter how unlikely the need is, is with the purchase.
From this I conclude that here in the States, things are three to four times as bad.
Mind you, I'm not disputing or arguing ... just sharing some info.

The good news is that violent crime in either of our countries is so low that, if you don't watch the news or live in an awful neighborhood, you can go decades without being touched by a violent act. Much of what we're discussing is based on fear, and much of that is handed to us (and we have the option of thinking about it!) by the way the news industry works. cn

<add> Source link.


I agree, imo that's why there are so many CSI type shows to scare people into thinking "If you commit a crime we gonna get ya with all our techy stuff that you don't understand"
And all the crime shows where they always get the baddy.
It's just to scare people into thinking that this is the world and your government is here to rescue you.
I agree, imo that's why there are so many CSI type shows to scare people into thinking "If you commit a crime we gonna get ya with all our techy stuff that you don't understand"
And all the crime shows where they always get the baddy.
It's just to scare people into thinking that this is the world and your government is here to rescue you.

The irony is that resisting that state of affairs (stated in the bolded) impels many Americans to buy guns. cn
fuck a handgun just get a a big boy AR-15 or AK-47 or the like. with a silencer and shell catchers. The only thing getting in your way is concealability.
canna for your comparisons to be fair , you need to take a sampling of the americans that are in locations that would be more like the conditions you find in newzealand , the sheep farmers and ranchers here are not going to have the high numbers of violent gun crimes as the inner city population
canna for your comparisons to be fair , you need to take a sampling of the americans that are in locations that would be more like the conditions you find in newzealand , the sheep farmers and ranchers here are not going to have the high numbers of violent gun crimes as the inner city population

The same is, of course, true in the States as well. We have a considerable rural population which views the situation in the cities with a shake of the head. I am unrepentant. ;) cn
Sw .38 snub has never done anybody wrong... except maybe the people on the other end. Doesn't get much more reliable than a revolver. Its always ready when you actually need it.
Dont like the idea of shotguns or high penetrating rounds because you can kill your relatives and neighbors.

Say you come home to find a wacko on your wife about to slit her throat. Do you shoot them with a shotgun?
Or a 45 penetrates your kids room. Not cool to say the least. Get only what you need and then practice with it until
itr is an extension of your hand.
Dont like the idea of shotguns or high penetrating rounds because you can kill your relatives and neighbors.

Say you come home to find a wacko on your wife about to slit her throat. Do you shoot them with a shotgun?
Or a 45 penetrates your kids room. Not cool to say the least. Get only what you need and then practice with it until
itr is an extension of your hand.

Choice of ammunition in any given caliber, combined with continuous training, make a weapon in the home safer than a vehicle on the road imo.
If you have small hands, you'll like the M&P and better. It ejects magazines easier and has a slimmer profile. If your a leftie or you just care about ambidexterity then I'd go for the XD (slimmer then Glock, but wider then M&P) which has it's safety on the rear end of the handle, so the gun is always engaged and ready to fire when your holding it. Every time I shot a Glock it felt nice, but the mag release felt stiff. Also the idea of having to pull the trigger to take down the gun is a little scary. Especially if you smoke pot.

Here's a link to a story about a U.S. Marshal getting shot in the hand (with photos) when he was disassembling his gun. Source: http://www.firearmsid.com/a_UnintendedGlockDischarge.htm

What I do like about Glocks is the custom barrels and trigger kits you can buy. However, if I'm going to be spending money tricking out a gun, I'm going to do it to an AR or Ruger 10/22. The AR is because, well it's an AR and their badass guns that are war proven. A 10/22 because they're are just the ultimate range plink toy. You can shoot 500 rounds for under $15. You even can make them ultra-light with folding stocks to fit in a backpack. Perfect for bug out bags and hunting small game discretely when SHTF. The aftermarket parts available for the 10/22 is huge. See examples of 10/22 here: http://goo.gl/X7Cl7
so stoked I don't live in a country where firearms are needed to feel safe in your home!

I'm so stoked I live in a country that doesn't interfere with my right to keep and bear arms, or have the right to come IN my house because I have a license to own one. Wow, thats just fucking sad. I'll take America any old day!
I'm so stoked I live in a country that doesn't interfere with my right to keep and bear arms, or have the right to come IN my house because I have a license to own one. Wow, thats just fucking sad. I'll take America any old day!

Look at those stats tho, we still have a few million people here.
They never do unless you give them a reason to, Anybody of age can get a licence as long as you pass a simple test and have a safe place to store them.
Ruger SR9C...17 round clip with extender
Ruger SR9 Full size also with 17 round clip
Great reliable guns. Can fire any type of ammo through them and they won't jam.
I agree, imo that's why there are so many CSI type shows to scare people into thinking "If you commit a crime we gonna get ya with all our techy stuff that you don't understand"
And all the crime shows where they always get the baddy.
It's just to scare people into thinking that this is the world and your government is here to rescue you.

To expand a little on your comment... even on the CSI shows... the genious cops are generally begin figuring out who the bad guy is as they huddle around a dead victim who met his fate because he was unsuccessful at defending himself from a fatal attack. Even for folks with a die hard CSI fan mentality, it should be apparent that the cops aren't here to save people.