Whites and Blacks... Who is afraid of who? Lolz

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Well-Known Member
Note, I am a white male, late twenties.

It has came across my mind more than a few times, just by studying others behavior. It seems to me, on average, we have the following...

Black men : Seem to act alpha in public, especially when joined by friends.
Black women : Seem to act not only alpha in public, but also like they are somehow owed special treatment for something that simply escapes me.
White men : Seem to avoid eye contact with groups of black men, if among other whites seem the same as Black men.
White women : Are scared shit-less of pretty much everything.

WHY? I was at the casino last night, fucked up... Two black guys i sparked a convo up, and was being my usual insulting self on accident. One seemed like he didn't even want me to be speaking to the pair, the other was pretty receptive. I forget what the conversation was about, but at one point, the one guy seemed to literally hate my aura so much, he was basically staring me down, to which I started laughing uncontrollably and they both seemed to be drawn by my laughter and to what it was i found so amusing. I said something along the lines of "This guy fucking wants to stab me, or some shit" while pointing to the unhappy party while simply trying to speak between laughs. Then I followed with "what the fuck did i do to you, do i annoy you, you want me dead? Kill me then, see if i give a fuck" all pretty much in a joking manner but still kinda serious and his attitude turned from hating or annoyance, instantly to basically wanting to just get away from me. It's almost as if my alcohol induced stuper / psychotic episode of total un-coothness and lack of any care towards human life, let alone my own. Also being outnumbered, etc It's like it made the guy think "this mother fucker is bat shit crazy, get away from him, hes a threat." All while I was having normal drunk talk with his friend who was pretty damn cool.

This made me wonder, If a white man is outspoken, confident, and otherwise extremely alpha in any situation and not afraid to call a black person out on something, does this make the black "man" or woman retract from the situation thinking the white "person" must be crazy or something?

Also note, one of my longest term friends is black, does not talk in slang or act like a "gang banger, or ghetto", I don't have anything really against blacks, hell i hate enough whites to be an anti-race to myself. But I do find Ebonics speaking, gangbang-looking/acting, and overall ghetto vibed blacks to be undesirable. This goes the same for whites I might add. Also have fought both white and black men in the past, been knocked out by both lol.

Can someone more knowledgeable please explain the psychology behind this stuff?


Well-Known Member
pretty sure you were just drunk and being an annoying ass from the sounds of it. the booze makes proper recall of the event near impossible though.



Well-Known Member
pretty sure you were just drunk and being an annoying ass from the sounds of it. the booze makes proper recall of the event near impossible though.

Hey! That's what i said!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UncleBuck again.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure you were just drunk and being an annoying ass from the sounds of it. the booze makes proper recall of the event near impossible though.

This is true... Not sure what anyone would get pissed off at me for though? In most situations I am very defusing, and non-confrontational because of how i trained myself to be while carrying weapons. A bar fight is a bar fight, but when you have a glock or something shoved in your pants, you really cant afford to be aggressive. You pretty much have to keep confrontations and situations to either, A, walk away or B, lethal force. Because C, which is a brawl could also lead to B by either you, or whoever picks up your piece when its dislodged from the small of your back.


Well-Known Member
This is true... Not sure what anyone would get pissed off at me for though? In most situations I am very defusing, and non-confrontational because of how i trained myself to be while carrying weapons. A bar fight is a bar fight, but when you have a glock or something shoved in your pants, you really cant afford to be aggressive. You pretty much have to keep confrontations and situations to either, A, walk away or B, lethal force. Because C, which is a brawl could also lead to B by either you, or whoever picks up your piece when its dislodged from the small of your back.
Are you still drunk?


Well-Known Member
This is true... Not sure what anyone would get pissed off at me for though? In most situations I am very defusing, and non-confrontational because of how i trained myself to be while carrying weapons. A bar fight is a bar fight, but when you have a glock or something shoved in your pants, you really cant afford to be aggressive. You pretty much have to keep confrontations and situations to either, A, walk away or B, lethal force. Because C, which is a brawl could also lead to B by either you, or whoever picks up your piece when its dislodged from the small of your back.
self perceptions are always funny from the viewpoint of the outside observer.


