Who monitors humidity?


Active Member
i love humidity in veg i strive for 60 - 70 all the time in flowering i slowly lower keeping humidity at 60 - 70 i found problems when dropping humidity to fast in flower in first 2 weeks by week 6 i am in the 45 -50 till harvest as for your question i have a humidifier and de-humidifier and every indoor grower should

now with outside weather could be hot out , raining , snowing, or what ever your bringing fresh air in so what ever humidity is out side your bringing inside i am guesing lots of growers are bringing in air from another room which in turn will be prob 45 humidity
i my self like fresh outside air and plants love it as well
I do not have an air intake vent only one that exhausts. The room is not completely sealed so some outside air is seaping in but I know thats not what you are talking about. lol Well I may have to look at getting a dehumidifire.... I just dont know if I can make it happen. So I am trying to plan for if I dont have one. Which I havent seen much on anything working except a dehumidifire and DampRid which I dont know if it would be strong enough for a grow room....


Active Member
Somebody lock this thread already so these guys will shut up. They've ruined the thread and now they continue to act immature.


Well-Known Member
guess what Cali. You are a bitch! think ill lose my rep? no because your a fucking liar. back up your opinions with some fact and we will talk. i believe the humidity might be different but maybe by like 5% not 50% more than whatever the meter reads. that bullshit. all im asking is for proof. why dont you put your hygrometer inside your plant and see what it reads compared to your room? take pics and proove your bs opinions.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i just tried it my plants are packed together and my hygrometer hasnt changed still reads 42% both spots. hmmmmmm. if you have good circulation its all gonna the same. in your grow area. like i said maybe plus 5% but mine isnt even that. i did just prove you wrong by the way. my meter didnt go from 42 to 84. didnt move actually. maybe you just suck at growing? i dont know sorry man.


Well-Known Member
guess what Cali. You are a bitch! think ill lose my rep? no because your a fucking liar. back up your opinions with some fact and we will talk. i believe the humidity might be different but maybe by like 5% not 50% more than whatever the meter reads. that bullshit. all im asking is for proof. why dont you put your hygrometer inside your plant and see what it reads compared to your room? take pics and proove your bs opinions.
hahaha u can't even speak properly


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i just tried it my plants are packed together and my hygrometer hasnt changed still reads 42% both spots. hmmmmmm. if you have good circulation its all gonna the same. in your grow area. like i said maybe plus 5% but mine isnt even that. i did just prove you wrong by the way. my meter didnt go from 42 to 84. didnt move actually. maybe you just suck at growing? i dont know sorry man.
its to deep for a person like u to comprehend..u can lead a horse 2water but u cant make it think lol


Active Member
Controlling humidity is really important when you live in the upper Northwest. When ferns and mushrooms are all over your yard, you know it's a damp place. Mold, bud rot, mildew..... all results of RH being too high.

Air conditioners lower humidity, so during the summer if running an AC unit you would probably be fine.... but it doesn't get that hot here, so a dehumidifier had to be part of my setup. If you live someplace already on the dry side, AC can make things too dry.


Well-Known Member
yeah ok im done arguing with you. i just proved you wrong and all you can do is talk shit. my post was informative. if anyone actually beleived your bs, i proved it wrong. i dont think you even understand, but its ok. continue posting your useless information that you cant back up. i dont care. have a nice day. im sorry to the op for wasting everyone's time arguing with this idiot. oh yeah i still have my rep by the way.


Well-Known Member
hahaha u can't even speak properly
its called typing buddy. everything you have posted has been completly useless. i think this is why you dont have any rep dude. your just an idiot. all you can do is shit talk. i was just asking for proof. all you have proved is that you are a useless waste of human life, that cant even contribute to a grow site, let alone society.


Well-Known Member
yeah ok im done arguing with you. i just proved you wrong and all you can do is talk shit. my post was informative. if anyone actually beleived your bs, i proved it wrong. i dont think you even understand, but its ok. continue posting your useless information that you cant back up. i dont care. have a nice day. im sorry to the op for wasting everyone's time arguing with this idiot. oh yeah i still have my rep by the way.
LOL u didnt prove anything..u used ur $3 thermometer not a $300 dehumidifier..most cheap meters dont read right..ur like a waste of breath..i may have over exagerated when i said it increases by 50%, its more like 25-30% and that can still cause major problems..and rep doesny mean shit TO ME obviously lol so grow up wit that BS rep talk


Well-Known Member
who in here has $300 invested to monitor humudity??? very few and outta everybody who was talking shit i bet NONE.. u probably got one of those $3 walmart ACCURITES..am i rite or am i right? thats what u have to ask yourselves cuz u may think u are but ur really not


Weed Modifier
LOL u didnt prove anything..u used ur $3 thermometer not a $300 dehumidifier..most cheap meters dont read right..ur like a waste of breath..i may have over exagerated when i said it increases by 50%, its more like 25-30% and that can still cause major problems..and rep doesny mean shit TO ME obviously lol so grow up wit that BS rep talk
Do this often? lol Dude what are you Trying to prove?
All I see is a bunch of useless bashing of RIU members!
Like... anyone who replies? Why must you continue with this Nonsense???

Take your Trolling ass somewhere else! and if you want to reply to me ...do it in my thread!...any one in the links below as I don't wanna see you posting in this thread anymore!


Well-Known Member
i never go online period, i havent even had internet for like 3months u would probably kill yourself if u didnt have it for a day.. and im pretty sure your trolling right now...ur just bashing me online making me defend myself so by definition YOUR TROLLING..i gave advice u just ran ur mouth..if u want go ahead and PM and we'll see whats up if u live in norcal id meet up wit u anytime


Rebel From The North
who in here has $300 invested to monitor humudity??? very few and outta everybody who was talking shit i bet NONE.. u probably got one of those $3 walmart ACCURITES..am i rite or am i right? thats what u have to ask yourselves cuz u may think u are but ur really not
I run a sunleave hum/temp guage 50$ and a cap hum/temp controller $200 a dehumidifier $150 and a humidifier $90 so Id say I take RH very serius!!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Honestly I never check humidity or ph. I only have 5 grows under my belt. 2-3 plants at a time. They have all been flawless grows. Lucky? I suppose.

I do keep a close eye on the temps though.

They certainly were not flawless,there's no way you can grow a plant to it's potential without monitoring PH.


Rebel From The North
I use a sunleave meter and the dehumidifier is digital and does tell the RH, but on top of all that the cap inviorment controll box is tripple controll.
Ive never disputed the RH being higher inside the folage! in fact ive pulled a set of fan leaves that were resting on another one and there was alot
of moisture droplets.