Who is Better off Than They Were Four Years Ago

I sometimes wonder if people like him are paid to support conservatives and corporations. I can't fathom anyone believing the shit they say unless they're paid off.

Where do you suppose he is getting all that campaign money? Where do you suppose all that PAC money is coming from, the ROI on electing a president that is your own little marionette is huge.

that is not to say that dems are not getting paid as well, large donors are well aware that they must hedge their bets and also look like equal opportunity contributors.

It is obvious that Romney is dependent on and obliging to folks like the Koch bothers. I can't understand why the rank and file Republicans don't comprehend this. The social issues are just window dressing as you can see in the Republican gaffes.

Watch Beenthere's posts for hints as to how the right is managed and controled - his very thought processes are owned - and cheaply I might add.
I sometimes wonder if people like him are paid to support conservatives and corporations. I can't fathom anyone believing the shit they say unless they're paid off.
I wonder if he is a sock puppet trolling the forum. No right winger is that stupid.