Who Could Have Predicted - Pelosi Attack Edition

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Of course you did. You all did. But now you have reached a "turning point" and are just "walking away".

i value your posts.
Walking away from what, Biden? Yes, I'm critical of him, and would certainly like to see the Democrats come up with a better option in 2024. What do you believe that I am "walking away" from? I think that you have a misconstrued vision of who I am. I have been a supporter of social rights long before "wokism" arrived on the scene. I participated in multiple LGBTQ marches decades before it was cool. I've long been anti-war, and marched in many anti-war marches during the Bush eras. My basic perspectives on these issues haven't changed.
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Ya, he said a lot of stupid shit. It seems like he's joking there, but I could see some cyco extremists taking it too far. Hillary said some bad shit about him too. The whole thing was pretty ugly but kinda funny at the same time. But I totally agree he shouldn't have said that.
Show me one time that Biden said anything like that. Show me any high level leader in the Democratic Party who said something like that. You might find one member of Congress who talked like that but it's not the kind of speech we accept. Not from our leaders. You'll find people who are tired of Trump and will talk like that but not the leadership. And our leadership won't accept that kind of talk at their rallies.

Trump normalized that kind of speech for his followers. Dumbasses let Trump off the hook because he says that shit all the time. And it's not a joke. It was never a joke. He effing meant it when he said Pence should have been killed on Jan 6. He prides himself on "being a killer". Said it about himself several times. And the people at his rallies. They are bloodthirsty hounds. At least rhetorically they are.

This is what fascist/right wing authoritarian followers do. They follow their leader's examples.

It's not lost on people reporting on you and your kind.

Pelosi's status as GOP campaign-ad villain faces new scrutiny after violent home invasion
The speaker has headlined Republican attacks for almost as long as she's led House Democrats — a political truism her party is lamenting after her husband's assault.

Over Nancy Pelosi’s nearly two dozen years leading House Democrats, she’s played another consistent role: one of the GOP’s favorite political villains.

Republicans have targeted Pelosi, among the highest-ranking women ever to serve in U.S. government, during election cycle after election cycle. Ahead of the 2010 tea party wave election that swept the GOP to the House majority, the Republican National Committee remade its website with a “Fire Pelosi” theme that depicted her in flames. Even from the minority in 2018, she starred in dozens of GOP spots that sought to link her to vulnerable Democratic candidates.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room:

“QAnon doesn’t necessarily exist anymore, but QAnon is now part of the DNA of the Republican Party,” Wiener said. “The big establishment forces in the Republican Party,” he added, “they created this monster.”

So, NOW Republicans lament her husband being assaulted during a home invasion when a person broke in to her house intending to kill her. They are the leaders. They need to lead away from violence like that. But they invited it. The Trump-incited mob intended to kill Pelosi on Jan 6. We have evidence of that. We have video showing rioters in the building asking "Where is Nancy?". Did a single MAGA leader in the Republican party push back on that? At ever turn, her image has been used to incite hatred and anger not very different from "Two Minutes Hate" described in Orwell's book, 1984.

Just another crying crocodile living in Trump's swamp.


And don't give us your bs about not supporting Republicans. You come to their defense every time. You've never once done the same about a Democrat. So, stop with the bullshit.
I maybe am being unfair to you. I conflated you with the star wars nerd. You actually have show signs of independence.

Apologies. So many fucking liars. Hard to keep track.
Look, I'm one to keep an open mind to almost anyone. I believe in forgiveness and second chances. I think the fact that you have turned your back on the people who you find to be your enemies doesn't serve a productive purpose. Do you want to change people for the better? If so, you can only do so by embracing people, not by polarizing them and pushing them away. Whether it's me or the Star Wars guy, you aren't going to gain any traction by alienating people.

A few years ago, I listened to this interview on NPR with Derek Black, who was son of a KKK leader and godson of David Duke. Derek was one of the young up and coming stars in the KKK youth league who started the white nationalism movement. He was young and stupid and really only knew what his parents told him. Then when he was old enough to go off to college, he started meeting people who were different. His first girlfriend turned out to be Jewish, although he didn't know it at first. A few weeks into dating her, he discovered her Jewish descent, which was the first step he took in questioning the values that his parents had implored upon him. When he was at college he tried to keep his identity and association with the KKK hidden, but people found out. A couple of his Jewish friends found out, and they were faced with a choice to either ostracize him, or maintain friendship with a KKK member. The choice them made was to have him over for dinner ever week for a year, and never speak of politics, race, or anything that might cause a rift. At the end of each dinner Derek would leave and the friends would breath a sigh of relief. Over the course of time, Derek came to realize that his indoctrinated racism was wrong, and went on to promote anti-racism.

Look, if a KKK star can become an anti-racist, then anyone can change, but it's only going to happen through thoughtful embrace, not via polarization and ostracization. I strongly suggest that you listen to the interview:

Look, I'm one to keep an open mind to almost anyone. I believe in forgiveness and second chances. I think the fact that you have turned your back on the people who you find to be your enemies doesn't serve a productive purpose. Do you want to change people for the better? If so, you can only do so by embracing people, not by polarizing them and pushing them away. Whether it's me or the Star Wars guy, you aren't going to gain any traction by alienating people.

A few years ago, I listened to this interview on NPR with Derek Black, who was son of a KKK leader and godson of David Duke. Derek was one of the young up and coming stars in the KKK youth league who started the white nationalism movement. He was young and stupid and really only knew what his parents told him. Then when he was old enough to go off to college, he started meeting people who were different. His first girlfriend turned out to be Jewish, although he didn't know it at first. A few weeks into dating her, he discovered her Jewish descent, which was the first step he took in questioning the values that his parents had implored upon him. When he was at college he tried to keep his identity and association with the KKK hidden, but people found out. A couple of his Jewish friends found out, and they were faced with a choice to either ostracize him, or maintain friendship with a KKK member. The choice them made was to have him over for dinner ever week for a year, and never speak of politics, race, or anything that might cause a rift. At the end of each dinner Derek would leave and the friends would breath a sigh of relief. Over the course of time, Derek came to realize that his indoctrinated racism was wrong, and went on to promote anti-racism.

Look, if a KKK star can become an anti-racist, then anyone can change, but it's only going to happen through thoughtful embrace, not via polarization and ostracization. I strongly suggest that you listen to the interview:

So what you are saying is this is the key to getting you to stop pushing the Death Cult trolling propaganda?
I voted for Obama. But there was no way I was voting for Hillary. It's too bad some of you are so judgmental.
So you chose the fascist and routinely advocate for his GOP MAGA fascist party. This is completely reasonable. I mean, Hitler did good things for Germany, why not Trump for the US? After all, Democrats believe everybody should have the same rights and privileges as white men. They are trying to destroy the country created by its slave holding founders.
I voted for Obama.

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