Well-Known Member
i just heard it passed the first reading but not the second, yet
Blondie, the bill WAS passed. I read it in the paper and I watched the vote on CPAC (Canadian Parliamentary Television.) I expect more stringent bills to be presented towards the end of next year in an effort to bring Canadians to full compliance.
Plus I would say you are being just a little naive. Nowadays most all mainstream media (television, magazines, radio, newspapers) are owned by Rupert Murdochs' Newscorp. and a few select multinational corporations. Therefore, if you limit your exposure to these mediums alone, you have very little insight into whats going on in the world around you. And people have become so reliant on technology and the quick snippits and flashy colours presented by Fox News they have no need to look anywhere else.
People have become brainwashed by television. More people care about the mundane lives of Hollywood celebrities than of the hundreds of thousands of people dying around the world from natural disasters, war (particularly in the Middle East) and the genocides for which the American government is responsible (Cambodia and East Timor). And why is this so? Because the goal of television is to advertise, and to make the public think that they need the useless shit being peddled day in and day out. Celebrities are the center because they are walking advertisements.
In summation people have lost touch with government and unfortunately with the world that exists beyond the microcosm that is North America. Canada is not very different, as we are more-or-less a cultural assimilation of US ideals (thanks to NAFTA and the WTO).
My recommendation: Read a goddamn book!
In the end it doesnt really matter what the majority wants or knows, if the government and the higher powers want it to be passed, it WILL pass, someway or another. It will be the same thing in America if they try it here, even if it gets a buzz and most the country is against it, they will skew the polls and in the end it will pass by a small margin if a lot of people are against it, but it WILL pass if they want it to and you better believe that. Even if somehow it doesnt pass the higher powers will probably take all the vitamins and nutrients out of things anyways without us knowing.
I used to think all this conspiracy stuff was crazy and only crazy people said it, but after learning all of this I can see that 95% of America is brainwashed and doesnt know the whole truth at all, or doesnt care (I used to be part of that 95%). Most of America is still reading up on every useless detail of whats going on with the celebrities in Hollywood and all the other krap like American Idol and like 500 other things, and they are brainwashed and too occupied to worry about whats important. Its not their fault though, its the higher powers and the government. I am sorry to say it, but whats going to happen, will happen. The government and the higher powers will get what they want no matter what. They probably already know whats going to happen in 2012 and they just dont want us to know any bit of it, sad how our world is.
oh i'm sure it will be passed. i'm just waiting to see when it happens, so i have more proof for the sheeple.
at the same time i would really like to see this bill get tossed. i don't think i'm ready for what is supposably going to happen. this bill is straight proof that there is a sinister plan being brewed.
herbs, vitamins and minerals reclassified as drugs? only obtainable through prescription? a $5,000,000 fine for growing, preserving, or sharing an unregistered natural health product?
The Official Stop C-51 Website - Your Freedom And Health Are At Risk!
how many more freedoms do we have to lose to make people wake the fuck up?
Blondie, the bill WAS passed. I read it in the paper and I watched the vote on CPAC (Canadian Parliamentary Television.) I expect more stringent bills to be presented towards the end of next year in an effort to bring Canadians to full compliance.
Plus I would say you are being just a little naive. Nowadays most all mainstream media (television, magazines, radio, newspapers) are owned by Rupert Murdochs' Newscorp. and a few select multinational corporations. Therefore, if you limit your exposure to these mediums alone, you have very little insight into whats going on in the world around you. And people have become so reliant on technology and the quick snippits and flashy colours presented by Fox News they have no need to look anywhere else.
People have become brainwashed by television. More people care about the mundane lives of Hollywood celebrities than of the hundreds of thousands of people dying around the world from natural disasters, war (particularly in the Middle East) and the genocides for which the American government is responsible (Cambodia and East Timor). And why is this so? Because the goal of television is to advertise, and to make the public think that they need the useless shit being peddled day in and day out. Celebrities are the center because they are walking advertisements.
In summation people have lost touch with government and unfortunately with the world that exists beyond the microcosm that is North America. Canada is not very different, as we are more-or-less a cultural assimilation of US ideals (thanks to NAFTA and the WTO).
My recommendation: Read a goddamn book!
You guys can't let that happen! We need to pass out DVD's to colleges or places where people will get a DVD and watch it on the subjects. We need to stand up for ourselves! We can't let these people control our lives! This is our land, this is our homes, these are our rights!
I am willing to fight for what I believe in. We need to unite against the tyranny! We are only as powerful as we allow ourselves to become, so spread your wings and become leaders! Spread the word!
I really wish we could establish somthing, anything just to get a nationwide awareness going for true life. Only if ron paul woulda been president, atleast somthing would change for the good.
like many have said, its so funny that people would give up so much of their freedom, just for temporary security. I would rather give up all my security for all my freedom.
Man, even if all of this stuff is true, I have been stressing WAY too much over all of this shit. Seriously, this stuff aliens and other shit have basically taken over my damn life. Ive felt so stressed and confused lately man, like my brain is on overload.
The only thing that I can do is worry less about this stuff, in the end I know that everything will be good and there is nothing to worry about. Even if my body dies and even if its the governments fault, they can never take my soul away. Good and peace will always prevail. But man, all this BS is stressing me out, why cant we all live in paradise??? Either way I gotta get on with my life, and peace to the rest of you.
I'm with ya Wetarded. I had attempted to start a coalition of just us RonPaul/truthers/patriots here from RIU in I think it was Jan..... I still have part of the list if you wanted to start this again... knowing where we all are and how to contact each other in national emergencies would be priceless- we'll need to know where like minded people are... I've seen everyone say we need to start rallying to troops... but I see no one gathering.. <sigh>