Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

my advice for you to become better and more successful:

stop being a white supremacist
stop lying to people
stop being a thief, if you haven't already

but answer my question: are all your sily threads trolling, or are they sincere? if they are sincere, they indicate a serious mental handicap.

if you are sincere, i would suggest seeing a mental health professional. they can give you good advice on how to build your better life.
Check { even though I'm not}
Check { eventhough I haven't been}
and Check, { already stopped}
I don't feel more successful.... anyways this is a real catch twenty two, I feel awkward now, your implying im mentally ill, I'm tempted to say i'm just trolling so you don't think I have a mental illness...but if I did that just so you wouldn't think i'm mentally ill for sharing my thoughts with you like I do it would surely mean I have a mental problem. And if I lied and said I was trolling I would know it and I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that if I did that the next time you called me a liar it would be true.
BUCK- I think it is starting to be clear that this person is really just wanting connections so he can be a bum and never lift a finger again while he is waited on hand and foot. Non the less, this is a marijuana website and we still have religious conversations on here? WTF Lets get back to the point here, GROWING GREAT FUCKING WEED and sharing in the information of how to do it the best possible!

Bubble bubble bubble. I take a rip of the bong and pass it to whoever is next!

We are in the Tolk-n-Talk subforum of a marijuana website.
i hear muslim's are looking for new recruits (:

but i would try rastafari ...seems like a down to earth and not too crazy religion

rastas dont usually class it as a religion, they say it s more of a way of life. kind of the same as buddhism. you dont have to be relgious to believe in a religion. you can take parts out and beleive what you want.
i dont beleive in relgion, but i do belive in a way in life.
ah, that makes it clear.

you are a thief, a liar, and a white supremacist to boot!

you should have no problem finding a good mate at any convention of fellow white supremacists.

my advice for you to become better and more successful:

stop being a white supremacist
stop lying to people
stop being a thief, if you haven't already

but answer my question: are all your sily threads trolling, or are they sincere? if they are sincere, they indicate a serious mental handicap.

if you are sincere, i would suggest seeing a mental health professional. they can give you good advice on how to build your better life.

Check { even though I'm not}
Check { eventhough I haven't been}
and Check, { already stopped}
I don't feel more successful.... anyways this is a real catch twenty two, I feel awkward now, your implying im mentally ill, I'm tempted to say i'm just trolling so you don't think I have a mental illness...but if I did that just so you wouldn't think i'm mentally ill for sharing my thoughts with you like I do it would surely mean I have a mental problem. And if I lied and said I was trolling I would know it and I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that if I did that the next time you called me a liar it would be true.
I knew their is no way to debate reality so your trying to get off topic, the devil hates it when you toke n talk about God.
I hear Scientology is great it's like mystery science theatre but you have to bring your own popcorn. Mormons are cool if you wanna feel like the smartest guy in the room. If you have a domination fetish try christianity they will tell you what to do and how much money you owe them for it..ummm what else hey fuck it start your own religion I will join as long as we all get fancy jumpsuits and nike cortez sneakers

Haha wow you just ripped apart a lot of people+rep
I would go with rastafari , they smoke ganja all day long kinda like me. muslims smoke a lot of hash but I'm sure in our country with all the hate it would be better to be rasta.
I like how mormons have to buy special blessed underwear, and scientologists have to buy special blessed water, both with a high markup. That's a sure sign they know the right way to "god" is unrestrained capatalism, greed, and a high markup.

I havent read the whole thread but intend too. I had to stop at this, and maybe someone has already said this.

JEWS have to pay, just to pray man. I'm sure one of you, maybe indipow will comment on this.

What about the collection tray passed around huh?

Every religion wants their cut.........well maybe not all.
I havent read the whole thread but intend too. I had to stop at this, and maybe someone has already said this.

JEWS have to pay, just to pray man. I'm sure one of you, maybe indipow will comment on this.

What about the collection tray passed around huh?

Every religion wants their cut.........well maybe not all.

they do not pass around trays at synagogues. for your edification.
Oh...and the collection tray was meant for Christians, I forgot to add. Was just pointing out that you missed a few others.
Lamb- No trays and no fees just to pray. Matter of fact_ we accept you even without money, we don't care that your poor nor ask for any money. Yes there are membership fees but only paid if you can actually afford it and it is your choice how much you pay.
really? I heard on most major Jewish holidays you are charged a fee to pray at synagogue.

yes, most synagogues do have a membership fee. it is more like a suggestion donation. those who can not afford to pay, don't. those who are better off pay more than is suggested.

most major holidays include a big meal, by the way. so not surprised there is a fee to attend.
Picking a faith to follow does not require going to church, to me it's nothing more then then organized religion, like a cult.
If u believe in something do so , but why do people need to pay to have faith, Yes lets all dress nice and show up so we can all gossip about each other after!!!
seems like a big fucking scam to me! Yuppies enjoy going to church, gives them Status, i know my mom is one
jews are "obligated" to give tzedakah, or anonymous charitable donations, in the amount of 10%. but not back to the church, really.

Same thing with us Mormons. We are obligated to pay a tithe of ten percent. It's not mandatory. The choice is yours to pay or not.
Same thing with us Mormons. We are obligated to pay a tithe of ten percent. It's not mandatory. The choice is yours to pay or not.

Hey muffin how ya been?

Ya but if u don't pay everyone will see and then the gossip begings, religious people are often the biggest hypocrites. ( No offence to anyone)