White Girl Bleed A Lot

The book and article is about an epidemic of racial violence and how the media ignore it. More about it here: http://WhiteGirlBleedaLot.com or just read this:

“Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made it painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities across America.”Thomas Sowell
National Review

“Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse.”
World Net Daily

muchas gracias, amigos!
the race war is futile the so called white race is fading fast the "minority" is no longer that. they had there shot they failed. everyday there are more interacial couples and babbies born from it, so get over it accept it.
the race war is futile the so called white race is fading fast the "minority" is no longer that. they had there shot they failed. everyday there are more interacial couples and babbies born from it, so get over it accept it.

everything said here is true it's just not the point of the book (haven't read it so fwiw). I think the point is we are captivated by the Zimmerman/Martin case yet ignore the same things happening all over the country because it's too uncomfortable to talk about. Look at all of the knee jerk racist accusations (don't know the history of this forum very well so I'm out of that loop and am still taking posts at face value) in this thread just for pointing this fact out. It's like when someone says the problem with Detroit is we are not paying for these underprivileged kids college and you point out that there is only a 30% graduation rate from high school, let's fix that before we worry about college and get called a racist for it.

It's way over used. White people use entirely too much mayo. Black people drink too much kool-aide. Both statements are racist but only one inflames the masses. Weird times we live in.
there needs to be honest and open discussions about race relations in this country. I'm old enough to remember Italians and Pols being at each other in Detroit. In Boston it was Irish and Italian. They even made a big deal over Valentine being hired.

I don't have the answers but ignoring it or pretending it's not there isn't the answer either. As a society I mean, I definitely don't mean we need more racially discriminating laws to prevent racial discrimination.

when you say valentine are you referring to bobby valentine? i can assure you that the hatred for that guy has absolutely nothing to do with anything even remotely racial. he was a dreadful choice for manager. pointing that out prior to the start of the season was just an example of people understanding baseball and understanding the guy's past. he's an asshole.
My apologies for not responding to various people. I got busy, what can I say?

I read this book, "White Girl Bleed a Lot" after reading about it in a Thomas Sowell column: http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2012/07/17/are_race_riots_news

It was an eye opener for me. The book, ebook actually, is not rightly described as a book. It is a sketch with a BUNCH of links to pictures, youtube videos, etc. It is written by a very well respected journalist. I have heard of "flashmobs", but I have paid no attention to them. What is going on in the country is pretty troubling, and will lead to tears.

Anyway, read it for yourself. Also, read the Thomas Sowell article. Judge for yourself. The point of Sowell's article is that the media is ignoring these incidents, hence most people are completely unaware that any of this is happening but it cannot be kept under wraps forever. This won't end well for any of us.

From the book. There are hundreds of similar links. Police report from Iowa state fair. Victim was Tammie Carroll. "Beat Whitey Night":

My apologies for not responding to various people. I got busy, what can I say?

I read this book, "White Girl Bleed a Lot" after reading about it in a Thomas Sowell column: http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2012/07/17/are_race_riots_news

It was an eye opener for me. The book, ebook actually, is not rightly described as a book. It is a sketch with a BUNCH of links to pictures, youtube videos, etc. It is written by a very well respected journalist. I have heard of "flashmobs", but I have paid no attention to them. What is going on in the country is pretty troubling, and will lead to tears.

Anyway, read it for yourself. Also, read the Thomas Sowell article. Judge for yourself. The point of Sowell's article is that the media is ignoring these incidents, hence most people are completely unaware that any of this is happening but it cannot be kept under wraps forever. This won't end well for any of us.

From the book. There are hundreds of similar links. Police report from Iowa state fair. Victim was Tammie Carroll. "Beat Whitey Night":


it all boils down to
You are a loser and it has nothing to do with minorities
I can see why you are scared and jealous of them though
Peoria, Illinois July 5, 2011. Police and fire fighters attacked with fireworks, rocks and bottles.


