Who here used to pick up the racial slurs in there childhood cartoons?

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The gay community is spreading the AIDS virus far far more than the straight community.. Thats just one reason.. Not to mention the tons of moral issues.. I mean look.. It's like, Sure,you can make a square peg fit into a round hole.. But that dont mean the mf belongs there.. sex is for propogating the human race.. homosexuality cannot do that and is therefor is not only an anomaly, but also goes against the basic laws of nature. Making it.. wel... wrong IMHO. There is not a single valid argument for homesuality being "OK" imho.

yOU'LL never win posting certain opinions publicly. Some people argue just because they know how to make a point, rather than its because they believe it... You should just keep that to yourself, and be happy knowing that the majority of Americans agree with you. But also knowm, that the beating from the ones that disagree would be enough to smear your guts for a mile :)
I honestly feel that gays are born with a genetic deffect. Either there born with the wrong balance of hormones/genes or w/e or something is wrong with a certain part of there brain that makes them have homosexual feelings.. But either way, I feel that in the end its up to the individual if he/she acts on those feelings or not.. So I do believe that someone CAN "stop being gay" if they wanted to.. They may not be able to stop having thoise feelings, but they can certainly stop living a gay lifestyle. Again these are just purely my opinions.
So you want them to opress themselfs to make the rest of america feel better? I can see where you're coming from, maybe stoner envy knowing were looked at as trash?
So you want them to opress themselfs to make the rest of america feel better?

Well, yea. I do.. Just because something makes you "feel" good doesnt give you right or make right to do it.. Ya dig? If we all did what whatever we wanted with the excuse "not doing it will make me unhappy" then the human race wouldnt last another 500yrs.. The only thing keeping the human race "human" is morality.That and a accountability.. If we lose that, were jsut plain doomed..Anarchy will ensue..Shit, now im getting too damn deep. lol

maybe stoner envy knowing were looked at as trash?

haha na bro.. nothing like that
I just realized this was going nowhere. Back on topic.....
Best part is 4 minutes in.
The gay community is spreading the AIDS virus far far more than the straight community.. Thats just one reason.. Not to mention the tons of moral issues.. I mean look.. It's like, Sure,you can make a square peg fit into a round hole.. But that dont mean the mf belongs there.. sex is for propogating the human race.. homosexuality cannot do that and is therefor is not only an anomaly, but also goes against the basic laws of nature. Making it.. wel... wrong IMHO. There is not a single valid argument for homesuality being "OK" imho.

You're so wrong it isn't even funny. Keep spewing that nonsense if you want...the rest of us will just view you as a bible thumping, ignorant douchebag.
So now you want be to believe you've never had sex for pleasure? I mean dude do you really believe this shit? Homosexuality may not be your choice but for many people it is. Look beyond the human race for one second. There are examples of homosexuality in all species. So despite what "Old School" says...it is natural.
HAHA.. Well, im not telling you you have to agree with me.. But I would appreciate it if you respected me. Name calling on the internet is, well.. Childish.
HAHA.. Well, im not telling you you have to agree with me.. But I would appreciate it if you respected me. Name calling on the internet is, well.. Childish.

Why should I respect a noted and admitted bigot? And while we're on the subject of what is or isn't childish, don't you think your views on LGBT's are well childish? They're not substantiated by any evidence, logic or rationale. It's nothing more than gay bashing. You're no different than any other bigot.
You're a stone cold hypocrite. You hate racists on one hand and hate LGBT's on the other. It doesn't make any sense. Respect RIU, and the people here. If you don't like it...there's always stormfront.
childish isn't even really an insult to me. Weed tends to do that to people. :P

It's even worse when it's a stoner. Most stoners walk around all day preaching and wishing for acceptance, and this moron comes in talking out of his ass. I do feel for him...he wasn't born like this he was taught that intolerance. The funny part is people try to battle sin with sin. Homosexuality and judgement are both sins, but you're not a christian if you're a LGBT, but you're sure as hell one if you pass judgement down.
Who said im a christian? Jump to conclusions much?

Dude don't be stupid. Your ignorance is saturated in short-sided christian rhetoric. I've never heard an atheist or agnostic claim homosexuality was "Un-natural". Why? Because there views of what's natural aren't based on the Adam and Eve principle.
Dude don't be stupid.

Again, with the insults

I've never heard an atheist or agnostic claim homosexuality was "Un-natural".

You are the closed minded one to make that statement lol..

Why? Because there views of what's natural aren't based on the Adam and Eve principle.

Dude I dont believe there was an "Adam and Eve" so that has nothing to do with it..lol

Why make this personal? Methinx you need to smoke some weed and chill out.
Again, with the insults

You are the closed minded one to make that statement lol..

Dude I dont believe there was an "Adam and Eve" so that has nothing to do with it..lol

Why make this personal? Methinx you need to smoke some weed and chill out.

You're still missing the point. Which doesn't surprise me one bit. I didn't say you believed in Adam and Eve...I said you believed in the Adam and eve principle. I'm not making this personal...I just find it deplorable that in one post you claim to hate racism, yet in another you refer to Homosexuals as "fags". Also...I'd like to ask you do you know anything...I mean anything at all dealing with athiesm or agnosticism? If you did...you would know that it would be almost impossible for them to have an "un-natural" view of sexuality. That's a theological rationale. It's not personal...I just think you're a moron. :)
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