Who do you want to win the 2012 Election?

Elections 2012

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 38 64.4%
  • Buddy Roemer

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rick Santorum

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
Don't be a hypocrite. You have the same feelings for Obama but you're just afraid he'll treat you like Donald Young. I feel for you.

not by a long shot.

tryingtogrow worships ronald, whereas i simply support the president over the alternatives. i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings, whereas tryingtogrow views ronald as a deity. i am not the only one to say this, other members and mods (even ronald supporters) agree.

if he shot his wad over a handshake, it's nothing to be ashamed about. ejaculation happens.
not by a long shot.

tryingtogrow worships ronald, whereas i simply support the president over the alternatives. i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings, whereas tryingtogrow views ronald as a deity. i am not the only one to say this, other members and mods (even ronald supporters) agree.

if he shot his wad over a handshake, it's nothing to be ashamed about. ejaculation happens.

You say that but you defend him on these forums on every issue that I have seen. You are even in denial about his MMJ stance. You <3 Obama the millionaire.
not by a long shot.

tryingtogrow worships ronald, whereas i simply support the president over the alternatives. i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings, whereas tryingtogrow views ronald as a deity. i am not the only one to say this, other members and mods (even ronald supporters) agree.

if he shot his wad over a handshake, it's nothing to be ashamed about. ejaculation happens.

You're a liar and a discredited obama cock sucker bigot who worships al gore, thats the only thing everyone here can agree on.
I humbly stand for the constitution and ron paul is a constitutionalists. I know that your pee brain cant ever comprehend that i will never idolize someone on a golden pedestal like you do with obama, the support i have for ron paul is not a stockholm syndrome obsession brainless compulsion like you experience with your omnipotent god provider savior lord obama.
You're a liar and a discredited obama cock sucker bigot who worships al gore, thats the only thing everyone here can agree on.
I humbly stand for the constitution and ron paul is a constitutionalists. I know that your pee brain cant ever comprehend that i will never idolize someone on a golden pedestal like you do with obama, the support i have for ron paul is not a stockholm syndrome obsession brainless compulsion like you experience with your omnipotent god provider savior lord obama.

Lol why are you so upset over this?
i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings

Such as?

Look I like the president as well, only because he IS THE CURRENT president, the way I look at it, you can criticize the president all you want, but in the end he is the democratic leader of the free world (regardless of what some conspiracy theorists say), so you have to show respect when you talk about him. Tbh, the rep candidates we have no idea how they will actually be like when they take office, for all we know romney might become the super libertarian backstabbing his supporters *cough*Obama*cough*, or RP could become a super tyrant maddened with power and everyone has to be controlled using magnets. Unless your from the future you won't know.

Look we voted for change, our definition was that change meant moving in the opposite direction of the bush years, Obamas definition turns out change meant bailing out, failing financial institutions for their own mismanagement, furthering and expanding our military empire, and pushing our national debt to exorbitant levels. Its not our fault! Obama never elaborated on what "change" actually meant

From his track record, he doesn't deserve a second term, he knows he won't have to clean up this mess he's made and it will be someone elses problem. Long after he's expired his term (assuming he wins again). The president and everyone else, who thought these bills were a good idea should be held accountable, and should be roasted (figuratively....... maybe...... literally)

Also I have to say this really ticks me off, Senators and Congressman, who deal in insider trading should be incarcerated and sent to prison (John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi the list is endless ON BOTH sides of the political divide), these people aren't better then us, they should abide by the same rules as we have to.
You're a liar and a discredited obama cock sucker bigot who worships al gore, thats the only thing everyone here can agree on.
I humbly stand for the constitution and ron paul is a constitutionalists. I know that your pee brain cant ever comprehend that i will never idolize someone on a golden pedestal like you do with obama, the support i have for ron paul is not a stockholm syndrome obsession brainless compulsion like you experience with your omnipotent god provider savior lord obama.


well, so long as you don't deny it, i'm going to assume it's true that you came.
Because of the hypocrisy of Obama supporters calling Ron Paul supporters cultists. It makes me lawl hard.

i don't pick on syncos or budlover, they are supporters.

some people on this board, and most of us can identify them easily enough, are worshippers.

i've got to go now, tell mr. came-in-his-pants-for-paul that i said "fluoride". he'll know what i mean.