White Widow, GSC, Sour Diesel Auto Update

It’s been a long time since I updated as my schedule has been full lately. Here are all 3 autoflowers as of this morning:

back left: sour diesel (day 27), back right: white widow (day 37), front and center: GSC (day 27)

Since my last update I obtained a Taotronics cool mist humidifier to raise and regulate the RH in my tent. In addition, I transplanted all three autoflowers on 3/1, and since then they’ve responded well to 3 gallon fabric pots. I secured the pots in 10” pot holders I obtained from the hardware store that have holes around the sides and in the bottom, and I also purchased some run off trays to place underneath them.

The medium is a 3:1 mixture of FoxFarm Ocean Forest/Happy Frog combo and perlite. I attempted some LST early with limited success initially, but I’m starting to get a feel for it; it’s surprising how quickly the plants respond to this sort of training, it seems that I’m moving and tucking fan leaves every single day at this point. I’ve been running an 18/6 light cycle for approximately 3 weeks now, after adjusting from a 24/0, and they‘ve responded well. The LED is about 14” above the canopy at this point with constant air circulation, temps are steady at 73-75 Fahrenheit during the day and 68-70 degrees at night. RH ranges between 55-70 and VPD is optimal or near-optimal at all times.

On 3/7 I noticed the first pistils on the White Widow autoflower, and since then they’ve increased in number significantly, here are some close-ups from last night and the night before last:


On 3/12 I noticed pistils appearing on the GSC and Sour Diesel autoflowers; I figured a portion of the soil nutrients had been used up as it was nearing two weeks after transplant, and I obtained FoxFarm Grow Big, FoxFarm Tiger Bloom and BushDoctor CalMag nutrients along with General Hydroponics pH Up and pH Down to accommodate for any pH shifts from adding these nutrients to water. I didn’t go with the full FoxFarm nutrient trio line because at this point I feel what I have will suffice.

I’ve only just begun adding these nutrients to the watering schedule and I’m using them with every other watering. I’ve used 1/4 recommended doses for the CalMag and Tiger Bloom nutrient solution and 1/8 recommended dose for the Grow Big nutrient solution. I’m watering about every 3 days, when the soil down to my first knuckle is dry. I’m watering only until I produce enough runoff to measure pH, which has been ranging between 6.2-6.7.

So far the plants have responded well to everything and I monitor them almost too frequently—almost. I made a different post about some lower leaf discoloration that concerned me, and I decided it was best to prune the affected leaves. Similarly, I had some issues with my GSC lower fan leaves that were showing potential symptoms of CalMag deficiency, which is why I purchased the BushDoctor solution. The growth above these fan leaves has been great. I’m continuing to tuck fan leaves and LST where I can, I’ll finish up this post with more recent photos taken within the past 24 or so hours, and I’ll try to post more frequently going forward. Any helpful comments or advice are welcome, thanks everyone

Sour Diesel (day 27):

GSC (day 27):

