Well-Known Member
I live in Texas. Yes he was biased. You might want to look into his history alittle more. Plus look into our state goverment a little more too to see all the corruption. So no i dont by the report. That doesnt mean that all illeagals are bad people. You bring up white males raping children? That means nothing(on this discussion any way)....When i said illegals i didn't say Mexicans or Africans. I said illegals. Again I state I don't care were they come from if you are illegal immigrant or illegal alien. We are discussing the merits of this whole fucked situation. We will always have crime. We do not have to have illegals in our country. That is an avoidable expense on all of us. Nor have i said all illegals are bad people, but they are illegal and have no right to be here as they are not citizens. Please don't knick pick me on this and say people cant come to the US on vacation either. I have no issues with tourism. I my self love to travel. I respect the country's i go to though. I try to learn some of their language and culture....and I am just visiting. I treat people how i would want to be treated and expect and demand the same in return. I have no problems with people wanting to come to our counrty to improve their lives. We are all desendants from immigrants from other counrtys after all. SO you want to keep trying to bring up laws and how can one law be good and another not be....how about the laws that say it is illeagal to eat pussy or suck dick under any circumstances. Two concenting adults have the right to do as they please ot each other. Sorry some laws are bad and no i do not follow all laws. It is called common sence.