Well-Known Member
Ok you see the color at the base? Its close but not as dark as mine and the color is through out the entire thing not just the base. The cap is even purplesorry to jack....
Ok you see the color at the base? Its close but not as dark as mine and the color is through out the entire thing not just the base. The cap is even purplesorry to jack....
Ok you see the color at the base? Its close but not as dark as mine and the color is through out the entire thing not just the base. The cap is even purple
I just flushed today. They all got 1.5gal water ph'd at 6.5 the runoff had a ppm of 1900 and the ph is at 6. I had about .5gal of runoff from each. I think the ppm is to high for run off but I haven flushed b4 so I guess it really needed it.
6-7 is the reccomended pH range according to this ph runs from about 5.7-6.5
I have been giving them perty much the same thing every time. The only thing I see that could be a problem is that it takes about 1 or so to dry out after I water so how would I water every 4 days or so? Do they say to not give them much water? Thankswhat uup. i just read this whole mfucker and thats some nice work.
i just germed my russians and all 11 poped, also got 11 ak that all poped as well. my bluberries look exactly like yours, im pulling next week. let me ask you, are you watering with nutrients every time you water? i had a chat with advanced nutes and the dude told me to break it up over each watering. ex 1400ppm required. watering every 4 days or so = 350ppm/watering ya dig
i ask couse yer previous posts about your runnoff, i dont have a ppm meter so im curious how mine looks. probly up there tho. i used to water 1400 every water, but i noticed a lot more growth when i broke it up. Nice work bra Peac3out
omg! Im glad you stoped by Thanks for the kind words. Ive had a cold for the last few days but other than that im great. I hope everything is awsome for you. Dont be such a stranger.Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Hope all is well! Your plants look effen awesome.
The only thing I see that could be a problem is that it takes about 1 or so to dry out after I water so how would I water every 4 days or so? Do they say to not give them much water?