Who Could Have Predicted - Pelosi Attack Edition

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Yeah, how so? Are you a union member yourself? If so, have you occupied any elected offices in your union? I've been elected to office 7 times in my two unions, and also appointed to chief and venue steward positions. I'm pretty familiar with how unions work.
Ok. I'm sure you believe that you do.

I'm amazed, but it does indicate your adorable naivety.

Do you believe that Donald Trump cares about you? Just wondering.

I will say that there are many different unions. I only have experience with two of the largest. If you don't think the AFL/CIO has a payroll... if you think those guys at the Teamsters office load trucks in those shoes... well, god bless ya.
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Ok. I'm sure you believe that you do.

I'm amazed, but it does indicate your adorable naivety.

Do you believe that Donald Trump cares about you? Just wondering.

I will say that there are many different unions. I only have experience with two of the largest. If you don't think the AFL/CIO has a payroll... if you think those guys at the Teamsters office load trucks in those shoes... well, god bless ya.
Donald Trump? What's he have to do with it? Why would he care about me? I voted against him twice. What's with the obtuse questions?

My first union, and the one I have the most experience with is IATSE, not too small at over 150K members. Yep, I've attended multiple union officer trainings and conventions, and I assume what they taught us was correct. I still hold my IA card, although I rarely work with them, as my newer union (12-year member) is a small independent union, which only represents around 250 workers, not affiliated with AFL/CIO.
that’s pretty polarizing / divisive / violent in wording.

I just responded to your post with the first few examples quickly found on google I assumed you’d missed yesterday.
I was referring to the Republicans posting on this forum. They are celebrating this. At the very least, they are saying "yeah but Democrats do this too". What you posted were statements form political leaders to cover their asses after they openly supported Trump who advocates that kind of violence.. I'll believe MTG opposes violence against her political opponents when she speaks out against Trump's violent rhetoric.

Get a clue. Trump and his kind tried to overthrow the 2020 election and install a dictatorship. They are denying it even happened and fighting tooth and claw to prevent justice being given to the perpetrators. There is nothing I can say that is more divisive than that.

Man who tried to assassinate Nancy Pelosi is racist, transphobic, antisemitic conspiracy theorist
So he's a trumptard.

starts at 00:43 with his claim about Hillary eliminating the 2nd amendment at 1:08 he talks about how terrible it would be if the second amendment people "took care of her". Republicans behind him look at each other in amazement and then laugh.

There are plenty of other examples of GOP's leader inciting violence. I'm sorry for being so divisive by bringing this up.

starts at 00:43 with his claim about Hillary eliminating the 2nd amendment at 1:08 he talks about how terrible it would be if the second amendment people "took care of her". Republicans behind him look at each other in amazement and then laugh.

There are plenty of other examples of GOP's leader inciting violence. I'm sorry for being so divisive by bringing this up.
Ya, he said a lot of stupid shit. It seems like he's joking there, but I could see some cyco extremists taking it too far. Hillary said some bad shit about him too. The whole thing was pretty ugly but kinda funny at the same time. But I totally agree he shouldn't have said that.

starts at 00:43 with his claim about Hillary eliminating the 2nd amendment at 1:08 he talks about how terrible it would be if the second amendment people "took care of her". Republicans behind him look at each other in amazement and then laugh.

There are plenty of other examples of GOP's leader inciting violence. I'm sorry for being so divisive by bringing this up.
Or you could just quote him from yesterday or nearly any other day when he said that democrats are radical leftists who hate America.

But he's being so civil and non insulting about it that I can't see any way that he could be motivating people to actually do anything violent.

Good to know that when they do commit violence against those evil dems, they are considered mentally ill and disavowed - for now. I suspect this will change before long and they will be given access to legal funds and embraced Rittenhouse style - but not from the half a billion Trump has grifted for his legal defense - that is needed to pay for his personal expenses.
Ya, he said a lot of stupid shit. It seems like he's joking there, but I could see some cyco extremists taking it too far. Hillary said some bad shit about him too. The whole thing was pretty ugly but kinda funny at the same time. But I totally agree he shouldn't have said that.
Hilarious! Anybody who is motivated to violence by his and his allies' daily exhortations that democrats hate America and want to rape your children must be CRAZY.

wink, wink.

And your posts are so good, I don't even mind you being an apologist who explains away his obvious calls for violence as a joke.

Tomorrow belongs to you!
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Hilarious! Anybody who is motivated by his and his allies' daily exhortations that democrats hate America and want to rape your children must be CRAZY.

wink, wink.
I don't think that of democrats at all. There's extremists on both sides, but I think most people are in the middle. I would actually call myself independent. I agree with some of the views of each side. And I haven't seen any of his speeches in years.
Hmmm. Nah. I never said that and your "jedi mind tricks" (lol) won't work.

Nice attempt at spin. Denied.

Always fun to see somebody who accused me of not being able to engage in adult conversation work so hard and in vain to twist my words into something I never said.

You're disingenuous, but I mean it as a compliment - you are super good at it. I respect your contribution so much that it makes up for the fact that you support a political movement that wishes actual physical harm on my family.
Negative, I don't support any political movements which which to inflict harm on people. Perhaps you should be more clear about what you're referring to. Your previous statements seem to imply that you believe that I am a member of the Republican party, which is incorrect. In fact I was a life-long Democrat until the past decade, when I pulled my party affiliation and now I'm not registered with any political party. So, which political movement do you believe that I support again?
Negative, I don't support any political movements which which to inflict harm on people. Perhaps you should be more clear about what you're referring to. Your previous statements seem to imply that you believe that I am a member of the Republican party, which is incorrect. In fact I was a live-long Democrat until the past decade, when I pulled my party affiliation and now I'm not registered with any party affiliation. So, which political movement do you believe that I support again?
I know which side from reading your posts.
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