which hand gun should i buy?


Well-Known Member
i'm looking to buy my first hand gun for home defense. i was thinking about a .40 glcok, but my hands are small and some of the glocks grips are a bit big for me. help please!!!:dunce:
Remington 870 12 gauge, short and deadly man !~~:hump: but I would buy a high point 40 for a pistol, cheap, well made, usa, guaranteed for life, I have one that I have never had an issue with ever! no jamming, reliable, hard hitting (THUD) people knock them but thats usually because they go for the major brands and have never tried one.....but they work well and are very inexpensive, fact. I have pistols that cost 3x more than my 40 HP and I like them but for the money difference you can have 3 HP 40 cals in different places in the house for the price of your 1 glock. BE SAFE! Later On.
i'm looking to buy my first hand gun for home defense. i was thinking about a .40 glcok, but my hands are small and some of the glocks grips are a bit big for me. help please!!!:dunce:
Glocks are nice, (Glcoks I haven't heard about LOL) and you can always change the grips on them.
If you get a couple ideas in your craw, go to a gun shop with an indoor shooting range, and some of them will let you test fire if they know you're serious about buying.
Kinda like a test drive.
i really like my baretta px4 storm .40 the grip isnt big at all an you can get the full size or the compact .40. i got the full an i love it gonna go shoot it tomorrow matter fact!
I agree that a 12 gauge shotgun will defend your home like nothing else... will leave large holes in home invaders.

As for handguns,,, because it sounds like you just plain want one... pretty much any of the well crafted guns from the big name brands will get 'er done. Handle some and go with what feels good in your hand. I have a Colt officers model .45 caliber which is a little smaller than the full size 1911. The .45 is known for it's "knock down" power. Meaning even if you miss a vital area on your target... say striking in the shoulder... it is likely to knock the recipient to the ground.
Having said that, for handguns I prefer revolvers. You pull the trigger and they go "bang"... NEVER any fear of jamming. My Smith & Wesson .357 magnum revolver is my go to gun for daily carry.
Everyone has their own opinion on what's best for home defense. Some will argue the shotgun and prob. a 12 gauge with pistol grips etc....Some will argue a hand gun/pistol.

My take on it is that a shotgun is a good weapon for home defense but a better weapon would be a hand gun with hollow points(the correct ammo) because a shotgun is simply bigger(longer). If it's for home defense, usually you're thinking home invasion or just one intruder. You don't want a revolver unless that's your back up cause that fucker is going to potentially run out of ammo. You want a semi auto hand gun that WORKS FOR YOU.

My advice is go to the gun range(s) and try out as many different models as you can get your hands on.

I have multiple guns but the go to weapon first and foremost for my home defense weapon is my 1911 .45
I didn't like the 'polywhatever'/plastic like material that the glocks are made of because any sweat made them slippery and a lot of the glock grips were small. I happen to have big dick beaters.

One major advantage of using a 1911 .45 like I do as opposed to some of those lighter pistols is that the "kick" or whatever you want to call is negligible...almost nothing...especially compared to the light .40 glocks or ANYTHING similar sigs, anything.

You point and shoot with the 1911...it's weight takes any major 'kick' away. I don't hardly have to hit the range for practice because I already know that all I have to do is point and shoot......NO aiming....Who has time to aim when faced with the situation of having to use home defense action.

Add hollow points to your .45 1911 and you have something better than a 12 gauge shotgun. More ammo and even if you touch someone with that on their limb, it's going to fuckin explode. You have the stopping power and you have the peace of mind that it's not going to go through multiple walls and hurt a neighbor or too much else.

Anyone that would like to debate why there's a better home defense weapon w/regards to fire arms only, I'd like to hear it...mostly because I'm interested but don't give me some half assed debate(no kids)...come correct to at least make it interesting.

My first line of defense happens to be my dogs along with a camera system btw.
... You don't want a revolver unless that's your back up cause that fucker is going to potentially run out of ammo...

