Well, either way I have to calm down with this stuff. I was living in fear, and Im not anymore so Im happy about that. I mean I have to calm down with the pointless things. I have been looking into this stuff for months now and I feel that Im very informed, however I wasnt taking the information well.
My point is...what is the point of all this stuff? I learned about a lot, but I also learned that theres really nothing I can do about it. Im thankful that I was informed though, but I have to get on with my life. I have calmed down now though, and I believe in the end everything will be good. What will happen in 2012 will be for the best. Whether its entering the soul realm through death or some other way or being able to enter other dimensions all this is very exciting. I agree that we have to do something about whats going on in the earth though, the government and the powers are not informing us of half of whats going on and they are planning very bad and chaotic things behind our back, but what can we do about it??? I tell people this stuff and they think I belong in a mental hospital, noone will take this seriously unless they see it with their own eyes and until it starts happening. Do what you can, and peace to you all.
So lets do some brainstorming! Maybe make a thread dedicated to it? Have you seen this Milf REVOLUTION March on D.C. - July 12th, 2008 - The GRAND RALLY for Feedom, Peace, and Prosperity - Ron Paul!
So there are people gathering, and I'm sure there are some potential "troops" there. Everyone going there is most likely very informed on our current events and how things are turning for the worse with our present gov't.
it's the same for me, when i tell other people. i don't just go and say "OMG THE GOVERNMENT WANTS YOU DEAD" and stuff like that. i talk to them about current issues going on and certain plans (that DO exist and are documented), yet i'm still called a conspiracy theorist.
people are dumb now, there's no hope for anybody who doesn't question things. even when there is evidence being smacked in their faces, they still sit and drool.
the problem is rising up in arms wouldnt work either.. unless we had the vast majority of americans fighting on our side, than I cant really picture a scenario where we could somehow take over by force, we'd need weapons, munitions, military strategists etc. The masses wouldnt understand what we were fighting for and as long as the gov't controls the media itd be hard to get out word out.It would just become us vs. them, and we would be resented because obviously we'd have to kill people to take over by force. It just seems unfathomable to me. Besides even if we succeeded, any gov't we put in place would soon be corrupted, and if we just sought to abolish gov't completely it would be chaos...basically our only hope is for the masses to become enlightened, and that seems pretty dismal, atleast anytime in the near future. Maybe Im just a glass is half empty kinda guy, or maybe this is just the human condition and we are destined to destroy ourselvesI wish it didn't resort to any arming... but i really doubt that. Unless 80% of the americans chnage their mind and say "hold on a god damn fucking second here... Why the fuck havn't I seen all this!? why have i been so blind! GOVERNMENT REFORM!"
Then we will have a peaceful revolution of all the assholes out of congress and then start taking controll of the media and putting strict laws on monopoly... hopfully somthing damn legit....
Using all the technology that could run this planet for free... rid famine.... rid of EVIL.
So lets do some brainstorming! Maybe make a thread dedicated to it? Have you seen this Milf REVOLUTION March on D.C. - July 12th, 2008 - The GRAND RALLY for Feedom, Peace, and Prosperity - Ron Paul!
So there are people gathering, and I'm sure there are some potential "troops" there. Everyone going there is most likely very informed on our current events and how things are turning for the worse with our present gov't.
(everyone else can skip this post if you want)
Yes, you obviously don't get me.
I read local newspapers to give me a synopsis of the events currently taking place in my surrounding neighborhood, as an alternative to local television. As a skeptic I take whatever is said in ANY media with a grain of salt (contrary to your arbitrary assumption). It was a letter in the 'comment' portion that sparked me to do some investigative research. Through research on the government of Canada website, independent newsmedia around the globe, video documentary evidence and guest speeches I discovered the information behind bill C-51. I watched the first debate of bill c-51 on CPAC and heard what government MPs' and Tony Clement had to say, and formulated said opinion.
Perhaps next time I should articulate myself a little better. However, if you are familiar with parliamentary procedure in Canada you would understand that each reading of a bill constitutes a vote in the house, and this first vote leans toward the bill passing. Short of a massive turnaround of a large number of MPs, there is no question the bill will be passed.