The Rosewood massacre was a violent, racially motivated conflict that took place during the first week of January 1923 in rural Levy County, Florida, United States. At least six blacks and two whites were killed, and the town of Rosewood was abandoned and destroyed in what contemporary news reports characterized as a race riot. Racial disturbances were common during the early 20th century in the United States, reflecting the nation's rapid social changes. Florida had an especially high number of lynchings in the years before the massacre, including a well-publicized incident in December 1922.
Rosewood was a quiet, primarily black, self-sufficient whistle stop on the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Spurred by unsupported accusations that a white woman in nearby Sumner had been beaten and possibly raped by a black drifter, white men from nearby towns lynched a Rosewood resident. When black citizens defended themselves against further attack, several hundred whites combed the countryside hunting for black people, and burned almost every structure in Rosewood. Survivors hid for several days in nearby swamps and were evacuated by train and car to larger towns. Although state and local authorities were aware of the violence, they made no arrests for the activities in Rosewood. The town was abandoned by black residents during the attacks. None ever returned.
No. Title sounds sorta


So what is it about? cn

It sounds alien and toy car? I dont' get it.
when you say valentine are you referring to bobby valentine? i can assure you that the hatred for that guy has absolutely nothing to do with anything even remotely racial. he was a dreadful choice for manager. pointing that out prior to the start of the season was just an example of people understanding baseball and understanding the guy's past. he's an asshole.

some in the media were making a huge deal that the Red Sox hired their first Italian in history. Most of us don't care, but there was a time when most did.
[h=1]Inside the Fearful Conservative Mind: The Right-Wing's Latest Race Terrors[/h] In the conservative media's alternate reality, racism only exists when white people are the "victims." This couldn't be further from the truth.
June 5, 2012 |

The conservative media has invented a new terror in their imagined race war: hordes of black people coming after innocent white folks.

A while back Bill O’Reilly, the most watched TV personality on Fox News, ran a series of stories on what he suggests is a “racially motivated” attack on two white journalists in Norfolk, Virginia that he claimed was covered up by the local press. As Buzzfeed’s McKay Coppins details, the facts reveal a different reality: a rock was thrown at a car, the occupants had an argument with a group of men and a fight ensued. The reporters were not severely injured. Although an unfortunate incident in a city that is struggling with violent crime, it was neither particularly noteworthy or an anomaly. In fact, the newspaper for which the journalists worked thought the event was a non-story. This did not deter Bill O’Reilly. He could frame the story as part of a national race war by introducing one fact--the victims of the assault were white and the perpetrators were black.

