
Active Member
[FONT=&quot]Hello all
Just thought I'd start this grow journal, so I can keep myself on target and gain any hints or tips all of you growers out there might be able to offer me. I have already got great wisdom and advice by Babygrow and Edsthreads who have been fantastic help

I'm about 5 or 6 weeks in veg. (I germinated 5 then about 4 or 5 days later germinated the remaining 5). The seeds are Dr Hemps white widow from the Netherlands. Have lost 2 plants at germination stage:cry: and have remaining 8 babies which seem to be doing well. My set-up is quite simple. I'm using the BudBox 100X100x200 with 2 x 6" fans one sucking and one blowing and a 200wat enviro, I also have 250wat enviro RED SPEC for flowering. I am really defo please with these lights. Got a digital ph meter, thermo/humidity, my nutes are Bio-Biz grow and Bloom for flowering.

I think on inspection I have 2 possible males:evil: showing already but not sure, so that would make 6 girls. I nearly give up on one and was about to bin it, you can see this one from the snap shots is the runt of the litter. Today is 15th August and will be re-potting tomorrow in larger pots as the 1ltr pots are just about done with. Gonna have to make a decision which babies get the bigger pots (7.5 ltr) and which ones get the 3 or 5 litre as I defo wont have room for all babies for the bigger pots...pfffft decisions decisions. Ok I will throw up some snapshots of how its went in the past 5 or 6 weeks. Ok thats all for now. I welcome any comments people. Rollitup rocks. Peace to you all.

Happy growing/toking

PS. If you wanna know how I got off to flying start check out this thread below about pre made systems, which is basically how I got my ball rolling. It really did help a complete newbie through the minefield of setting up the grow-op


PICS to follow in new post[/FONT]


Active Member
Ignor the PH meter (the green one) its a piece of shit which I binned. Anyone thinking of buying these... dont..there cheap crap which dont work and give false readings, buy digital versionon ebay for about 12 to 15 quid (UK)

Fan is wrong way which I flipped over, air has to be sucked in, not blown out,, what dick I am..Newbie or what. Got fan now sucking in on low speed which is ample. Really do see the budbox swelling out and the air coming out of the side vents.

Following pics as of 30th July 2007:blsmoke:

You can see browning of the leave, I think this was nute burn, or possible over/underwatering or lighting issues, just was not sure, but it was ok. Funny how I paniced like a dribbling wreack over this. lol

Got myself this little handy gadjet on ebay also very accurate and cheap too:blsmoke:

Image as of 11th August 2007

And the RED SPEC enviro for flowering


Active Member
Hello Folks
Just a quick update as promised. This is the 4rth Day of flowering 7 babies left under 250wat enviro red spec after a bit of a re-potting nightmare. But things seem to be fine. I have one girl for defo, I nearly binned this wee honey. The little runt baby has now caught up and taking over some of the others she seems to have the most beautiful deep purple stems running along side older green stems. If any of you guys know anything about this sort of poss. genetic trait I’d be keen to have your comments

The images of plants today were taken about half an hour after good feed so they look a bit droopy. Plants seem to be really healthy, touching wood. The babies are now getting a heaped tablespoon of syrup dissolved in a little hot water before adding to 2 gallons (10 litres) of feed along with 40 ml of BioBiz Bloom about 3 quarter strength this time, this is recommended Dutch stuff which is very dark and smells like coffee/chocolate. I reckon the Dutch know there stuff about nutes so I defo went with “EDTHREADS” advice along with babygrows logic on lights and stealth/power consumption. The BioBiz Bloom seems to have the correct NPK set-up so time will tell with this first grow.

The images seem to be coming out yellows but this is mainly due to red spec.

On a final note. I think from next time I will only germinate 6 babies at maximum as the BudBox whilst a really good set-up and environment is really pushed for room with this amount of plants I have just about only managed to squeeze in. Ok thats all for now, would welcome any comments anyone has.

Happy toking/rolling
Peace to you all


[FONT=&quot]PS gonna try my hand at cloning my 1st baby girl before end of week. Will keep you posted.:leaf:




Active Member
Hello Everyone
Will how is all, hope your keeping fine. Well it now official. 6 beautiful Girls all healthy and at about three weeks of flowering. Now feeding at full strength of BioBiz Bloom 5mls per litre feeding every three days or so.

Took a bit of leave burn on one plant, Christ the babies are growing at about an inch or so a day and have really had to keep an eye on this, if I was using MH or HP set-up they would have been toast.

The runt of the litter (middle, back row) has now caught up on height with the tallest and has overtaken the rest… a bit spindly but looking good with nice looking budsites. 2 girls (back row left and right) I think are going to do really well and are full of white pistols with to many bud sites to mention..even at very bottom…c’mon girls,, grow for Daddy J. I reckon about a years supply of medicine fingers crossed (I only use in tiny amounts with good rolling baccy but as soon as I get my grows sorted..gonna try a vaporizer. I keep u posted. I passed on cloning as I still have 20 seeds which I’ll keep for future grows and trying my hand at cloning. I got a tiny little bit of home grown which cost me 30 quid but is worth every penny as have not had to renew my prescription for last 2 weeks, feking hate those nerve tablets as they give the jitters and shits, Doc just keeps wanting to up the dosage and send me to the pain clinic which is total bollocks and a complete waste of MY time he’s also mentioned that I should be concerned about the long term effects of cannabis but straight off the bat admitted that he new quite a few MS patients who swear by it, and that it would probably be the most effective treatment for “local Neuron/Nerve damage and epilepsy” which is what I have. So much for local GP’s The home grown is like gold dust, real drought with only crappy soap bar,, which is really REALLY complete SHITE.

