White republicans far more racist than white democrats in every way

There has been injustice against all people of all racial backgrounds for Thousands of years.

Why aim it toward only a certain ethic background? Are they more important in some way?
That is racist.

are you really trying to compare the history of blacks in america to the history of whites in america?

pretty dumb, even for a sock puppet.
once again try to answer the question that was put to you first
We have injustice towards brown/black in mine and your life time. Do you deny this ?
The injustice has been isolated and sporadic in our lifetimes. Unless you're way older than me.

Long ago it was widespread and systematic. Quite a problem.

Now there are racists in institutions instead of racist institutions. They typically have to hide it because they'll lose their job if found out. Occasionally they fuck a brutha when they think they can get away with it.
Yea because obviously america was around thousands of years ago.

if you're interested in discussing nations that were around thousands of years ago, feel free to start a thread about it, socko.

i'll continue to confine my politics to pretty much america and its completely lopsided history which you clearly feel compelled to try to down[play and minimize.
The injustice has been isolated and sporadic in our lifetimes. Unless you're way older than me.

Long ago it was widespread and systematic. Quite a problem.

Now there are racists in institutions instead of racist institutions. They typically have to hide it because they'll lose their job if found out. Occasionally they fuck a brutha when they think they can get away with it.
yes I'm way older then you. Why did you change your name
yes I'm way older then you. Why did you change your name

I'm 27. So, I've never really observed racism in practice. I've had white folks whisper the n word or look around before telling a joke.

But the overt sanctioned racism of the past is dead in los estados unidos.

I'm 27. So, I've never really observed racism in practice. I've had white folks whisper the n word or look around before telling a joke.

But the overt sanctioned racism of the past is dead in los estados unidos.
You are young and have yet to even see life...again why the change of name
It's getting dark here, ( was that racist? ). Thinking about sharing a bottle of white wine with the wife. ( DOH, I did it again ). Black wall tires or white wall tires, I can never choose.




Did I leave anyone out? I even got a ginger in there.
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Yes because I publish fully factual information about myself online for strangers to see.

I have lots of black folks that I know that I engage in conversation. I specifically ask them about instances in their life when they felt they were discriminated against.

I always have to tell them that I've had questionable tickets from cops, grades on exams I thought was too low, and managers at work that seemed to be dick heads for no reason.

It is my firm belief that any actual discrimination faced by colored folks is more than made up for by the glut of white folks who go out of their way to be nice and generous to colored folks, over compensating in an effort to avoid any suspicion of racism.
if you're interested in discussing nations that were around thousands of years ago, feel free to start a thread about it, socko.

i'll continue to confine my politics to pretty much america and its completely lopsided history which you clearly feel compelled to try to down[play and minimize.
First I have no idea what a socko is?
next, which part of history is lopsided and what did I and attempt to minimize?