white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
cheers dwr

im still abit pissed that the trance isnt turning purple yet. probably why i want to make her go an extra week.


Well-Known Member
how many weeds does it say you have to flower ?

i read here it takes 8 weeks...


Well-Known Member
Looking very nice indeed smokeh, nice growing mate ;) Sounds from your sample that's already some great smoke there LOL. It's amazing how strong it can be even at this stage. I just had a smoke off a bud from one of my purps I picked last night and I'm completely wrecked. Haha - getting close man :)


Well-Known Member
how many weeds does it say you have to flower ?

i read here it takes 8 weeks...
Ata tundra = 6 weeks
Trance = 7 weeks

they are both at 4 weeks.

Looking very nice indeed smokeh, nice growing mate ;) Sounds from your sample that's already some great smoke there LOL. It's amazing how strong it can be even at this stage. I just had a smoke off a bud from one of my purps I picked last night and I'm completely wrecked. Haha - getting close man :)
ha, yeah i cant wait for them to be done, my last batch of the tundra was great. every1 was asking for more!


Well-Known Member
ok, well. finally getting round to doing a pic update!

the Ata tundra is going an extra week now, so that makes the total flowering time for both my plants are

Ata Tundra - 7 weeks (6wk strain)
Trance - 8 weeks (7wk strain)

so i will be flushing the Ata tundra on the weekend.

as u can see she is getting quite fat. the Trance is still abit skinny but im hoping she will bud her ass off in a couple more weeks since she is a longer strain. and no purps on her yet :(:(:-?:confused::confused:

in no particular order...

and rollitup is being funny about me uploading pics again... been sat here for 10mins... make that 30



Well-Known Member
Hi smokeh, looking really good mate. The ATA is looking especially nice and tasty. Won't be too long before you're getting your chops round that lot ;) Keep up the good work ...


Well-Known Member
cheers green.

im thinking about starting to flush both of them now. by the time they are out of the room i will be able ot put my lights on 18/6 for the new seedlings. that way i can get more really nice stuff.

the tundra is ready to be harvested. i just need to flush. i think the trance can be flushed and be ready by the end of it as well.


Well-Known Member
i started to flush both plants yesterday. i will be chopping down on 17th.

the ata tundra should of gone 6 weeks. it will be 7 when i chop down
the trance should of gone 7 weeks. it will be 7 weeks when i chop down.

hopefully the trance will fatten up a tiny bit before i chop and ill be happy.


Well-Known Member
hehe, i was supposed to be chopping on the 24th.

but im changing my light cycle to 18/6 in 6 days to veg my other plants whilst still keeping these babies in a 12/12 cycle. so yeah.. 10 days till i chop em down!


Well-Known Member
i have a outdoor plants, but im planing to chop them after the first week of nov. hope the Ganja Gods will be on me side, coz the weather here is like in UK lmao! shit, rain, cold, sun lol...... :joint: >>>>


Well-Known Member
i have a outdoor plants, but im planing to chop them after the first week of nov. hope the Ganja Gods will be on me side, coz the weather here is like in UK lmao! shit, rain, cold, sun lol...... :joint: >>>>
i hear ya, weather is crap atm. although today is quite nice.

lookin good man keep up good work ya almost there
yer nearly there!

ill post pics up later if i get time as they have fattened up abit more since the last set of pics.

just trying to sort my grow space out at the moment with new strains being in there as well. so the light will be going 18/6 from Tuesday next week. 6 days.


Well-Known Member
its nice here too from two days its only sunny, but the previous week i had to move the bitches in ,coz it was damn cold brrrrrrr :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah. im gonna have to put a elec heater in my grow space soon. getting cold in there. only just getting the 50s night time temps and 70ish day time


Well-Known Member
update. 8 days till harvest.

it was freezing this morning. temps got to 40's so i decided to put a 1500w elec heater in there. i hope its alright in there whilst im not there. dont wanna come home to a fire or soemthing,lol. the heater has a heat dial... when the temp is meet then it will turn its self off until the temp goes below the dial temp again.

few pics are abit blurry but they will do.