The Conservative media’s race war narrative falls apart when one encounters the facts. In an effort to stir up white anxiety, these stories ignore that violent crime in the United States has been declining for decades. Oftentimes, these mob attacks are either random street crimes or actually a byproduct of long standing feuds between the participants and victims. And looking to context, most crime in the United States is intra-racial and committed by family members, friends, and associates. And one cannot generalize from aggregate crime statistics down to the probability that a given person will commit a criminal act.
The conservative media’s pandering to fears of black violence is a sophisticated effort. The race war must be brought home to predominantly white areas. Places like Iowa and Wisconsin do not have large populations of black people; but in the conservative media, this is no protection from the race war apparently being waged against white Americans. The Daily Caller and other conservative websites repeatedly featured coverage of what was labeled as “beat whitey night” a state fair in Iowa. The conservative media doubled down on their “white folks imperiled even in Red State rural America” meme by giving extensive coverage to how white people were ambushed and beaten at a similar event in Wisconsin.
All of these news items are part of an effort to craft a dramatic, exaggerated story that plays on racial fears, and channels many of the themes common to Right-wing identity politics in the aftermath of the Civil Rights era. Crime; black violence; a fear of black young people; and an emphasis on cities and urban areas (and the people who live there) as embodying everything wrong with America, have mobilized Republican voters and right leaning Independents since (at least) Richard Nixon’s appeals to “the silent majority.”
Who are the Real Victims of Racial Violence in America?
In all, the conservative media’s effort to paint a picture where white people are uniquely under threat by black hate crimes and mob action is a gross misrepresentation of the realities of racial violence in the United States.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has reported that since the election of Barack Obama, the number of white hate groups in the United States has continued to grow over the last decade.
These groups and individuals are not idle. In fact, whites have recently killed people of color in racially motivated shooting sprees; plots such as the planned Martin Luther King Junior Day bombingby a neo-Nazi in Spokane, Washington have been uncovered by federal authorities; other white hate groups have been recently indicted for planning acts of domestic terrorism against people of color.
While the conservative media tries to create panic about a race war in which blacks attack whites, history reveals that the opposite dynamic has been the norm. White mob violence against racial minorities (from the lynching tree, to sundown towns, and racial pogroms in places such as Tulsa, Chicago, and St. Louis) was common during the 19th and 20th centuries, and one of the ways that the boundaries of (white) American citizenship were drawn and enforced.
The facts are not kind to this version of reality: African Americans and Latinos are significantly more likely to be unemployed during the Great Recession; the wealth gap between blacks and whites has continued to grow, with the latter have two dollars in wealth for every 10 cents owned by African Americans; blacks are given harsher sentences than whites when charged with the same crime; there is evidence of persistent discrimination in the labor market against people of color; and the United States remains segregated, with its schools being as racially divided as they were in the 1960s.
Racially resentful conservatives ignore and deny this reality. For them, the central struggle of the 21st century is to ensure equal rights for white people. To further this dream world of white oppression, conservative elites and opinion leaders have completed a masterful transformation and inversion of language and logic.
In an Orwellian turn, nonsense words such as “playing the race card” (where does one get this card?) and “reverse-racism” (if racism is “reversed” then does it exist?) have been introduced into the American vocabulary. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the Right has successfully convinced a large segment of the public that racism is a thing of the past (and which for all intents and purposes) has been eliminated as a meaningful variable in American social, cultural, and political life. For example, a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute reported that 44 percent of respondents believed that racism against white people was as big a social problem as that suffered by people of color. A significantly higher percentage of Republicans, Tea Party supporters, and Christian Evangelicals held this view.
Who will Protect the White People?
The conservative media is playing with the highly combustible elements of race, violence, and white fear in order to further a narrow, dishonest, and petty political agenda. A narrative of white victimhood at the hands of black mobs begs and demands a response. If white people are really the victims of blacks in a race war, then they are going to need “defenders” and “heroes.”
The race war narrative gives support to the expansion of police power and the surveillance society. This includes more funding for police, and Draconian policies such as racial profiling and “stop and frisk.” Given the militarization of local police departments, and the aggressive tactics they deploy in urban communities, against the poor, and people of color, protecting white people against racial violence is a pretext for police brutality.
The victimization of white people in this fictitious race war also legitimates concealed carry laws, as well as the dangerous and unpredictable “Stand Your Ground” statutes which led to the shooting death of an unarmed teenager named Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, a self-appointed block watch vigilante.
The conservative white racial imagination that embraces fantasies of white suffering at the hands of black brigands, thugs, and mobs, is also a party to the race war fantasies of the notorious Turner Diaries—what is a bible of sorts for the white nationalist militia movement. These fantasies of white law and order, white victimhood, and the need to “defend” white people against “rampaging hordes” of blacks are also shared by the Ku Klux Klan, the largest and most dangerous terrorist organization in American history.
Such a comparison will quite likely enrage the conservative media, and those others who buy into a narrative of white victimhood at the hands of black people. Despite their objections, the fiery and toxic narratives of black mobs rampaging and killing white people in a frenzy of wanton violence do in fact swim in the same racist waters as the Ku Klux Klan and other white nationalist organizations. The conservative media should own that fact instead of running away from it, hiding behind the twin guise of “colorblindness” and white grievance politics. The honesty would be refreshing.
When you quote somebody else's opinion, and in that opinion they lambast the "conservative media" you lose points with me. Just say FoxNews, it's the only conservative media that anyone pays attention to. The liberal media list is long and covers much of the alphabet.