Which of Obamas hundreds of presidential decrees do you think president Trump kills 1st :)


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping for sanctuary city's going bye bye 1st,then common core second,what's your most hated Obama decree you want President Trump to squash 1st ?
Well he did say he was going to repel and replace Obamacare. I guess we can say goodbye if you have preexisting conditions. We also must prepare for a mass deportation of Mexican families. This is going to be most interesting to watch.


Well-Known Member
In a way it was good the Trump won because of the way we were saddled with Hillary. She was not the people's choice, Sanders was..those who supported and shoved her down our throats have no one to blame but themselves.

The thing that you all were so worried about..electability..came home to haunt you.

Those who fought me and @ttystikk @Padawanbater2 ..? perhaps we were the voices of reason afterall.
You had a chance to vote for Sanders... you did not. Look in the mirror.


Well-Known Member
When you're worried, is when you get the cheaters to cheat and all along DNC cheated Sanders and by colluding with media. They said he had nerve being an independent to run as a dem and it took resources away from their beloved. But they were worried and desperate to install another shill. They also didn't quite understand if they had 12 potential candidates it was NOT up to them to decide but 'we the people' once they took that choice away? is history now.

This totally backfired..I hope the dems learned a very painful lesson here.

Edit: Take heart, I heard price of a P in Colo is going up for all you growers..law and order president and all:wink:
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