Spoke to Advanced Nutrients about the Ph Perfect range and they told me that with sensi you dnt have to set your Ph
Connoisseur works the exact same but is better quality.
No need to add up or down, just add your A+B to your rez and leave it be.
This is exactly what they said
###If you are using the pH Perfect line the chelates, surfactants, amino acids as well as the buffers enable the plants to absorb the nutrients in the water between 4.0 and 8.0 pH###
Another direct quote from Adv Nutes...
The pH perfect Connoisseur and Sensi would have the same “rules” as far as pH goes. You don’t need to really adjust the Sensi either.
It will uptake between 4 and even 8, however if its anywhere outside of mid 5’s to 7ish, its worth giving us a call, just so we can go over any outside interference and make sure there is none###
There's a lot of ppl asking about the ph perfect range in here and on other sites so I thought I'd share what they told me with the community , that way it clears up a lot of unanswered questions for lots of ppl.