"Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

The guy being attacked in this thread, what do you actually know about him? What facts do you know about him? You're just attacking him cause, oh no!, he's doing better than he was 4 years ago and that seems to ruffle a bunch of feathers. You might want to invest in a mirror before you go around calling people partisan hacks.

Also I actually tried to have a polite conversation with that guy (Im guessing you meant them) you said was being attacked, but got no response.
I've observed that just about anybody that posts here anything slightly right of center gets piled on. So yeah, it is far left. There's even a liberal troll who's posts consist of nothing more than insults who is protected by the mods. So yeah, this forum is pretty far left. But if you lean really far to the left, I could see how you might be blind to it.
And one more thing - we actually know that Trump has done a shit job at just about everything. He's the worst president of all time, and he completely fucked the pandemic response to cap off his final year in office. These are facts. You can turn on the news and know all of that for a fact.

The guy being attacked in this thread, what do you actually know about him? What facts do you know about him? You're just attacking him cause, oh no!, he's doing better than he was 4 years ago and that seems to ruffle a bunch of feathers. You might want to invest in a mirror before you go around calling people partisan hacks.
Nobody is doing better than they were 4 years ago. Unfortunately a lot of people, yourself included, can’t look past themselves or this moment in time.

Things are worse and some people are just too stupid to realize it.

Is it true? Is ignorance really bliss?
"By the way, not crying ... "

Riiiight! You say you are a liberal, but you just don't get it!

But don't concern yourself, lots of people are not smart enough to pay attention. :lol:

He’s one of the “silent majority” that pretends to be liberal even brags about it, then votes for trump :lol: :lol:
I've observed that just about anybody that posts here anything slightly right of center gets piled on. So yeah, it is far left. There's even a liberal troll who's posts consist of nothing more than insults who is protected by the mods. So yeah, this forum is pretty far left. But if you lean really far to the left, I could see how you might be blind to it.
This is not a far left forum. Its pretty center with a smattering from far left and right. Has America even got a Left leaning mainstream political party? Americas politics has been drifting to the right for so long the center is not were it used to be.

And yes trumps policies and politics has made it very hard on some industries and people (but he has done well out of it so far...). His Huge debt and his printing of money wont help. His handling of Covid has been criminal and isnt helping/wont help the recovery. The worlds in for a world of hurt the next 5 years and Trump has not placed his pieces very well for the game ahead. The countries debt will be even larger in a couple years time, mega large.
The decline of America is speeding up not slowing down.
The western world needs you guys to sort yourself out. Trump was a huge mistake.

Australia has not had a recession in 30 years but here we are in one. Our diverse economy didn't even go backwards during the GFC. If Australia's economy is slowing (down 7% in GDP last quarter) then the worlds economy will fare much, much worse as we drag each other down.
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This is not a far left forum. Its pretty center with a smattering from far left and right. Has America even got a Left leaning mainstream political party? Americas politics has been drifting to the right for so long the center is not were it used to be.

And yes trumps policies and politics has made it very hard on some industries and people (but he has done well out of it so far...). His Huge debt and his printing of money wont help. His handling of Covid has been criminal and isnt helping/wont help the recovery. The worlds in for a world of hurt the next 5 years and Trump has not placed his pieces very well for the game ahead. The countries debt will be even larger in a couple years time, mega large.
The decline of America is speeding up not slowing down.
The western world needs you guys to sort yourself out. Trump was a huge mistake.

Australia has not had a recession in 30 years but here we are in one. Our diverse economy didn't even go backwards during the GFC. If Australia's economy is slowing (down 7% in GDP last quarter) then the worlds economy will fare much, much worse as we drag each other down.
America is about to turn a corner and it won't look back, all they and we have to do is survive Trump and he might not be around as long as people think. His power will evaporate soon after the election as his henchmen run for the hills and Joe begins to take charge early, if Donald seriously threatens the country. They might even impeach him after the election and can even after Jan 20th 2021 (prevents him from holding public office), this might tie down the senate and save many American lives if Pence took over. If the democrats win the presidency and trounce the GOP in the senate anything is possible.
You people have completely lost your shit. The guy clearly stated that he's not a Trump supporter.

Guess what? I'm doing better than I was 4 years ago. Is it because of or in spite of Trump? No. It's because I flipped a house and a condo, and grew my businesses. Has the last year been tough? Sure, but I don't blame C19 or the related business closures on Trump.

You guys need to step away from this echo chamber and get some sunshine or something. This forum is almost as crazy as some of the far right forums I've visited in the past.