For anything close or comparitive to "white widow" I would say 10-25 dollars for a gram and 250-350 for a ounce.I was wonder how much it was for White Widow by 1/4 pound/ounce/etc...?? hope u can inform me!
For anything close or comparitive to "white widow" I would say 10-25 dollars for a gram and 250-350 for a ounce.I was wonder how much it was for White Widow by 1/4 pound/ounce/etc...?? hope u can inform me!
Shit in Fl, i can get that shit 1200 a pound for white widow.. 1000 for og kush and purple haze... and 800 for grandaddy purp and blueberry haze
WTF!?!? THATS CRAZY ive never seen prices like that for any weed ever, $30/g for WW is the most ive ever heard and that was in the middle of nowhere WV,dont buy any weed for those prices,get a new connect thats not trying to rip you offits 100 a gram around here....
Weeds average here to we pay around 75-80 maybe 90 for some Kush but the old people ya sure we bam em for like the 120 for the quat sometimes but they don't care if it's the good shit. WW is like 100 120 a quarter Ive only smoked it for a one month period because it was around here in miami...but if it's the real ww Kush it will Rock your fucking world I paid 120 a quarter and bought a couple of them during that week....never in life have I seen weed that good since then. I was pissed that the dude ran out ha but I def gonna order em my next batch....and like I said if u can get it that cheap ifi were you I would quit growing and leave the site because you're going to make more money flipping that whidow than selling weed unless u plan on going massive with a grow or something
Well to Answer tour question it's gauranteed to be one of the following reasons of why sum1 would GIVE ww away for that cheap..damn, 4000 a pound around me..350 an Ounce.
That is not bad at all, damn...I wonder why that dude is sellin so cheap.
you can get 65 or 75 an 1/8 for widow in Philly