Now, to retort your inflammatory response:
You have a good friend in Canada who told you the bill has not passed yet. You have anecdotal evidence from someone somewhat trustworthy that lends no insight or knowledge into what bill C-51 is, its purpose or its implementation. You aren't paying any attention to the events surrounding it, be it at the local level or in government. You chastise me for reading a newspaper and in the same breath you say that you watch television for news. I choose to read newspapers because they lend a much deeper insight into what events are taking place. Newspapers have articles, television has 3-5 minute news stories and sentences summarizing entire events scrolling along the screen at the same time. You think you can pick apart the bullshit that exists by watching television?
I, unlike yourself, did much research as to the validity of the claims in that article as well as going way beyond the scope of whats being covered in traditional news media.
If you wanted to refute my statement, how about backing it up with some actual information? Instead you tried to attack my credibility with weak arguments speculating that I get said information from mainstream media sources, which is both baseless and false. Your emotional responses, which lack any information do not lend to the conversation. Your belief that too many people are 'informed' can not be further from the truth.
People may know that bill C-51 exists, but how many people know what a danger it is to public health? How many people hear about it and forget it in the same breath? How many people think it doesn't apply to them? How many people simply don't care?
I apologize if you misconstrued what I said as some kind of attack on your intelligence. The fact that you are on a marijuana growing website shows you have some distrust of the government and the elitists that run the country and their policies. The mere fact that you are involved in an internet forum shows that you enjoy communicating with others online instead of much of the other wastes of time that exist. But these simply hostile comments have no place in a meaningful conversation involving real-life issues and your lack of insight (or just not wanting to type out a long diatribe like myself) gives the impression that you lack the ability to formulate an intelligent opinion. However I would never use this as a judge of character, as you seem to have done with me, as I have never met you.
So to close, please...PLEASE do not try to insult my intelligence by insinuating that I do not read or that I do not know what I am talking about. If you knew me personally you would laugh at someone making that type of remark.
Hey calm down people, we are all supposed to be on the same side here. All humans are equal and one should never act like he/she is better or more superior than another human. Also, dont say this stuff or do this stuff just to do it(to everybody), do it for a reason, which there are many of. The best thing to do is to find the complete truth as best as you can to what is going on, and at all costs dont use the TV or the national news to do so. Once we find the total and complete truth we all can make our plans on how to get prepared for the event and how we are going to do our part and help get the word out and help everybody as best we can. If anything, the least we should do is find out for ourselves and get ourselves prepared as best we can if we dont have the chance to help anybody else out for some reason.
The main thing is that we dont want any of our people to die and suffer. From now on from what I have heard, I see the government as a sort of enemy. The enemy includes all the higher powers and people who basically run our lives. You also should know that you have nothing to fear, or at least try to not overly fear things(this is much more important to everything than just what we are talking about here), with nothing to fear none of this stuff can effect you negatively, and the people trying to do harm to you or who dont care about you cannot win if you are not in fear (terrorists, etc.). Do what you can but know in the end everything will be good (this is what I believe). I wouldnt be surprised if it does come down to WWIII/Armageddon/end of the world type of thing, but most likely 2012 is an important date because of much more drastic changes than that, we are entering a new age in human civilization and consciousness, I can almost feel it happening right now.
We have war for money, military bases, oil etc...whats that have to do with an awakening, wars have been around since the beginning of humanity and we still havent woke up yetI strongly believe that 2012 is the awakening. Many people believe that, in terms of time and our place in the universe, that 2012 is "Zero Point''. All major events that have happened up to this point create a pattern.. Which indicates that everything that happens, does for a reason, and we shouldn't fight our emotions. This is why we have war, for example. War is necessary in order to contribute to our awakening to a higher self.
You should check out some of Terrence Mckenna's work.
We have war for money, military bases, oil etc...whats that have to do with an awakening, wars have been around since the beginning of humanity and we still havent woke up yet![]()
I don't understand why most people think 2012 is the "end of life"...
2012 is the year of great change... Maybe the "end of days"... the old days which were so dark and seemed to be like life was on "auto-pilot"
2012 is going to be the day all the bibles, all the old scriptures, writings, calanders etc... point to....PEACE!!!
True peace.
(lets hope!![]()