Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

Ya hmm is right, see all about profit, not really faith

i see what they say as far as needing funds to pay the mortgage, secretary, vehicles & gas, etc. i just think they are HORRIBLE stewards of the funds they receive. THEIR answer is to give until it hurts. MY answer is STOP SPENDING SO DAMN MUCH MONEY!!!!

They have land that was donated for a brand new church. Granted the existing one is old, but it's structurally sound and not at capacity. So why not spend money on the homeless, the needy, getting people into the church instead of a "modern architecture" looking building?
i see what they say as far as needing funds to pay the mortgage, secretary, vehicles & gas, etc. i just think they are HORRIBLE stewards of the funds they receive. THEIR answer is to give until it hurts. MY answer is STOP SPENDING SO DAMN MUCH MONEY!!!!

They have land that was donated for a brand new church. Granted the existing one is old, but it's structurally sound and not at capacity. So why not spend money on the homeless, the needy, getting people into the church instead of a "modern architecture" looking building?

The most recently build church in my area is about 120 years old lol, but we don't have as much poverty and what not around my area.
Most older farmers around here do attend church but i'm sure they still only place coins ( loonies and toonies) when the basket passes them.
Church is nothing but a monopoly and rep system for those who attend.
i see what they say as far as needing funds to pay the mortgage, secretary, vehicles & gas, etc. i just think they are HORRIBLE stewards of the funds they receive. THEIR answer is to give until it hurts. MY answer is STOP SPENDING SO DAMN MUCH MONEY!!!
Sounds like the government
I'm going to go to the Jehovah witnesses this week and the Mormans next week and see which is cooler, I'm going to start with them because they seem the most eager to get me.
Faith not religion, religion is what screws everything up.
The best church to join, only you can answer that, where do you feel fed.
Beware of any church cramming doctrine down your throat, in a good church nobody is judgemental, no one not even the pastor or leaders.
Once again good new members should be treated like an elder, no difference.
Job, I don't know about that one, neither the wife one.

Which one gets you to heaven, NONE OF THEM, you must find that yourself, the church can help.

Good Luck, I have lots more to say on this issue, but I am braindead tired tonight.

exactly im half white and half lakota sioux and i was raised catholic but i still feel a connection to my native side any religion u chose
should bring you happiness and comfort if its a true religion

When the cross is turned upside down, no one will question your faith.
religion is a lie anyway. its just a way of life for people that cant find their own way to lead it.
a form a control!
what they do, is divide and then rule you. make you argue and make you against eachother!
its what they want

i beleive that you are your own god. you make your own choices of how life should be lived, and if you find wisdom on the way that you take to heart then that is part of you and how you will lead your life. for instance if i believe in somthing in the bible, i can take that out and put my faith in to that one thing because i believe in it. dosent mean i have to go by the whole bible or beleive everythng in there.

choose the right path for you, dont let anyone or anything control you!