white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member

how much do u think ill get? she is coming down on monday. 4 days.

im gonna say 2 oz dry.

hoping i get something like that


Well-Known Member
ok cheers.

yeah thats just 1 plant. have the Trance which isnt as fat as the ata tundra but im leaving her an extra week so hopefully she is bulk out abit


Well-Known Member
ok u will have to excuse the pics, there abit blurry.

anyway, decided to harvest the Ata tundra @ week 6. i cant harvest next week so i took a look at this plant and she was about ready anyway. ive only given her 2 flushes and i did a final big flush just before i chopped her.

the trics were all cloudy, except for the only 1 i seen that was clear. also seen a few amber ones as well so she was ready to come down. i did really want it all amber but i did harvest some ata tundra in my last batch and they were cloudy so i think it should be quite good.

the Trance is still on schedule for next week.

the last pic is just all the stems and some trim, i was abit stupid and trimmed some of the plant only to realise i had no branches to hang them up with lol! so ive had to put a paper towel down and rest them on that.



Well-Known Member
Congrats man, u made me laugh.....

U cut of all the buds :) hehehe u r such a stoner :D:D:D

Excellent thnx for sharing dude !

how much u think you'll get ?


Well-Known Member
Congrats man, u made me laugh.....

U cut of all the buds :) hehehe u r such a stoner :D:D:D

Excellent thnx for sharing dude !

how much u think you'll get ?
yeah, i did the same thing with my 1st hartvest as well,lol. i hate it even more when u realise when ur half way through.

im hoping for 2 oz dry. ill prolly get 1


Well-Known Member
so a few of my smaller buds have dried. i have been curing them for about a day or 2. i just tried some, its fucking brilliant. its not quite got its full flavor out yet but i can still taste it slightly, that nice citrus taste. also got me pretty baked.

the buds are dense with alot of red hairs which is abit weird as when i harvested i could only see a few. about 50%. anyway, it looks great and the buds are great. im still waiting for a few of the other buds to dry. prolly gonna leave them in till friday by which time they will have had a week drying.

since my light cycle is on 18/6 now from my new batch i have started, im having to put the Trance inside at 7am and put her back in just b4 lights on again at 7pm. i will more than likely be harvesting her on friday.

i kept her inside today in a cupboard. when i opened it the smell just hit me. i cant quite descripe the smell though, its a very distinctive one. i can tell she is going to be amazing. the buds are good. quite big. fingers crossed that they get abit bigger by friday. she hasnt turned purple which is abit dissapointing since she is naturally a purple strain but its only a color. i couldnt care if weed was pink!

will post some bud pics and pic of Trance when i get chance later.


Well-Known Member
so a few of my smaller buds have dried. i have been curing them for about a day or 2. i just tried some, its fucking brilliant. its not quite got its full flavor out yet but i can still taste it slightly, that nice citrus taste. also got me pretty baked.

the buds are dense with alot of red hairs which is abit weird as when i harvested i could only see a few. about 50%. anyway, it looks great and the buds are great. im still waiting for a few of the other buds to dry. prolly gonna leave them in till friday by which time they will have had a week drying.


the trichomes turn orange redisch when dry'd..... even if they were as bright as fresh white painted walls ^^ :)

if u ment that ?

huh. glad it tasted nice :) the main thing is that its smokeable in a maner u dont have to put it out after 4 puffs.. ;)

nice one man :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yep thats what i meant.

the citrus taste is great. ive never had weed like this b4.

pics are of the Trance. she is smelling so strong! i was tempted to leave her for another week but it would just ruin my plans so unfortunately she is coming down on Friday in 2 days. buds have gotton bigger and smeller and stickier and more resin over the past couple of days. i checked her trics this morning and they are all cloudy.

pics of my bud so far.... these are only the smaller buds dried and now curing. they should all be in the jar curing on friday. they will be getting weighed then as well.



Well-Known Member
It doesnt look great, but it doenst look bad smokeh !

I'd say its mid grade shit u got there, congrats on the great grow man ;) Cant wait to see the final pics of the bud dry'd up, try using a diffrent light when u take pics, cant see the true colour of em ;)

cheers man


Well-Known Member
yeah i know. u can see the crystals on the last one if u look close. i only have my nokia N95 camera which is just a 5mega pixel. dont have anything better than that at the moment.

the bud pics dont do it any justice really. the color of them is great


Well-Known Member
yer :( really disappointed. i thought pickandmixseeds would of been real good. they would of if the seed had of cracked.

id of loved some SSH :'( :cry:

ill have some more pics up soon. quite a few of them.
i hav bought aload of seeds from pickandmixseeds.com jus wanna ask a few questions .. r dey gd seeds and also how longb did it take 4 postage and packaging i ordered dem on fri past ...


Well-Known Member
i hav bought aload of seeds from pickandmixseeds.com jus wanna ask a few questions .. r dey gd seeds and also how longb did it take 4 postage and packaging i ordered dem on fri past ...
they all poped and are all in my 2nd grow. my seeds came in 4 days i think.


Well-Known Member
just thought i would post a quick update. Trance has come down now, she has finished drying and is currently curing. she smells and taste freaking sweeeeeeeet. i will have to trim the bud 2night when i get time. ive got 2 and a bit air tight glass jars full of this stuff. i will take pics when i get a chance tonight.

after the next update this journal will come to an end.
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wow...great look so far ....ill be stickin around 4 dis' one...lolsq


Well-Known Member
i hav bought aload of seeds from pickandmixseeds.com jus wanna ask a few questions .. r dey gd seeds and also how longb did it take 4 postage and packaging i ordered dem on fri past ...
hope they are good coz i have 4 seeds waiting for my third grow from them, but thy are jus sellin seeds from the breeder (GH seed co, Dutch Passion, etc. )