Who Murdered Ivana

Hmmmm, death from blunt force trauma? Really?

It sure seems odd that she happened to die right when Trump was at his lowest.

I hear Ivanka had started to cooperate with the DOJ.

A lot of people are saying that Trump had her killed.
Same person as Epstien. Go figure.
My pessimism makes it hard to say anything remotely reasonable on that topic. Same as a bunch of people in the trades being like "fuck a union, I make 50 an hour, what did they ever do for me...libtard" it's a bunch of people who's lives depend on a benefit that they actively vote against.

They should probably buy some robot insurance from me, better use of their assets. I can call it freedom insurance if that helps. Maybe reverse mortgage the farm to pay for it. They say you can't take it with you folks...well that's a lie, you can, pass this exclusive deal on to your kids and grandkids and they too can get in on this amazing deal.

Just start your own Bitcoin.
She swore to it under oath. When it was brought up more recently she confirmed saying it when deposed but there was “no merit” and she didn’t want it to be interpreted in a “criminal” way. The morning after the rape Donald asked her “did it hurt?”. It was part of the divorce settlement. Here’s 14mil, now shut up.

It was Marriage Rape v. Criminal Rape.
Hmmmm, death from blunt force trauma? Really?

It sure seems odd that she happened to die right when Trump was at his lowest.

I hear Ivanka had started to cooperate with the DOJ.

A lot of people are saying that Trump had her killed.
I knew blueanon was gonna be lit and here we are.
All jokes aside, I do find it oddly satisfying that these wealthy folks have such grandeur staircases to plummet to their deaths on. It makes it feel like its not such a waste of luxury for mere egress alone. I mean...do you really want to break your neck on cheap domestic hardwoods, or do you want shatter your pelvis on rare imported Italian marbles? I think the choice is obvious.