Well-Known Member
I have a story...

I was at the casino last night with my buddy celebrating his birthday and this really drunk and really rude guy sat next to us and wouldn't shut up. He kept going on about him wanting me to stab him and he kept spitting in my face as he talked and slurred his incoherent speech. I didn't want to be rude so I tried to amuse him as best I could but eventually we had enough and left. Fucker pretty much ruined my buddy's birthday. Alcohol brings out the real and worst in people.


Well-Known Member
black people are like dogs mate u look at them they want to fight u i have grown up with this living in a 87% black town. pubs dont open till after 2 pm were i live cause of the blacks they get in there burn shit and go crazy the bar owner white mind u got smashed buy 13 of them wanting a drink all im saying is black compered to white white is more domesticated blacks are like a wild animal u can train it but one day the fucker is gunna turn around and eat ur face ;)


Well-Known Member
I've noticed, no matter who's scared. The losing color is "puddled red." Skin color's only skin deep, after that, everyone's the same purple-to-red.


Well-Known Member
black people are like dogs mate u look at them they want to fight u i have grown up with this living in a 87% black town. pubs dont open till after 2 pm were i live cause of the blacks they get in there burn shit and go crazy the bar owner white mind u got smashed buy 13 of them wanting a drink all im saying is black compered to white white is more domesticated blacks are like a wild animal u can train it but one day the fucker is gunna turn around and eat ur face ;)
that's either some really stinky bait on a rusty hook, or the swatsika tattoo on your forehead isn't doing you any favors in life.


Well-Known Member
black people are like dogs mate u look at them they want to fight u i have grown up with this living in a 87% black town. pubs dont open till after 2 pm were i live cause of the blacks they get in there burn shit and go crazy the bar owner white mind u got smashed buy 13 of them wanting a drink all im saying is black compered to white white is more domesticated blacks are like a wild animal u can train it but one day the fucker is gunna turn around and eat ur face ;)
You strike me as very ignorant. As recently as 6 months ago, I lived in the "hood" on the lower east side of St. Paul. The neighborhood was all black, except the boss lady and I. We were harassed by the white cops more than the black neighbors. It was not uncommon for 5-6 neighbors to stop by and smoke with us, nightly.

We were out to dinner in Minneapolis one night. Guy's bike kept dying, I said "Tighten the intake, check idle fuel ratio!" Guy pulls up and starts talking big game. I said "fuck off, fix it yourself" Guy puts head in window and reaches for hip. I said "no guns." and slid knife to throat. Guy was white. When I told my neighbor with the Mustang that he needed to add slack to his kickdown so he didn't rev outta the lot, he thanked me. He was black.

Your theory is devoid of anything but refuted anecdotal evidence.

Oh, and when my WHITE relatives, down in the deep south, were afraid to help hide us kids from my (convicted) murderous psychopath father, "big mammy" from the nursing home my mom worked at was happy to help us. Food, shelter, and enough gas money to get us 1000 miles away from dead.

Poor, deep south, klan kountry. military "city."


Well-Known Member
I grew up about 50/50 in black and white house.
Black people ;do drink grape/soda/drink/koolaid (I picked up super sugary drinks from it)
I've got in full on brawl with black guys and white.
I would rather fight a black guy it takes a lot to piss them off.(unlessyou get an angry black guy)
And if you do just ask if he wanna smoke a ddoobi instant ice breaker.
So I'm going with white people as more aggressive by a country mile.
I'm more white but I was raised black and I'm more comfortable around black people.
I am mixed fyi

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
well, obviously this is what you have experienced. That's too bad. Funny though there are several others on here from oz and I haven't heard them say these things.

matter of fact i'll pm one and see what he has to say in private on the subject.
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