white people using the "N-WORD"?

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freedom of speech. I'll say whatever the fuck i want , i dont care who it pisses off..its their problem if they get pissed anyways
If you were in the pen with a big nig named bubba I'm pretty sure you'd be keeping your mouth shut even if you wanted to say something. I gotta be honest with you most black guys I've met if they get pissed it becomes your problem real quick. You have freedom of speech but everybody has free will too and there will most likely be consequences for calling a big black dude a nigger, definitely not suggested unless you're a crazy redneck like me who just doesn't give a fuck, I've called a black guy a nigger to his face and not in a good way, but he was a bitch nigger and backed down but I know most niggers got serious balls so in most cases it would be wise not to exercise your freedom of speech and just keep quite.
I can't speak for black people because I'm not black, but even if I was, I still wouldn't be able to speak for the whole race. We can't take one persons feelings as the opinion of the entire race. There might be some people that do not get offended and others that do. I think it's pretty simple, if you have to question if you should/can use the word or not then the answer is a big fat NO.
If you're not comfortable deff don't pull the trigger, even if you're with back up don't call that black guy a.....
Im a New England white boy, where I went to school I knew four black people who I went through school with from kindergarden through high school. Kind of sheltered as far as diversity goes, small town, small schools. However it was pretty damn clear to me that word was not OK to use in any context.

Personally when I hear it out of anyones mouth the first thought that snaps into my mind is "fucking idiot" , and I do not discriminate. Black, white, yellow, brown makes no matter it sounds ignorant. If you are not black it makes you sound like a racist, if you are black it makes you sound especially stupid given our history in the US.
If you were in the pen with a big nig named bubba I'm pretty sure you'd be keeping your mouth shut even if you wanted to say something. I gotta be honest with you most black guys I've met if they get pissed it becomes your problem real quick. You have freedom of speech but everybody has free will too and there will most likely be consequences for calling a big black dude a nigger, definitely not suggested unless you're a crazy redneck like me who just doesn't give a fuck, I've called a black guy a nigger to his face and not in a good way, but he was a bitch nigger and backed down but I know most niggers got serious balls so in most cases it would be wise not to exercise your freedom of speech and just keep quite.
Somehow I don't relieve a word you just said. You also sound racist.

I've made some statements about when I lived in the ghetto that made it seem like I thought it was a bad place or I disliked people that lived there.

Yes, there were a lot of gangs. For the most part, there were good people there.

Like I said, a few of us hung out. In our conversations the words nigga, wetback, and cracker were used. That was amongst us and OK in our private conversations.

I don't condone use of such words. It is about context.

If you were in the pen with a big nig named bubba I'm pretty sure you'd be keeping your mouth shut even if you wanted to say something. I gotta be honest with you most black guys I've met if they get pissed it becomes your problem real quick. You have freedom of speech but everybody has free will too and there will most likely be consequences for calling a big black dude a nigger, definitely not suggested unless you're a crazy redneck like me who just doesn't give a fuck, I've called a black guy a nigger to his face and not in a good way, but he was a bitch nigger and backed down but I know most niggers got serious balls so in most cases it would be wise not to exercise your freedom of speech and just keep quite.
Sorry, once again, you seem the type that would piss your pants if ten black dudes walked up to you.
I'm not sure if I'm aloud to use the word on here without being deleted, but I just wanted to have a discussion on why you think it's wrong or ok for people to use the "N-WORD" all comments welcome but open to debate.

To claim that a person is inferior to utilize specified vocabulary due to the color of their skin is racist.
Somehow I don't relieve a word you just said. You also sound racist.

I've made some statements about when I lived in the ghetto that made it seem like I thought it was a bad place or I disliked people that lived there.

Yes, there were a lot of gangs. For the most part, there were good people there.

Like I said, a few of us hung out. In our conversations the words nigga, wetback, and cracker were used. That was amongst us and OK in our private conversations.

I don't condone use of such words. It is about context.

Sorry, once again, you seem the type that would piss your pants if ten black dudes walked up to you.
Oh no I'm racist who gives a flying fuck. And I'm pretty sure any white dude would piss there pants if ten black guys came up to them looking hard,
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Oh no I'm racist who gives a flying fuck. And I'm pretty sure any white dude would piss there pants if ten black guys came up to them looking hard, trust me your not as hard as me so don't try to sound like a tough guy fucking cracker.
That's laughable. Keyboard warrior. Lol.

Its how you sound. Trust me. Everyone can see you for the pussy you are.

