Who has a criminal lawyer appointment or one in the family


Well-Known Member
ok not introuble

but i have a ? that i think needs to be answered for alot of ppl

Given bud is legal or medical in so many states......does this now give the avg person that is not carrying but works in the bud industry in some lvl where there things clothes car has been cross contaminated so if the drug dog hits we can say no (since the search is hour or more and they rip into everything if the dog hits like there is alot but they find nothing car is tore apart and they do not fix it )

like if i take my car on a trip in the USA and cross over a few states where it is still illegal and they do it the whole dog thing i am not carrying but my clothes but everything has been tainted from years of working and smoking in legal area ....do i have the right to say no or any recourse for them being dicks and well putting it all back together(oregon plates with a 7 in beard and 3 in brim hat ......i am not shaving)

in maryland they pull me over look up record and do the dogs (3 weed arrest) so the dogs come out i rarely carried anything even then they did not know vape pen(back then e-cig only app they knew about)so plain sight ......but since i had been growing for the last few years i was dirty ........they sat me on the side of the road for hour and half tore out my back seat wrecked the floor tore into the AC filter they even pop the panels off doors .........when they were done the state trooper came up and told me he never seen a dog hit like that did i bath in the stuff then let me go ..........the hour and half pissed me off i was in a hurry to get food the 4 state trooper cars and 2 city cars was just plain overkill ...my back seat near fitted in the locked in the slots again the floor was messed up and honestly i think that is why my window motor broke the floor in the back was messed up had to toss mats and bleach it as soba sugar little milk nasty that was 3 weeks later i noticed that...anger part was the car was only 4 weeks old new to me i was being careful the stink came off or jeans over a short period enough to make a dog hit like that

i taken care of my record getting all but one case sealed it is simple poss 1.4 grams 2019 dec then can seal that one too
Regardless of working in the industry, if you are in an illegal state you will be treated like you are doing something illegal.
If you attract the attention of the feds in a legal state, they will prosecute you for breaking federal law.
Its alot like parents, one is cool with it, the other isnt.
We have alot of people around here getting bagged by the coast guard, not realizing that on the ocean there is no legalization or medical mj.
Don't give them a reason for the dogs and obviously explain if they do bring them out just for the record in court. Are they even training dogs to smell weed anymore? I thought they where all bomb or class A
Regardless of working in the industry, if you are in an illegal state you will be treated like you are doing something illegal.
If you attract the attention of the feds in a legal state, they will prosecute you for breaking federal law.
Its alot like parents, one is cool with it, the other isnt.
We have alot of people around here getting bagged by the coast guard, not realizing that on the ocean there is no legalization or medical mj.
father taught me 12 miles the coast guard has no power (navy man worked the yards told story about turk ship crew member tried the rape a waitress captain had them flood the dock and tow them out 13 miles told to come back in a hour that crew member was not there anymore) .....just make sure u toss the roaches coming back in they might search but

Nope. I think it's time you got a real job. It may help keep you out of trouble...
i have a real job according to the state of Oregon cannabis farmer
side job moonshiner and oil processor

How is Wade doing these days?
no idea last i heard the house was costing him more then they could afford they are still living in the place on northshore ........no contact for 10 years before allowed to even start revenge (by then the little kid alex will be 20 that is 2 years after my limit of not messing with a kids life )
ok not introuble

but i have a ? that i think needs to be answered for alot of ppl

Given bud is legal or medical in so many states......does this now give the avg person that is not carrying but works in the bud industry in some lvl where there things clothes car has been cross contaminated so if the drug dog hits we can say no (since the search is hour or more and they rip into everything if the dog hits like there is alot but they find nothing car is tore apart and they do not fix it )

like if i take my car on a trip in the USA and cross over a few states where it is still illegal and they do it the whole dog thing i am not carrying but my clothes but everything has been tainted from years of working and smoking in legal area ....do i have the right to say no or any recourse for them being dicks and well putting it all back together(oregon plates with a 7 in beard and 3 in brim hat ......i am not shaving)

in maryland they pull me over look up record and do the dogs (3 weed arrest) so the dogs come out i rarely carried anything even then they did not know vape pen(back then e-cig only app they knew about)so plain sight ......but since i had been growing for the last few years i was dirty ........they sat me on the side of the road for hour and half tore out my back seat wrecked the floor tore into the AC filter they even pop the panels off doors .........when they were done the state trooper came up and told me he never seen a dog hit like that did i bath in the stuff then let me go ..........the hour and half pissed me off i was in a hurry to get food the 4 state trooper cars and 2 city cars was just plain overkill ...my back seat near fitted in the locked in the slots again the floor was messed up and honestly i think that is why my window motor broke the floor in the back was messed up had to toss mats and bleach it as soba sugar little milk nasty that was 3 weeks later i noticed that...anger part was the car was only 4 weeks old new to me i was being careful the stink came off or jeans over a short period enough to make a dog hit like that

i taken care of my record getting all but one case sealed it is simple poss 1.4 grams 2019 dec then can seal that one too


