White Widow, Pineapple Chunk, C - Train, and BagSeed Grow! + LST

The Snowman

Active Member
Let me know if you have any questions or advice. i will be updating a lot.

pic 1. White Widow (reg)
pic 2. White Widow (reg)
pic 3. White Widow (reg)
pic 4. Cole Train (fem)
pic 5. Pineapple Chunk (fem)
pic 6. Vanilla Kush (fem)
pic 7. Group
pic 8. Bagseed #1
pic 9. Bagseed #1
pic 10. Bagseed #2
pic 11. Bagseed #3 LST
pic 12. Bagseed #3 LST



Well-Known Member
Cool man, I've got a cole train seedling going as well. Its outdoors though. I haven't been able to find many people that have grown this strain. Sounds nice though.

The Snowman

Active Member
pic 1. Vanilla Kush
pic 2. Pineapple Chunk
pic 3. White Widow
pic 4. White Widow
pic 5. White Widow
pic 6. C - Train (The Runt)
pic 7. BagSeed #1
pic 8. BagSeed #2
pic 9. BagSeed #3 (LST)
pic 10. BagSeed (Group Shot)
pic 11. BagSeed (Group Shot)

Let me know if you have any advice or any questions!



those are your 11 days lol!!! mines been veggin under t5's for 2 months and arent nearly as big... but i just threw them in a tent with 1000w lets see what happens

The Snowman

Active Member
those are your 11 days lol!!! mines been veggin under t5's for 2 months and arent nearly as big... but i just threw them in a tent with 1000w lets see what happens
the little ones are the ones that are 11 days old. those last five pics are some bagseeds that i started a little over a month ago and they've been flowering for about a week.

The Snowman

Active Member
Transplanted White Widow #2, Vanilla Kush, White Widow #1 all into 3 gallon pots.

pic 1. White Widow #2
pic 2. Vanilla Kush
pic 3. White Widow #1
pic 4. C Train(left), White Widow #3(top), Pineapple Chunk(right)

C'mon people, comment or leave some advice!


The Snowman

Active Member
pic 1. Vanilla Kush
pic 2. White Widow #1
pic 3. White Widow #2
pic 4. White Widow #2
pic 5. Cole Train (left), White Widow #3(bottom), Pineapple Chunk(top)
pic 6. Group
pic 7. Temps Humidity
pic 8. BagSeeds 13 days into 12/12



Well-Known Member
im growing the pinneaple chunk and the vanilla kush,you got to love those freebies.im growing in a ebb and flow set up and used some crappy water so my girls got sick but i think there coming back,i hope

The Snowman

Active Member
Topped all of the girls except the C-Train! She's a little bit behind, but they are all recovering nicely. I'll get them out in the sunlight tomorrow and take some better pics. I still need to go to the hydo store in the next couple days and pic up some 3 gallon smart pots or 5 gallons? which one do you think i should get?

The Snowman

Active Member
Lots of brand new pics, topped all of them except the c-train. transplanted two of them into 3 gallons.

pic 1. group
pic 2. Vanilla Kush
pic 3. Vanilla Kush
pic 4. White Widow #2
pic 5. White Widow #2
pic 6. White Widow #1
pic 7. White Widow #1
pic 8. White Widow #1
pic 9. White Widow #2
pic 10. White Widow #2
pic 11. White Widow #1
pic 12. Group



Active Member
They look great, what brand of white widow are those? i just ordered some seedsman white widow from attitude. i hope mine do as good as yours! subscribed.