Who here used to pick up the racial slurs in there childhood cartoons?

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You're still missing the point. Which doesn't surprise me one bit. I didn't say you believed in Adam and Eve...I said you believed in the Adam and eve principle. I'm not making this personal...I just find it deplorable that in one post you claim to hate racism, yet in another you refer to Homosexuals as "fags". Also...I'd like to ask you do you know anything...I mean anything at all dealing with athiesm or agnosticism? If you did...you would know that it would be almost impossible for them to have an "un-natural" view of sexuality. That's a theological rationale. It's not personal...I just think you're a moron. :)

personal attacks and insults are not allowed. :fire:
I don't understand how anyone can hate gay people. They're just like stoners. They mind there buisiness.

Wait, I find it hard to believe that the word fag is taboo. Especially when things like this are on the air. I saw this on southpark two days ago and figured I would pollute your minds as well.

Why did ya kill it?
gravy insulted another member by directly calling him names. dude is allowed to his opinion without be personally attacked.

He is completely entitled to his beliefs but you have to admit gravy was just saying what every person with half a brain was thinking.

BTW im not arguing with you on stopping the personal attacks
So I can rant on and on about how having black skin is wrong and unnatural?

lol.. if thats how you feel then w/e.. But I really dont see how you can compare black ppl to homosexuals.. I mean, any male and female of ANY RACE can produce a child if they are viable. Show me 2 men ( white/black w/e ) that can make a baby.
Its ok to disagree with someones opinions.. But you dont have to call names etc.. Debating issues are a great way to gain knowledge and break down barriers.. But calling names etc just gets no one anywhere.
Obviously you're not up to date on the news. A guy was pregnant not too long ago. Granted, it's not exactly natural, but dude honestly. Who gave you permission to decide what is right and what is wrong? I remember something about you being a christian not too long ago. Why not just leave it up to whatever god you worship? Obviously god put fags here for a reason and I doubt it was to give you something to hate.
why is it so hard for everyone to accept the fact that oldschool has an OPINION different then all of yours? you don't have to agree with him, but you have no reason to hate on him just because he doesn't agree with you. he's not right or wrong, he just has a different OPINION.
Obviously you're not up to date on the news. A guy was pregnant not too long ago. Granted, it's not exactly natural, but dude honestly. Who gave you permission to decide what is right and what is wrong? I remember something about you being a christian not too long ago. Why not just leave it up to whatever god you worship? Obviously god put fags here for a reason and I doubt it was to give you something to hate.

first of all.. I have every right to feel whatever way I wanna feel about ANYTHING.. I diecide what I feel is right or wrong.. NOT ANYONE ELSE.. And I have no idea why you keep dragging relegion into this as I have tried very hard to not reply or discuss relegion, but if you insist on knowing how I feel about relegion, then ill yell you..

I dont believe in the typical relegions like babtist,catholic etc etc.. I think there nothing but man made ways to control,make profit from the "weak minded" or the naive.. I have a very complicated view of "God" and spirituality.. IMHO, there has to be something/someone out there that has control over our existance.. imho, there has to be as we are not the biggest things in the universe period.. I think we are simply a part of a "microuniverse" within thousands of other ever expanding "universes".. Kind of like how microscopic organisms are in our universe.. to them, we are probably "God's" and they have no idea how our world works and how our "world" influences theres.. IMHO we are merely "microscopic beings" in someone / something elses "world" and we have no idea about how things outside of our own world "works".. I feel that the entire universe(s) are made up of these graduating internal universes . And I feel that we just dont have the brain power to understand most things outside of our own "world" so the term "God" was invented.. I prolly didnt do a good job explaining my theory, but I have not actually tried explaining it to anyone before..
why is it so hard for everyone to accept the fact that oldschool has an OPINION different then all of yours? you don't have to agree with him, but you have no reason to hate on him just because he doesn't agree with you. he's not right or wrong, he just has a different OPINION.

thanks.. :clap:
lol.. if thats how you feel then w/e.. But I really dont see how you can compare black ppl to homosexuals.. I mean, any male and female of ANY RACE can produce a child if they are viable. Show me 2 men ( white/black w/e ) that can make a baby.
Its ok to disagree with someones opinions.. But you dont have to call names etc.. Debating issues are a great way to gain knowledge and break down barriers.. But calling names etc just gets no one anywhere.

Since when did I call you names........?

That is not how I feel about black skin but its basically the same damn thing.
Your posts in this thread are littered with bigotry and ignorance. Me thinks you need to do a bit of growing up.
I agree with OldSchool.

But that doesn't mean I'd ever do anything about it. It is just an opinion.

I don't agree with gays, I don't think it's right. I do think gays can and should try to be heterosexuals. But that choice is theirs and I will never tell to make a different one because I also believe in personal freedoms and everyones right to find their own judgement. But on the other hand if gay marriage for example, was put to vote in my state, I would vote against it. Because of tax reasons and my opinion on gays. That is my right as an American voter.
I am sorry you will live your life ignorant to what is really important, and I'm sorry for any homosexual that has read this thread and your bigotry.
Im sorry you were raised to be ignorant I don't think you were born like this.
I am sorry you will live your life ignorant to what is really important, and I'm sorry for any homosexual that has read this thread and your bigotry.
Im sorry you were raised to be ignorant I don't think you were born like this.

why the personal attack? i'm standing right here warning you. wtf?????? :fire:
I am sorry you will live your life ignorant to what is really important, and I'm sorry for any homosexual that has read this thread and your bigotry.
Im sorry you were raised to be ignorant I don't think you were born like this.

I was born like this tbh

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