Try this
Newer canine training in legal recreational states might exclude cannabis alerting but I wouldn't count on it universally. You could be driving from Oregon to Louisiana with 200 lbs in your trunk, no? LEO's profile no matter what is said. Sounds like you look kinda sketchy (hinky) too, jus' sayin'. That put's them on alert to look further and dig deeper. May not be right but that's the way it is.
ok not introuble

but i have a ? that i think needs to be answered for alot of ppl

Given bud is legal or medical in so many states......does this now give the avg person that is not carrying but works in the bud industry in some lvl where there things clothes car has been cross contaminated so if the drug dog hits we can say no (since the search is hour or more and they rip into everything if the dog hits like there is alot but they find nothing car is tore apart and they do not fix it )

like if i take my car on a trip in the USA and cross over a few states where it is still illegal and they do it the whole dog thing i am not carrying but my clothes but everything has been tainted from years of working and smoking in legal area ....do i have the right to say no or any recourse for them being dicks and well putting it all back together(oregon plates with a 7 in beard and 3 in brim hat ......i am not shaving)

in maryland they pull me over look up record and do the dogs (3 weed arrest) so the dogs come out i rarely carried anything even then they did not know vape pen(back then e-cig only app they knew about)so plain sight ......but since i had been growing for the last few years i was dirty ........they sat me on the side of the road for hour and half tore out my back seat wrecked the floor tore into the AC filter they even pop the panels off doors .........when they were done the state trooper came up and told me he never seen a dog hit like that did i bath in the stuff then let me go ..........the hour and half pissed me off i was in a hurry to get food the 4 state trooper cars and 2 city cars was just plain overkill ...my back seat near fitted in the locked in the slots again the floor was messed up and honestly i think that is why my window motor broke the floor in the back was messed up had to toss mats and bleach it as soba sugar little milk nasty that was 3 weeks later i noticed that...anger part was the car was only 4 weeks old new to me i was being careful the stink came off or jeans over a short period enough to make a dog hit like that

i taken care of my record getting all but one case sealed it is simple poss 1.4 grams 2019 dec then can seal that one too
Next time they pull you over start shooting. Treat every traffic stop like a code red, bro. Kill everything and don't ask questions, fuck the questions those are never important. You're getting soft homie, what's up with you? if I didn't know better I'd think you're starting to experience emotions of some sort. That kid is wade, might as well get them both at the same time. You don't want that little fucker coming back at you later. Don't lose sight of who you are and don't listen to your shrink, that clueless cockaroach doesn't know shit. Trust me
Next time they pull you over start shooting. Treat every traffic stop like a code red, bro. Kill everything and don't ask questions, fuck the questions those are never important. You're getting soft homie, what's up with you? if I didn't know better I'd think you're starting to experience emotions of some sort. That kid is wade, might as well get them both at the same time. You don't want that little fucker coming back at you later. Don't lose sight of who you are and don't listen to your shrink, that clueless cockaroach doesn't know shit. Trust me

"If you still feel raw about it, I'll be waitin'..."

Next time they pull you over start shooting. Treat every traffic stop like a code red, bro. Kill everything and don't ask questions, fuck the questions those are never important. You're getting soft homie, what's up with you? if I didn't know better I'd think you're starting to experience emotions of some sort. That kid is wade, might as well get them both at the same time. You don't want that little fucker coming back at you later. Don't lose sight of who you are and don't listen to your shrink, that clueless cockaroach doesn't know shit. Trust me
My son!!!
“I am talking about scorched earth, no survival, wholesale destruction…body-bags and fire!”
father taught me 12 miles the coast guard has no power (navy man worked the yards told story about turk ship crew member tried the rape a waitress captain had them flood the dock and tow them out 13 miles told to come back in a hour that crew member was not there anymore) .....just make sure u toss the roaches coming back in they might search but

i have a real job according to the state of Oregon cannabis farmer
side job moonshiner and oil processor

no idea last i heard the house was costing him more then they could afford they are still living in the place on northshore ........no contact for 10 years before allowed to even start revenge (by then the little kid alex will be 20 that is 2 years after my limit of not messing with a kids life )

24 miles out is in international water and law of the flag the vessel is under still applies.

"We can and will come out and fuck you up in international water if we want to." -- The US Navy, Coast Guard, etc.

So you're not supposed just murder all willy nilly cause you're on the high seas, and should still follow basic societal norms.

The Law of the Sea
Under UNCLOS, “every State shall effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical and social matters over ships flying its flag.” So a fugitive in a ship is still subject to the laws and regulations of whatever country the vessel is registered to.

The United States can also assert jurisdiction in international waters in certain situations by other means. The U.S. Code allows the federal government to exercise “Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction” over…

…any island, rock, or key containing deposits of guano, which may, at the discretion of the President, be considered as appertaining to the United States.

…any place outside the jurisdiction of any nation with respect to an offense by or against a national of the United States.

…to the extent permitted by international law, any foreign vessel during a voyage having a scheduled departure from or arrival in the United States with respect to an offense committed by or against a national of the United States.

International law also generally recognizes a country’s assertion to jurisdiction outside its territory if…

…the offense occurs in one country but has effects on another.

…the offender is a citizen of the prosecuting state.

…the offense threatens the vital interests of the prosecuting state.

…the victim is a citizen of the prosecuting state.

…the offense is universally condemned by the international community (piracy, slave trafficking or terrorism, for examples).

Not sure how to help you with your other legal trouble but for sure don't try and be a pirate, you'll get blown up.
First File a complaint with the police dept. . Second file a damage report with your insurance co. and get estimates for the repairs. Third hire a lawyer.
It will be a long drawn out process but until we make a stand on our rights as citizens this will keep on happening.
Legal rights granted by one state don't cover you in a different state, unless reciprocity is granted.

Everything I've ever read said 99 out of 100 times police will never see punishment for destroying your property during a "justified" search. In non legal states, marijuana odor justifies a search. Best bet is to treat your vehicle with chemicals known to be irritating to dogs or install an ultrasonic device to deter the dogs. An ultrasonic device is nearly imperceptible and can be wired to an existing switch, rear defrost switch works well.