Well-Known Member
I have to admit I chuckled, I think it was because I was expecting it..
I bet you think are being clever when in reality everyone who reads this is thinking the same thing, you are a retard and a vulgar disgusting one at that. Let me guess you voted for obama, ha! THOUGHT SO.
you came, didn't you?
you came, didn't you?
Don't be a hypocrite. You have the same feelings for Obama but you're just afraid he'll treat you like Donald Young. I feel for you.
not by a long shot.
tryingtogrow worships ronald, whereas i simply support the president over the alternatives. i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings, whereas tryingtogrow views ronald as a deity. i am not the only one to say this, other members and mods (even ronald supporters) agree.
if he shot his wad over a handshake, it's nothing to be ashamed about. ejaculation happens.
did you cum?
not by a long shot.
tryingtogrow worships ronald, whereas i simply support the president over the alternatives. i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings, whereas tryingtogrow views ronald as a deity. i am not the only one to say this, other members and mods (even ronald supporters) agree.
if he shot his wad over a handshake, it's nothing to be ashamed about. ejaculation happens.
You're a liar and a discredited obama cock sucker bigot who worships al gore, thats the only thing everyone here can agree on.
I humbly stand for the constitution and ron paul is a constitutionalists. I know that your pee brain cant ever comprehend that i will never idolize someone on a golden pedestal like you do with obama, the support i have for ron paul is not a stockholm syndrome obsession brainless compulsion like you experience with your omnipotent god provider savior lord obama.
Lol why are you so upset over this?
because i hate liars.
May be the case but you are angry over him asking you if you came..
i am capable of acknowledging obama's failings
You say that but you defend him on these forums on every issue that I have seen. You are even in denial about his MMJ stance. You <3 Obama the millionaire.
Lol why are you so upset over this?
because i hate liars.
You're a liar and a discredited obama cock sucker bigot who worships al gore, thats the only thing everyone here can agree on.
I humbly stand for the constitution and ron paul is a constitutionalists. I know that your pee brain cant ever comprehend that i will never idolize someone on a golden pedestal like you do with obama, the support i have for ron paul is not a stockholm syndrome obsession brainless compulsion like you experience with your omnipotent god provider savior lord obama.
there is a difference between defending someone and correcting lies.
Because of the hypocrisy of Obama supporters calling Ron Paul supporters cultists. It makes me lawl hard.
Excuse me? Which lies would those be?