White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
coolman1a: yeah it is huge... barely fits anymore.. Gonna have to do some more tying some in a day or so. hope that its ok to do in flowering.. wouldnt see why not though.

nowstopwhining: thanks for stoping by and the compliments, wish i had more to show though. i love seeing pc grows, wish there was more, especially finished ones.

Oh, and she is on day two of flowering now. I couldnt get any caulk to light proof my second case so I had to put the rhino in flower with her, oh well, not a big deal. I will just start some other seeds in it and half them ready to switch over to flower when these are done.

Also, I got some of the clones mother bud from my friends harvest... very tasty and strong... ill take some pics if anyone wants to see the stickyness, haha


Well-Known Member
haha yup. just wish i could stop this damn yellowing.

takinga closer look at the bigger rhino looks like the green ends in a cople lower leaves are like drying out with a brownish green tint. Weird. Ayi, why are there so many damn problems with these plants.


Too many brownies
haha yup. just wish i could stop this damn yellowing.

takinga closer look at the bigger rhino looks like the green ends in a cople lower leaves are like drying out with a brownish green tint. Weird. Ayi, why are there so many damn problems with these plants.
ive had the same thing happen...no idea what caused it.

Good choice with the white rhino though...the smoke was great.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I just cant wait to get my setup straightened out so that I have it down to perfection. It sucks trying to figure out what is wrong.

I am very excited with the rhino. I cant wait to smoke it, it smells wonderful already. Oh, and on the bigger rhino I think i see pistols already, Ill take some pictures next time.


Too many brownies
Yeah. I just cant wait to get my setup straightened out so that I have it down to perfection. It sucks trying to figure out what is wrong.

I am very excited with the rhino. I cant wait to smoke it, it smells wonderful already. Oh, and on the bigger rhino I think i see pistols already, Ill take some pictures next time.

Yeah it took a couple grows to get my room down perfectly...:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey where'd you get your seeds from? you got the big book of buds vol. 3? white rhino from green house seed company says you SHOULD start with a medium-low ph of 5.8 and slowly increase until it reaches 6.5 at the end of flowering. plant ripens in 9 weeks. to really see them "whiten'' let go 10 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Nirvana and no I dont got that book. I dont have any books.

My ph was not low at all when I started, it was high if anything... thats good to know, thank you for that.


Well-Known Member
Rhino is now looking worse :( the older leaves are just drying out to like the same color as the leave but dry.. its weird.. ahhhh

Gave them a foilar feeding with some light nutes, hope that helps the yellowing, they were flowering nutes.


Too many brownies
Rhino is now looking worse :( the older leaves are just drying out to like the same color as the leave but dry.. its weird.. ahhhh

Gave them a foilar feeding with some light nutes, hope that helps the yellowing, they were flowering nutes.
Hopefully the yellowing isnt from nute lockout? is the soil staying soggy or wet?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the yellowing isnt from nute lockout? is the soil staying soggy or wet?
I dont think so. From what I always remember when I water its dry and can be, those roots were growing like MAD when I had it in the 2 liter bottle. But I cant see it anymore in this pot so I dont know. I been watering about every two to three days depending on how dry and how much time I have to do it.

The stems are starting to turn a little more green I think, some are liek tie dyed purple and green and most new growth is all coming in green. I dont know... Grrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Yeah. usually ph for soil grows Stay between 6.4 and 6.8 give or take. but from what i read coming directly from the maker of the seed. it needs a lower ph. so ph will more than likely have something to do with maximizing growth. WHAT INSIGHT DO YOU HAVE ON THIS nowstopwhining?


Too many brownies
Yeah. usually ph for soil grows Stay between 6.4 and 6.8 give or take. but from what i read coming directly from the maker of the seed. it needs a lower ph. so ph will more than likely have something to do with maximizing growth. WHAT INSIGHT DO YOU HAVE ON THIS nowstopwhining?
As far as I know when growing in soil nutrient uptake is optimal right around 6.7
Im not sure why they would recommend a lower ph.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea... Do you think the rhino may be drying out because its got the wrong ph?

The clone isnt the the rhino.... so the ph isnt why the cllone is yellowing i dont think... something else.


Well-Known Member
Well the girls were calling me for a bed time story so I went in and had a little chat with them. Oh how they grow so much from every time I visit. Haha. I cant get nough of them.

Anyways, thought I would take some pictures. Since I didnt put any up today.



Well-Known Member
Day 55 (4/30)
Day 4 Flower

Well I gave them all a misting of some light nute water for foilar feeding. Hope that helps a bit. The clone looks the same, nothing new with her and the Rhinos leaves are looking worse. I will get some pictures up soon. I might give the Rhino some of that 10-10-10 nute and hope that it clears it up like it did with the Clone. Any ideas on that?

Also I broke my 150watt CFL yesterday, 10 bucks down the drain. So now I have even less lumens :(

I am going to try and get 3 more of them this week. 150 watters are about 10 bucks each, but that will bumb up my wattage to about 100+ instead of the 69 I got right now.

Also I am looking for some more seeds to buy. I was looking on Nirvanas website at their specials. I got Rhino from them last time. I was thinking maybe bubblelicious for 41$ or Early Special and Jack Horror for 24$ each... Its one or both.. So I was thinking Getting Early Special and Jack Horror for $49.XX

Early Special: Early Special | Marijuana and Cannabis Seeds for Growing your own weed. Straight from the breeder.
Jack Horror: Jock Horror | Marijuana and Cannabis Seeds for Growing your own weed. Straight from the breeder.
Bubblelicious: Bubblelicious | Marijuana and Cannabis Seeds for Growing your own weed. Straight from the breeder.


Well-Known Member
i am unusually drawn to the bubble strains . . But then cuz of the height restrictions, i'd suggest the 'early' strain. i only assume it's a short, early finishing strain. .


Well-Known Member
Also, bro if you got the bread. . check out hempdepot.com they ship to the us and have a GREAT selection