whites who work: tell me about your cultural isolation

I oppressed a white today. I'm not sure how I should feel.:cry:
I wanted something to eat so I ordered from Chick Fil A, a Spicy Southwest salad meal. The person who stood before me was white. She may have been forced to welcome me and asked politely what will I be having. I could the feel oppression that I was placing on her as she stood smiling at me, waiting for me to place my ORDER. My only thought was to make her feel isolated so I first ordered a vanilla shake with my meal and quickly changed it to chocolate. She smiled but I knew she hated the change from vanilla to chocolate. She even lied and said that she prefers strawberry then chocolate, with vanilla being her last choice. I knew her game so I smiled and replied "usually I would just get a lemonade, but today it is chocolate shake." I bet she was pissed and felt so damn isolated, but of course she just smiled and asked will I be having anything else. Success !!!! She is now willing to take all my commands. I simply said " that will be all ". I then paid her for my food and enjoyed seeing her work to complete my commands.
Please tell me how should I feel about this slavery, oppression and isolation I forced on this white lady today. Is this normal ?
That's literally rape and slavery.
On a *cultural* level, I've actually been trying to connect more with my French heritage here lately, but there aren't any boulangeries, patisseries, or fromageries within bicycling distance
3 months ago i had a Black secondary who would do the majority of the work while i sped up the line and made em sweat a lil. Sure id help out here and there. But mainly to micromanage him. Dude was slow as fuck i swear.. But anywho he comes back from lunch 1o mins late.. Typical.. But this time he was being chased by a state trooper inside the building and was tasered right in front of me.. Felt kinda good because him and i had our differences.
Ps i have black friends and considered a white minority where i live
3 months ago i had a Black secondary who would do the majority of the work while i sped up the line and made em sweat a lil. Sure id help out here and there. But mainly to micromanage him. Dude was slow as fuck i swear.. But anywho he comes back from lunch 1o mins late.. Typical.. But this time he was being chased by a state trooper inside the building and was tasered right in front of me.. Felt kinda good because him and i had our differences.
Ps i have black friends and considered a white minority where i live
you sound very culturally isolated.
I know, man. Just yanking your chain.

I'm white. I've worked with just about everybody; Asians, Spanish, Jews, Blacks, you name it. The only people I have ever had a problem with are white women. Man, you simply can NOT do anything right in their eyes.

  • Complement them and you're a rapist.
  • Don't complement them and you're an asshole.
  • Hold a door for them and you're sexist.
  • Don't hold the door for them and you're an asshole.
  • Offer to help them and you're demeaning.
  • Don't offer to help them and you're an asshole.
  • Ask their opinion on something and you're patronizing them.
  • Don't ask their opinion on something and you're an asshole.
Only white women are a problem. Everybody else is cool.


Today’s date on your forearm with the word RIU pic?

I’ll wait while you find a white guy..