White people are so stupid

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I can't stand mayonnaise. Miracle Whip is where it's at.

miracle whip is boots!

mayonnaise is king!

I'll use mayo when making tuna but that's about it. Sandwiches deserve hot sauce or mustard.

This makes me think of undercover brother
Sudanese are generally taller than Pygmies. Nordic descendents are generally taller than Asians. Is it racist to admit this genetic difference?
I've seen children of Asian decent who towered above their parents. The parents grew up in Asia, the child grew up in the USA. I think a calcium rich diet enabled the child to grow much taller than either parent. Diet makes a big difference.
I am white. It is not racist for a white person to say white people are stupid. It is also quite evident from a lot of the posting in here too. coolman and dr kynes are really dumb, pretty much a disgrace to white people. They seem to have some sort of mental disorder and will end up alone and miserable. The best they can hope for is an incredibly dysfunctional relationship.
Actually, it is racist. Kynes is a much, much better writer than you.
i've seen children of asian decent who towered above their parents. The parents grew up in asia, the child grew up in the usa. I think a calcium rich diet enabled the child to grow much taller than either parent. Diet makes a big difference.

that's racist!!!
Fail. You just did what I did in the OP, except you are serious. Go back and read the OP again. I do not speak dumb redneck. Could you post that in English? Is he white? There are lots of white people that are "of African decent." Again, English please. The best thing you could do is drink a gallon of bleach. Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Cucumbers do taste better pickled.
I must confess a fondness for your posts when you're being a priggish little pedant. Nobody on RIU does smug and sanctimonious like docKKK. Your early walls of text, as you know, were tldr. Your recent run of crab pics, while obviously entertaining for your cadre of sycophant racist fans, went right over my head. I had no idea why a muddy crab was so entertaining. But when you say something so insanely hypocritical as way to demonstrate your own built in bias, and then to proceed to quote the studies by J. Phillippe Rushton and The Pioneer Fund, I think you must be having a laugh. Are we all just pawns in your Andy Kaufman esque performance piece? You defend your particular brand of racist and eugenic nonsense by providing links to more racist and eugenic nonsense. As you well know, J.P.R was widely ridiculed for his pseudo science.
The man believed there was in inverse relationship between brain and penis size. Race, Evolution, and Behavior 2nd Special Abridged Edition Rushton, J.P. & Bogaert, A.F. (1987) Race differences in sexual behavior: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal of Research in Personality 21(4): pp. 536-7 Even a dumb Moslem loving libtard like me, understands the ramifications of such "science" for someone with your vast intellect.
Well said.
Well said.

he copy/pasted the bibliography from a wikipedia page.

thats not saying anything.

Phillipe J Rushton was not a "white supremacist" a "racist" or anything remotely similar. he was a scientist and a psychologist, not a Grand Dragon of the KKK
Phillipe J Rushton was not a "white supremacist" a "racist" or anything remotely similar. he was a scientist and a psychologist, not a Grand Dragon of the KKK


rushton got an invite to speak at an event whose purpose was to defend "america's judeo-christian foundation and european identity" from the likes of "immigrants, islam and blacks". he happily took the invite and went to speak for that purpose.

sounds a whole lot like the need to "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit".

but neither of those things are racist at all, eh?

only in your feeble little mind.
You're right..... You're really a lousy writer.


you are defaming my Native American Ancestry and my Latin Heritage!*

i demand you immediately apologize, and open the major artery of your choice in penance for your wicked evil racist ways.
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