which hand gun should i buy?

Sure. A thousand types of ammo, too. I'm just overly cautious in urban settings. I have a model 27 .40 under my mattress, a Remy 12 within arms reach, and a Bushy M4 two steps from bed on the way to the front door. I'm in the country, so I have to be ready for anything.
dont help either being blind.
Just the sound of a shotgun chambering a round would make most home intruders hit the deck, double o works for the rest of em.
ok, thank for all your help so far. i want to move this thread in a direction i can see myself going within the next year. what should i have to protect myself from the government or if our society collapses?
You want to make sure you have firearms chambered in NATO rounds, like the 308. Its very common worldwide, and cheap to buy. The popular thing to do is have an AR 15, chambered in .223. This is what our military carrys I believe.
Oh, and on a side note Footballfirst, I would like to suggest you buy a .22 handgun to learn to shoot with. You can go to the range and shoot hundreds of rounds for very little money, as opposed to having to save your money to bang a few boxes of .38, 9mm, .45, .40, etc etc. Ammo is brutal since Obama came to office, almost double it seems anyway.

I really like my Browning .22, its a longer barrell, and shoots so accurate its a joy to shoot. You learn muscle memory by repetative motion, and this is a great way to do it. This is a firearm that serious shooters, and newbies alike keep around as a goto for weekend shooting and training.

Have fun trying all the cool guns out there, a good indoor range should have a wide selection you can try out for a small fee, and if they're worth a shit, they'll take the money you spent trying them off the cost of a new one.
ok, thank for all your help so far. i want to move this thread in a direction i can see myself going within the next year. what should i have to protect myself from the government or if our society collapses?
build a mote around your house with gators in it.
ok, thank for all your help so far. i want to move this thread in a direction i can see myself going within the next year. what should i have to protect myself from the government or if our society collapses?

If our society collapses, you won't have to think about government. You'll be more worried about local self-help organizations. Good books to read on the topic include Lucifer's Hammer (Niven and Pournelle), The Postman (Brin) and the Dies the Fire series (Stirling). They detail some of the gnarlier interactions between the "good guys" and organized, hostile war bands. cn
If our society collapses, you won't have to think about government. You'll be more worried about local self-help organizations. Good books to read on the topic include Lucifer's Hammer (Niven and Pournelle), The Postman (Brin) and the Dies the Fire series (Stirling). They detail some of the gnarlier interactions between the "good guys" and organized, hostile war bands. cn

is the "Left Behind" series good for this type of preparation?

lol :blsmoke:
Did not read the thread but if you were to shoot me with a 380 I would leave you alone and you may still have your hearing.
I have shot a 45.70 from a doorway and it kills the ears.
If you're going to purchase a hand gun for property protection etc, make sure you limit the possibility of having to actually use it. Buy the crimson laser sighting as well, nothing makes an intruder think twice as that little red dot coming from another room. When there is little or no backlighting, a hand gun isn't your best option...this is:

the best handgun you can own is anyone that your comfortable with. for me that a 1911 frame in 45 auto. but for home defense i keep my 12g handy and always loaded with these, def the best home defense load i have found available. there called the pdx1. View attachment 2365252
Going with a NATO round is pretty smart, especially if you don't like to stock up on ammo. The 9mm is a NATO round and I've never seen it in short supply. I love shooting 45 ACP more, but a lot stores in my area are always running out of the brand I like to use and they are lot more expensive to shoot. I ended up saying fuck it and started casting and reloading my own bullets.

I'll always carry a few clips of high quality hollow points on deck, but for plinkering and dicking off at the gun range, I use my hand-loads. Its so much cheaper loading your own. I get my brass free by going to the gun range, watching the new shooters, and picking up their spent brass. I easily come home with 1,000 spent brass cases per trip. I then go to all the cheap ugly looking tire shops and ask them for their wheel weights. I can usually get a bucket worth for $10-$20 and sometimes they give it to me for free. I use an old cast iron pot over a fire pit to melt the lead down and flux it to get ride of all the unwanted crap. I then pour the lead into aluminum bullet molds. In about an hour I can easily cast 200 bullets. Then I take them to my gun press, where I seat, charge, press, and crimp a new round every 5 seconds.

What's kind of scary and I didn't know this until I started casting is that lead rounds are untraceable. They completely deform upon impact that it's hard to tell what caliber it is or what kind of gun it came from. The only way to match it is by recovering the gun; assuming you didn't clean it immediately afterwords. Then again, if your the only guy who shoots reloads at the range, that might be a giveaway.
i'm looking to buy my first hand gun for home defense. i was thinking about a .40 glcok, but my hands are small and some of the glocks grips are a bit big for me. help please!!!:dunce:
I got a glock 23 which is a .40. Gooood gun. I got smaller hands too but I fair better with a bulky gun. I agree though that a shotty is best for home defense. I've been meaning to grab a 16 gauge. Its a bit pussy but seems the most practically clear.