To be honest, I had several large black guys hem me up in jail. It didn't end in a fight. I was tested and stood my ground. Matter of fact, a black guy sided with me. We would play cards and have some good discussions.

Turned out he was my neighbor and we got to be good friends.
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Delivered some food to a little old lady last week when that shit in California happened. Started a conversation about it and she starts talking about something in tx here where some dude drove into some guys farm and shot the farmer and his brother dead and then drive off.... She goes "the maniac drives up and shoots the wetback and his brother in the chest.... What's this world coming to?"

Lol, I just said "yeah, wtf?" But damn lady, you may want to try using the term "mexican" instead.
That's laughable. Keyboard warrior. Lol.

Its how you sound. Trust me. Everyone can see you for the pussy you are.

To be honest, I had several large black guys hem me up in jail. It didn't end in a fight. I was tested and stood my ground. Matter of fact, a black guy sided with me. We would play cards and have some good discussions.

Turned out he was my neighbor and we got to be good friends.
Bud I don't give a fuck about nothing said online but somehow I don't believe a word of that bs. You sound like the Penn State type of guy not the state pen kinda guy. Are you phony, because I'll be honest with you I have more respect for a real nigger than a phony white guy any day. Now seriously there's no point in fighting online so let's just make amends. Sorry I know I need to light up lol
Bud I don't give a fuck about nothing said online but somehow I don't believe a word of that bs. You sound like the Penn State type of guy not the state pen kinda guy. Are you phony, because I'll be honest with you I have more respect for a real nigger than a phony white guy any day. Now seriously there's no point in fighting online so let's just make amends. Sorry I know I need to light up lol
Its your tone.

I'm real. Been to jail 4 times. A couple of which were trumped up charges.

I'm cool if you are.
Its your tone.

I'm real. Been to jail 4 times. A couple of which were trumped up charges.

I'm cool if you are.
Ya I'm cool bro. I'll take your word for it, maybe you are real and if we were face to face it probably woulda been a scrap but I woulda shook your hand in the end I'm a bit of a hard knock come from a long line a blood line that ain't gone change. Sorry for any disrespect
It's plain wrong because lets face it, are we still stuck in the middle ages to be generalizing other "races"? You cannot just call a black person a n** in hopes of offending JUST the person in hand. It's a racial epithet that describes a whole race, so you either use it because you are a racist twat or just don't aknowledge it in your everyday volcabulary. Simple as that.
Now that describes a situation in which the one of the contestants is not black. ------>

but if both people are black and use the n word, then I just think it's plain fucking stupid and irresponsible. What's the point in that? The very word was created with hate and just sounds disgusting.
It seems that the definition of this word hadn't always been the same to ask people in all places. In Arkansas, the definition was explained somewhat differently, more that it was a disparagement of character and how one treats others... thinking back on it, it was still a fundamentally racist epithet.

I'll defending nothing, just sharing what I heard white people say about the word some thirty years ago in Little Rock, AR. It says plenty about the times, and frankly I'm not sure much has really changed.

I tried the word out once or twice, it rang flat to my ear no matter what. It's just not my style to call someone a racist epithet. If I don't like someone attitude, I can slay 'em with plenty more specific vocabulary than irrelevant skin tones!

And you know what? It sure sounds immature, backward and uneducated, especially when coming from the lips of a black man. Say what you like now, but don't forget you'll be judged on it forever.

N-Word ...must be nigger..? Times are tough for you, if you can't utter the word that defines a marginalized minority on the volume of melanin, in their skin..?
there are many groups suitable, to side with, also marginalized, economic and poorly educated, that you may find appealing, the rest of the world finds this funny
so see this as a regional issue ...that must be the usa ....lol
Ya I'm cool bro. I'll take your word for it, maybe you are real and if we were face to face it probably woulda been a scrap but I woulda shook your hand in the end I'm a bit of a hard knock come from a long line a blood line that ain't gone change. Sorry for any disrespect
Works for me. I've scrapped and shook hands with people before. That's the way it should be I stead of guns.

No disrespect, and I'll shake your hand.
That's laughable. Keyboard warrior. Lol.

Its how you sound. Trust me. Everyone can see you for the pussy you are.

To be honest, I had several large black guys hem me up in jail. It didn't end in a fight. I was tested and stood my ground. Matter of fact, a black guy sided with me. We would play cards and have some good discussions.

Turned out he was my neighbor and we got to be good friends.
You met your black neighbor for the first time, in jail? That's awesome.
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