One major advantage of using a 1911 .45 like I do as opposed to some of those lighter pistols is that the "kick" or whatever you want to call is negligible...almost nothing...

Add hollow points to your .45 1911 and you have something better than a 12 gauge shotgun. You have the stopping power and you have the peace of mind that it's not going to go through multiple walls and hurt a neighbor or too much else...

Anyone that would like to debate why there's a better home defense weapon w/regards to fire arms only, I'd like to hear it...mostly because I'm interested but don't give me some half assed debate(no kids)..

... You don't want a revolver unless that's your back up cause that fucker is going to potentially run out of ammo...

In the majority of real live home defense situations (not Mel Gibson movies) that occur only one or two shots are delivered. It happens quickly. If you haven't taken care of your problem with 6 shots, well it could just be Darwin's theory of natural selection culling you from the herd.

One major advantage of using a 1911 .45 like I do as opposed to some of those lighter pistols is that the "kick" or whatever you want to call is negligible...almost nothing...
ABSOLUTELY a true statement. The light guns will kick like a mule... the heavier 1911 is a pleasure to shoot.

Add hollow points to your .45 1911 and you have something better than a 12 gauge shotgun. You have the stopping power and you have the peace of mind that it's not going to go through multiple walls and hurt a neighbor or too much else...
Hollow points in a .45 are also known as "flying ashtrays" so named for the size hole the will carve into the flesh of the bad guy. Better than a shotgun... hmmmm... depends on what aspect you are speaking of. The shotgun will find your target almost on it's own (especially if you are the sort of guy who might miss with all 6 shots from a revolver)... the hollow point .45 if shot placement is sufficient to strike flesh WILL stay put in the bad guy and not pass thru him and thru the wall of your kids bedroom behind him.

Anyone that would like to debate why there's a better home defense weapon w/regards to fire arms only, I'd like to hear it...mostly because I'm interested but don't give me some half assed debate(no kids)..
No debate... your points are all valid. Like you, I don't like the plastic Glocks either. Also bonus points for referring to your hands as "dick beaters" HAHAHA
You are contemplating buying a firearm. a weapon designed to kill.

That is a right I do support.

That said, I believe you would be better served
by going into the a shop where trained and SOBER professionals will assist you.
After all, you are buying from them so they should have an interest in helping
you pick the right one for you.

here you will get the answers of folks of all kinds, none of which know you and will not
be there if/when you may need to use YOUR weapon.

no prob in asking for ideas but when buying a weapon the last question I would
ask of strangers is "which one".
imho you really need to go to the gun store and check out as many as you can because you will want to find something that is comfortable. When you find a few you like...shoot them and dont just do 2-3 pulls run a few clips though them. even if you have to pay for the rounds its better to know you like the gun and can handle it well before you buy it. some semi's release for the clip is a pain to get out so going thru a few clips will let you know if you like the layout of the gun. Then consider the price for ammo. I love to shoot my guns and i inherited a couple of guns from my dad when he passed but the ammo is costly so its not much fun to shoot. besides what good is a gun if your rusty using it! idk, thats mho.
You are contemplating buying a firearm. a weapon designed to kill.

That is a right I do support.

That said, I believe you would be better served
by going into a shop where trained and SOBER professionals will assist you.
After all, you are buying from them so they should have an interest in helping
you pick the right one for you.

here you will get the answers of folks of all kinds, none of which know you and will not
be there if/when you may need to use YOUR weapon.

no prob in asking for ideas but when buying a weapon the last question I would
ask of strangers is "which one".
i am looking for a semi auto. no revolvers pleas.

wll good thats a start at least you know what you expect your gun to look like and feel like pretty good start the great thing about shoosing a gun is you shoulf want it to fit like a glove. 40 cal glock? good gun powerful, a little over rated range isnt that great.

i thing something a little more compact yet sturdy and well fitting, fairly light weight, but all metal. when i think of the basic home defense gun that serves this purpose i think of this.

also i must point out when picking a gun (much like a strain or car) treat it like something magical think of all the aspect and attributes do some research to find out what designs are best ect. :)