White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
Mystery of good genetics.

Anyways, I watered the clone earlier today with some molasses water 1/4 of teaspoon for 500ml of water. Is that a good dosage to use?


Well-Known Member
yea... you can up it a bit... try 1/2, and watch for a few days, if it's cool, go 3/4 tsp. wait a few days.. if its cool, go a full tsp.. try it out


Well-Known Member
ok, I will test that out. I only give it molasses every other watering. Should I go every watering?

When do the leaves start to get resinous?


Active Member
How are the plants coming? + can that molassas be raw sugar? also how many people have tried this with result? and is there any danger for the plants?


Well-Known Member
Day 70 (5/15)
Day 19 Flower

Well I watered the Rhino 200ml of Molasses water. Much lighter dose on molasses, not even 1/4 teaspoon. I tried to get some good close up shots of both plants. Oh and I also gave the rhino a bit of those 20/20/20 all purpose pellets. The lower leaves look like they are yellowing a tad, hope that takes care of it and the little bit of purple coming out of some stems.

The fucking clone is huge, I dont know what to do with it. Why did I let it veg for so long. Haha. Oh I know why, I was trying to sort out all the problems I was getting.

Anyways, both plants seem to be doing overall good. Just a little worried about the yellow shade coming in to the Rhinos lower leaves.

*EDIT* Who gave me rep today? You said you check out yours but I dunno who you are :O


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Well-Known Member
I rep all day lol. most time i don't leave any message at all lol. just a rep whore. *gasp* we don't speak of those words anymore. . lol. lookin good. why'd you give less molasses? something to do with what you read in that article?


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks for all the rep, I keep trying to give it to you but it says I need to spread it. Well I have spread it, I dont know how much it fucking wants me to spread it, lol.

But I think its suppose to be about 1 or 2 teaspoons per gallon and I dont have a gallon to water with at a time. Can I mix it in a jug of water and just shake it every time so I give it the correct amount or should I not leave it mixxed?

But yeah, its the Rhino I fed and I didnt know how much exactly to mix JUST for the rhino so I did less. It doesnt need to be watered as much as the clone. Takes more time for the soil to dry out.

But yeah, I was only using 200ml of water, so I didnt need to give it the full amount.


Well-Known Member
coo, coo...

i wouldn't keep it per-mixed, that's just my opinion...

got a few more pics up in my journal peep..



Well-Known Member
Already checked those pictures. Great looking nugs and blunt. I have not smoked a blunt that big in a while. It was a damn good one too. I dunno how your scale said it weighed that much, but It looked like about 3 grams, give or take some.


Well-Known Member
lol I know. haha... makes me think if it weighed the whole lot correctly...

its a new scale.. not calibrated right poss...

i'm doing more research for beans


Well-Known Member
I know I have bumped mine mid weighing and noticed I wasnt in grams. Double check to see if it was on grams?


Well-Known Member
If I spent the amount that thing cost I could have about 4 or more of those running.

But yeah, I have seen those. Very nice and clean built. Just not worth the money at all it costs to build one. And half the fun is getting to build it yourself.

Im working a way to tie down the clone some more, a couple budsites are less then an inch from the lights.

I might head over to the store today because Im gonna try and pick up the rest of the parts I need to finish case #2. That way I can throw the rhino in there for the meantime and have the clone use the whole case to grow in. That will solve a lot of space issues. Any ideas what to use to prop up so of the outside heaver longer branches... There 3 side ones that are getting heavey and not supporting there weight. What should I use to hold em up?