That’s it, nothing much more to report except that smells have been almost eliminated with use of the carbon/air filter ona Gel and lemon spray. Looking forward to hearing from all who are reading, comments and suggestions most welcome.

Peace to you all

Happy toking.


[FONT=&quot]PS the latest Pics Below



Active Member
Hello Ed

Hope everything is fine with you, just a quick update just in case you thought I had disappeared.

The ladies seem to be doing fine. Just coming up on the first month of flowering Watering at full strength with Bio Bloom 5mls to a litre approx. The runt of the litter has exploded in height (near left side) and is now at about 5ft 9” tall. My wife nearly had a kitten when she saw how quick it had shot up moaning about how well her tomatoes would have grown “in there”. PFFFFFFT now feckin chance… If it grows any more in height the thing will go through the bloody ceiling lol.

I am at the limit on height with my easy rollers so the sad thing is that the top of the Runt plant does not get the full whack of the enviro which is unfortunate as the leaves are curling inwards due to lack of lums but this till has not prevented the top of the plant producing a big bunch of pistils, but alas the other babies need the light, shortest plant is about 3 and half ft or so with rest all at about 4 and half feet. Wows have been really pleased to see this baby come along from a possible no hoper to tall skinny giant with multiple juicy bud sites. Thankfully I think that the rest of the babies have reached their platue in height and are now starting to fill out with just far far to many bud sites to count. MMMMMMM

Have to admit that I am really seriously impressed with the enviro and for my next flowering stage am going to get another 250 red spec and double canopy fitting. Regarding the spurts in growth if I was on hp or MH the babies would have been toast. Babygrows foretold logic regarding stealth, power consumption, and max lums seems to be coming very true for me. If someone is wanting to grow stealthily with minimum heat and power problems then I cannot recommend these enviros enough, the increase in electric was about £5 over the 2 and half months…just got our quarterly statement in…pfffft peanuts…. enviros f**king rock round the clock the bud box is also the perfect environment in which you were absolutely correct on Ed much obliged for that, only thing is I would only grow a max of 5 plants from seedlings next time. Need a decent timer though the piece of shit manual one I got from B&Q jams as I have come in a couple of occasions and the lights were of when they supposed to be on and the bloody thing needed reset. Me thinks me needs a decent digital one….ebay I think….also collecting my nice clean glass jars from what will hopefully be a bumper first crop. merry xmas to mee ha ha..lol..Ok that’s enough waffle from me m8 hope to hear from you soon and anyone else who is watching.

Peace to you
Happy toking




Well-Known Member
Lookin good HMHTW! - You ceratinly taken the bull by the horns & gone for it eh?! - I'm impressed with the enviros for sure, I am seriously considering getting some mainly coz of the consumption as my HPS does chew up the leccy quickly...

I had a good chuckle when I read the bit about you putting your fan so it was blowing out & not in! jeez I made a few errors like that...like buying those shitty green ph meters from B&Q what a waste of nearly seven quid!

My grow is coming along the Blue Misty are defo more resiliant to watering (lack of & too much) and they also seem better at handling nutrients. The other two strains are doing ok but not quite as well as the Blue Misty - I will get some pics up hopfully tonight when my batteries have recharged. I haven't even continued with nutes after the first burn issue, they seem to be doing ok in the fresh soil I gave them after transplanting - I bought some bone meal from Lidl of all places for about £2 for a huge bag! stinks like old toenails....well it kinda is I guess lol - It's not fine but a bit coarse so will add my nutes in about a week at 1/4 strength.

First grow looking darn good HMHTW, keep us posted & I will try & upload my latest progress pic here tonight in my gallery. It looks almost identical to yours lol... the only thing that is different is the light!

This J's for you... :joint:


Active Member
good job bro, you grew those girls really fast, lookin good to. gonna have a good smoke off them :hump:

:joint: BlunTez :joint:


Active Member
Hey guys
BlunTez, Valuablevariable many thanks for the kind comments indeed, and I will defo try to bend the runt down under the canopy. The other 2 babies that are not far behind the runt I think have reached there hight limit, just as well as they are both hitting the cannopy, but will try and "bend " them in and under. Surprisingly the smallest baby (middle back row) has produced really nice looking bud sites even though she's about 3 ft away from the enviro..nice. Ed thanks again for the reply back, I'm really looking forward to seeing your 3rd grow and the misty blue. I have another 10 white widow and 10 "mystery seeds" which were free, dont know what strain they are, they came direct from the DAM, but next grow, just gonna take pot luck, mix em up and geminate 5 or 6, see how it goes, then will tackle the cloning issue. Doc has now put me on pregabalin-lyrica tablets 100gms (ran out of green about 2 weeks ago, been hellish), have to admit the pain was gone inside an hour but came back slowley after about 2 hours to full throb, and I started to get the worst indigestin with pukes I ever had in my life, so f**k the doc's mucky tablets, bloodly poisen.

Roll on harvest time, really am looking forward to a pain free xmas and happy 2008, cludeos and respect to all who have helped with kind comments and advice especially ED and Babygrow, very much appreciated.

Peace all


Active Member
:joint:Yo Ed
lidls, thats the german shop,, eh, bone meal,,,mmmm I did hear that its really good nute for the babies, so maybe will have to get some of that stuff too,, dirt cheap as well..mmm food for thought that bone lol


Active Member
Just measured the runt baby, she's now standing at 6ft1" ...4 crying out load, tried to bend her under but no joy, me scared of hurting her lol, she will just have to cope like the rest, peace all