"Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

You people have completely lost your shit. The guy clearly stated that he's not a Trump supporter.

Guess what? I'm doing better than I was 4 years ago. Is it because of or in spite of Trump? No. It's because I flipped a house and a condo, and grew my businesses. Has the last year been tough? Sure, but I don't blame C19 or the related business closures on Trump.

You guys need to step away from this echo chamber and get some sunshine or something. This forum is almost as crazy as some of the far right forums I've visited in the past.
You’ve visited far right forums? Why?
The guy clearly stated that he's not a Trump supporter

And Trump says he's done a wonderful job.

And I'm sure everyone here believes both of them.

And by the way, I once knew a John Lawrence. I worked with John Lawrence. I studied under John Lawrence who was a pillar of the community here a few decades back.

And YOU are no John Lawrence, you're just another wingnut hack who lives the lie. Nobody believes any of you at this point and put a mask on when you post here you fucking partisan hack.
You’ve visited far right forums? Why?
They're fascinating, much like this forum. It's a trip to see people so far on one side of the aisle spew crazy nonsense in what is essentially an echo chamber, all patting each other on the back. Besides, Trumpers, Tea Partiers and the like are fun to screw with.

When I first noticed this forum, I thought it was a bit more centered. Then I had the audacity to mention something that wasn't in lock step with the forum regs, and I was labeled a Trump supporter, Russian sock account, and all kinds of other stupid shit that doesn't make a bit of sense.

Like the guy above - who's to say he's not doing better than he was 4 years ago? Does everybody who called him out for bullshit actually know him or what his life is actually like? Like I mentioned before, I'm better off than I was 4 years ago. And 4 years before that, I was better off than I was at the start of Obama's term. And? Again, I grew my businesses and bought and sold real estate.
Then you are a fool.
Really? So it was Trump, and not Newsom who mandated business closures in my state? Could you please provide a source for that? Or is it Trump who personally developed C19 in a lab? Is that what you're saying?

Do you agree with the lockdown or not? Yes? So somehow in your head, Trump caused the lockdown and related business closures, but not C19. Wow.
And Trump says he's done a wonderful job.

And I'm sure everyone here believes both of them.

And by the way, I once knew a John Lawrence. I worked with John Lawrence. I studied under John Lawrence who was a pillar of the community here a few decades back.

And YOU are no John Lawrence, you're just another wingnut hack who lives the lie. Nobody believes any of you at this point and put a mask on when you post here you fucking partisan hack.
^ See what I mean?

You guys are hilarious.

And btw, if I'm a partisan hack, then I'm a liberal one. That's right, I'm one of you, like it or not. Whoops.
They're fascinating, much like this forum. It's a trip to see people so far on one side of the aisle spew crazy nonsense in what is essentially an echo chamber, all patting each other on the back. Besides, Trumpers, Tea Partiers and the like are fun to screw with.

When I first noticed this forum, I thought it was a bit more centered. Then I had the audacity to mention something that wasn't in lock step with the forum regs, and I was labeled a Trump supporter, Russian sock account, and all kinds of other stupid shit that doesn't make a bit of sense.

Like the guy above - who's to say he's not doing better than he was 4 years ago? Does everybody who called him out for bullshit actually know him or what his life is actually like? Like I mentioned before, I'm better off than I was 4 years ago. And 4 years before that, I was better off than I was at the start of Obama's term. And? Again, I grew my businesses and bought and sold real estate.
I really like to read your posts, except you cry so fucking much, while pretending like half of the people attacking you are not the very things you are complaining about being called.

Time is linear, if you have been working for 4 years, and nothing too traumatic occurred chances are you are of course better off, that is how addition works.

A better question might be, do you think our country/world is stronger/better off today than it was 4 years ago?
And Trump says he's done a wonderful job.

And one more thing - we actually know that Trump has done a shit job at just about everything. He's the worst president of all time, and he completely fucked the pandemic response to cap off his final year in office. These are facts. You can turn on the news and know all of that for a fact.

The guy being attacked in this thread, what do you actually know about him? What facts do you know about him? You're just attacking him cause, oh no!, he's doing better than he was 4 years ago and that seems to ruffle a bunch of feathers. You might want to invest in a mirror before you go around calling people partisan hacks.
I really like to read your posts, except you cry so fucking much, while pretending like half of the people attacking you are not the very things you are complaining about being called.

Time is linear, if you have been working for 4 years, and nothing too traumatic occurred chances are you are of course better off, that is how addition works.

A better question might be, do you think our country/world is stronger/better off today than it was 4 years ago?
Of course not, but that wasn't the question being asked in the OP. That would be a completely different thread.

BTW - not crying. I'm just stating a fact that if you're not in lock step with all of the far left regs here, then you get attacked. That's just a fact. I actually think it's really amusing.
Why do you spend such vast amount of times on a far left forum? What are you getting out of it?
I didn’t know this was a “far left forum”.
I came here ten years ago and met several very nice people. Some have become friends in real life.
I been to other forums. Some have turned out to be nuthouses. So why not stay where I know the nuts?
I didn’t know this was a “far left forum”.
I came here ten years ago and met several very nice people. Some have become friends in real life.
I been to other forums. Some have turned out to be nuthouses. So why not stay where I know the nuts?
I've observed that just about anybody that posts here anything slightly right of center gets piled on. So yeah, it is far left. There's even a liberal troll who's posts consist of nothing more than insults who is protected by the mods. So yeah, this forum is pretty far left. But if you lean really far to the left, I could see how you might be blind to it.
I've observed that just about anybody that posts here anything slightly right of center gets piled on. So yeah, it is far left. There's even a liberal troll who's posts consist of nothing more than insults who is protected by the mods. So yeah, this forum is pretty far left. But if you lean really far to the left, I could see how you might be blind to it.
Sorry but now you are definitely crying:hug:
Of course not, but that wasn't the question being asked in the OP. That would be a completely different thread.

BTW - not crying. I'm just stating a fact that if you're not in lock step with all of the far left regs here, then you get attacked. That's just a fact. I actually think it's really amusing.
And yet you don't ignore people attacking you so you (or whoever is being trolled) can have a conversation without crying about it because that is what people are programmed to do instead of recognizing the problem.
I've observed that just about anybody that posts here anything slightly right of center gets piled on. So yeah, it is far left. There's even a liberal troll who's posts consist of nothing more than insults who is protected by the mods. So yeah, this forum is pretty far left. But if you lean really far to the left, I could see how you might be blind to it.

"By the way, not crying ... "

Riiiight! You say you are a liberal, but you just don't get it!

But don't concern yourself, lots of people are not smart enough to pay attention. :lol:
