White Widow prices?

My dude said he gets northern lights for 2800 a pound I take his word for it but seems a bit cheap also but it's honestly not that good of weed...but it's all I've been smokin lately cuz there's nothing else and I hate calling new people
Are you in Miami area? I think I know your guy if you are...lol...not bad weed, not too good either. 28/ Bo isn't bad...
Oh idk I call all good weed kush bra where I'm from there's Kush like actual Kush but I guess it's just slang if it's some fire u call it Kush if it's alright weed people just say plain on "crip" or " crippy" and ya some people call it dro also but most people say Kush....shit I've bought Kush before the dude called it that but it def wasn't know Kush maybe to his ass but to me it was dried out shit haha
ive had "crip" that would blow any kush out the water,calling all good weed kush doesnt make sense at all, "kush" comes from hindu kush mountains so if its not originated there than its not kush
p.s most kush is over rated in my opinion,there are deffinately some good kush out there but there are some really good strains besides kush
I see its a old thread Just saw this one (: But good grade stuff be it W.W or North Lights in Central Va. From Richmond to Charlottesville it can be gotten for 400. to 500 a lightOz. 150 to 200.00 a light quarter . The days of a full measure are long gone and Lesser the amount of weight the higher the amount of $$$.
Depends where your at... How much is in the area... how much people are willing to pay.
You could ask people in 10 different states, and probably get 10 different answers.. and how do you even know it's actually white widow? lot's of things to take into consideration.
Because I ordered the seeds from seedsman and grew it lol