Who is Fascist?

Congrats to Dank!!!Keep it up, I have always hated cigarettes!!

I never smoked cigarettes in my life.
I started smoking cigars about 15 years ago. I love to get ripped on some nice buds and then kick back and fire up a fine aromatic premium cigar.
I think that the difference between cigarettes and cigars is quite dramatic.
Instead of cigars controlling me, I control when and where I smoke them. I do not think that this is the case with cigarette smokers; the cigarettes seem to enslave the smoker.

The last cigar I had was a Hoyo de Monterey Governor after Thanksgiving dinner...

This is off topic but I have just fired up two bowls....and my mind is floating....

Good to see you around Wavels.:mrgreen:
Wavels ...

The last cigar I smoked was about a week ago. It was a Hoyo de Monterey Excaliber. It was great.

Cigarettes are to nicotine, what Folgers is to caffeine ... nothing more than a delivery system. :mrgreen:

Well med, I wish I could be more optimistic about this nation's future.
Both Obama and McCain represent further restrictions and bigger government with even more bloated inefficient beauracracies, most likely higher tax rates as well.... no chance for a repeal of the profoundly stupid prohibition of ganja.
How is either of these Bozos going to promote freedom and liberty??
Sad and truly hopeless!!!
I may have to begin drinking heavily on a daily basis. Unless I can find my rusty razor blades with which to slit my wrists!!!!

i'd say the whole gay marriage thing promoted freedom and liberty. repealed prohibition as well. and lowered your taxes. and shrank government.

go hit the bottle, every single one of your predictions failed again.