I believe the reason LSD has slowly deteriated from society is because it fucked up hella people and everyone that dedicated their lives to it is either in a state hospital, on the street, or are still living completly normal lives, but you can tell who they are if you know what I mean*cough* *cough* >burnout<
That wasnt my main reason though, I really think its because today's youth, dont give a shit about expanding your mind or exploring the minds of others. How else would you explain the whole "Thizz times" thing? A whole generation of teens using a substance that was brought to the public for understanding between people. Not one teen I know, uses E or thizz to understand another person. They use it to either to make a party better or to just act fuckin stupid. Dont get me wrong, partying is a necessity, and so is incredible sex, but why use something that can potentially fuck you up, without attempting to have a life changing experience. Youth isnt interested in LSD anymore. So the main people who want acid are like over 20. You might ask, why does youth matter. 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14. Those make a difference in supply-and-demand.