White Poison - 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
Yea, I am about to add 1 more support stick for another clone that is leaning over. For ones that are not leaning bad I just give them a little readjustment by centering the stem in the hempy pot.

Day 48 of flowering:

Today I will give a bit of CNS 17 Ripe with the nutes.

They look like they are on track for a 9 week finish.


Well-Known Member
Here are two hempy buckets I made out of empty one gallon nute containers.

The hole is 2 inches up from the bottom. Its a 1/2 inch hole and I used a hot glue gun to affix a bit of screen that covers the hole. They have been spray painted to keep algae from growing.

These will be used for my mothers instead of the two liter hempys. The extra media and bigger reservoir are a bit of a safety net. They should produce more clones and require less frequent waterings when they are large.



Active Member
Great photos, with a lot of imformation, that a new guy could understand. Thank You very much


Well-Known Member
Clones for the next rotation have been put into new hempys.

The two in the front will be more mothers.

All these are now in the veg chamber.

The flowering clones are starting week 9

I have been feeding them some CNS 17 Ripe for the last week or so. And for the next week they will be getting water only feedings, this acts as a final flush.


Well-Known Member
by the look of the leaves, those plants are just about finishing up. the only thing which is different is the leaves are bending down like stress instead of curling up which is another sign of harvest. either way they should be done in a week or so it looks like. should be a nice harvest, cant wait to see the final weight.


Well-Known Member
Yea, its been quite hot and it causes the fans to droop a bit.

Flower room temps have been 85+ for the last week or so during lights on.

I took that pic one min after I watered and the light went out.


hi really nice grow xare
iv bin doing sog with northern lights in rock wool nft. i like to pack em in a bit more than you have here but having said that the NL mothers are getting a bit knackered and iv been looking for a different (stronger) strain. how tall do you rekon the WP would get if you flowered them after rooting and hardening with say just 2 or three days veg? (no side branches even tiny ones plucked out)
also how do you find the fan leaves on them do you think they would shade each other to much if you packed em much tighter?
you seem to be well into your lollipop sogs, same here. wats your all time favourite strain for max yeild lollipop sog taking cloning easiness into account?
sorry for all t questions. only i have a lot of faith in your opinions.
cheers ro


Well-Known Member
hi really nice grow xare
iv bin doing sog with northern lights in rock wool nft. i like to pack em in a bit more than you have here but having said that the NL mothers are getting a bit knackered and iv been looking for a different (stronger) strain. how tall do you rekon the WP would get if you flowered them after rooting and hardening with say just 2 or three days veg? (no side branches even tiny ones plucked out)
A good rule of thumb is: an Indica strain can double and a Sativa strain will more then double and can triple if you run co2. ( I dont )

My plan is to keep them shorter for this next SOG rotation. I will put them in the flower room when they are 6-8 inches tall.

I would like them to finish around 20-24 inches tall. The ones in flower now are average of 31 inches.

The vegging clones have been in the veg chamber for the last few days. It takes some time for the roots to "grab" in a new hempy pot before they start to grow. By the time I take the plants out of the flower area these new clones will be fully ready for flower.

also how do you find the fan leaves on them do you think they would shade each other to much if you packed em much tighter?
you seem to be well into your lollipop sogs, same here. wats your all time favourite strain for max yeild lollipop sog taking cloning easiness into account?
sorry for all t questions. only i have a lot of faith in your opinions.
cheers ro
When I was under my 400 watt light I was getting 1/2 pound with 25 plants. But one time I tried to do 36 plants. Just to see if it upped my yield, I still harvested a 1/2 pound. The plants were cramped and fighting for light. So instead I upgraded to a 600 watt and went with 25 clones.

I am not real experienced with different strains. So I have to say White Poison is my Favorite.

Before I got ahold of this cut I was growing bagseeds from $50 an 1/8th sacks of Kush

They cloned for me in the same amount of time.


Well-Known Member
ya i can see that your plants could be alittle stressed from 85+ heat. hard to keep a small area cool in the summer with a large light like your 600. still looking good though. whats the percentage of cloudy trichs?? im not too experienced in looking at the trich heads but to me it looks like a good amount are still clear.


Well-Known Member
Last week on a really hot day my attic grow space was over 95 for a bit. lol

I agree that they look clear right now. And I expect over the next week we will see progression into cloudy trichs.

I might even give them 48 hours of darkness before the Chop.


Well-Known Member
Last week on a really hot day my attic grow space was over 95 for a bit. lol

I agree that they look clear right now. And I expect over the next week we will see progression into cloudy trichs.

I might even give them 48 hours of darkness before the Chop.
wow those girls definetely went through some hot days. are you going to chop on specific day of flower or just going by the percentage of cloudy trichs? seems like your planning on getting this perpetual with clones being ready right after you finished flower.


Well-Known Member
Last week on a really hot day my attic grow space was over 95 for a bit. lol

I agree that they look clear right now. And I expect over the next week we will see progression into cloudy trichs.

I might even give them 48 hours of darkness before the Chop.
a little stress before harvest never hurts ;)


Well-Known Member
wow those girls definetely went through some hot days. are you going to chop on specific day of flower or just going by the percentage of cloudy trichs? seems like your planning on getting this perpetual with clones being ready right after you finished flower.

Ive been planning for a 9 week Finish - 65 days.

Being able to look closely at the trichs helps to make a good judgment on ripeness.

If they are still clear I could go longer but I dont think they will be. From my experience they are ready to turn cloudy this week. And the week after that they would start going amber.

Iam not looking for a couchlock effect. I want the super racey, fast heart beat THC buzz.

Ive had a SOG going perpetually for nearly a year now. Each run making little changes to see what I like and what happens. Fine tuning the runs and getting to know my genetics and nutes.


Well-Known Member
Here is the next round of WP clones chillin in the veg chamber with the moms.

Today I topped the Two mothers in the 1 gallon hempys.